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Legault's Castle 2003

Who is this creature of darkness who calls himself Lord of the Vampires? Welcome to Legault's 2nd Annual Castle of Horror 2003!

This year's haunted attraction was even bigger and better than last year. Together we raised $1,100 for the United Way, surpassing our goal of $1000.

Grisly ghouls and ghastly monstrosities haunted the halls of the castle, spreading terror wherever they wandered. Vampires stalked the night, and werewolves rattled the cages of their prisons, hungry for blood!

By the third night of our haunted attraction, rumor had it that we had the scariest haunted house in town!

Images and Articles copyright by
Legault the Vampire 2003 and should not be
copied or duplicated without permission.

Disclaimer: Many gifs and background images on this site were not created by the owner of Legault's Castle of Horror. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images on any of my web pages which you recognize as copyrighted, please email me immediately so that they may be removed.