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The Vast Realm Of Complete Nothingness and Boredom

Well, a little about myself, I get incredebly bored all the time, so I created this webpage to share my boredom with all of you beautiful people. My name is Jessica, I write a lot in my spare time, I am known as an Anarchist or just anti-government, and I give a lot of advise to tons of people. I have created a link to an advise page, which is merely going to be the email correspodences between you and me, only if you would like them to be posted...only to help other s tho, never for embarassment. If you have a problem, just email me with a FULLY DETAILED problems. Everyone i have served has been pleased and happy with my services, and I love to help, something tto keep me from being bored. My friendz are all pretty weird....they are just check out their pages, and well have fun wondering through the world of boredom!!!!!!!

What is on this page, well here you go you can find out

Go to.....

Poems and Original Stories
The Kill All Hate Page!
Sedition, Anti-Government feelings, and more....
