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~Symone Darkrose Draven~

Symone Darkrose Draven was born in the year 1889 in the southern most part of Romania. Symone's mother, Luciana Darkrose, was a restless gypsy who practiced sorcery and necromancy. The familia name of Darkrose was inherited on her mother's side of ancestory. Darkrose being from a long lineage of gypsy blood about Romania.

Upon the travel of the Darkrose caravan Symone's mother met a man by the name of Byron Le'Troy. An odd man everyone thought because of his habits and appearance. Byron was a very tall, dark and mysterious man who fancied Luciana right away. They courted several months in the gypsy tradition and soon left together upon the 3rd full moon of courtship.

During their time spent alone with what seemed like endless conversation, Luciana discovered a dark secret about Byron. Bryron was from an ancestory of vampires. He himself...parented by Vampires. Explaining everything to Luciana, Byron was ceratin that she too would all the others had before her. Accepting Byron, Luciana agreed to do the only thing that she could do, join him. Soon thereafter she accepted the "dark kiss" from Byron and began her walk within the shadows.

Symone was born just two years after the joining of Luciana and Byron. The daughter of the Darkrose and Le'Troy familias, she inherited traits from both sides. Keeping the Darkrose name as most of the women in that familia did, she ventured out to find her place in the world. Traveling about her journeys were eventful and always adventurous. A magical creature she was...

Today Symone Darkrose has made her way into the Draven Familia. Taking homeage there within the walls of the Zombie Castle and finding her place within the familia. Most recently she was given admission into the Dravens and accepted her crests and dagger with much pride.

The restless gypsy Symone Draven has finally found her home.

Symone Darkrose Draven Stats
Full Name: Symone Darkrose Draven
Rank within the Dravens: None
Marital Status: Single
Age: 116 years with the eternal appearance of 23
Origin of Species: Vampyre/Sorceress
Height: 5"5
Weight: 105 lbs.
Hair: Darkest auburn
Eyes: Azure/onyx
Talents: Elemental magic, sorcery and divination. Spurts of telepathy and familiar communication. Can hold her own on the battlefield and uses twin obsidian daggers or hand to hand in defense.
Familiars: Black kitten named "Ebony" and a raven named "Shrew".