
This Shield is Offical

The Lasombra are the chief clan of the Sabbat. They are fallen lords that have given themselves fully to their dark sides. However unlike the Tzzimisce they dont generally seek to reject all things mortal infact they rather shape them to their own ends. It is the Lasombra who founded the Christian Church and used it to their aims especially the twisting of the Christian Doctrine. The Lasombra fight the Jyhad proudly and firmly believe their clan will win it. Amoungst kindred society the Lasombra are nicknamed "Keepers". Thou Traditionally the Lasombra are the ruling clan of the Sabbat a very few are in the Camarilla and those that are support the Camarilla with a great staunchness. In appearance the Lasombra appear either of Spanish or Italian stock and are very much like the Ventrue in clothing appearance. Usually their havens are communal with many Lasombra living in the same haven. Lasombra can come from any background but is usually professional. Players of this Clan should favor social and mental attributes.

Disciplines: Dominate,Obtenebration,Potence

When mortals speak of vampires not casting reflection in mirrors they are speaking of the Lasombra for they dont cast any reflection nor will they show up on photographs etc. also an Lasombra caught out in daylight will take an extra level of damage from sunlight. Organizational structure is formal and open amoungst the Lasombra Clan with respect given to elders but no guidance given to its younger members. There are many Bloodline offshoots of this clan.