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  :: Welcome to Dark Haven's Damian CLairmont

Welcome to my new, and updated site.

Well now that I got my new sit up I can start working on other things on here. I hope you like this new layout, cause I ain't changin it... *sticks out tongue* so there... hehe.

  "New Shit" on Date (April-07-03)
Ok so I got my new front page up now, you gotta excuse my latest Matrix obsession, but fuck, it's my page so who cares. And yeah I went a bit crazy... Ah well. Visit the links, and for heaven's sake... Over 9000 people visit my site... SIGN THE FUCKING GUESTBOOK!!!

  "For My Dark Haven brothers and sisters: " written by: Webmaster on 5.7.03
Ok, Yes my site has be redesigned and yes I'm using Dark Haven's sister site to do it on. But don't worry, Dark Haven is under construction, it will be back up soon. So to my Dark Haven family, blessed be, and kisses... I am getting your home back, slowly.
  "For all those new to the site: " written by: Damian on 5.8.03
For all those who haven't been here before, I am Damian Clairmont and this is my site. I'm a Goth, and this site is telling about me, and my lifestyle. For those from I am posting more stories soon, so please be patient. And for my brothers and sisters from Dark Haven, you should already know. Please feel free to check out the links, and everything on the left side of the page. Thanks a bunch, and please sign my guestbook. Ty and ciao ciao.
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Some shit about me.
Name: Damian Clairmont
Age: 21
Sex: Male
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