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Story of the Wannabe

by Set and Gozata (c)Black Dragon

You think you're a hot shot..bitch.
Not by a long shot...bitch. (drum solo)
What the hell is up with you?
Watch your back
Cuz revenge is sweet.

You when you're drunk..
You wanna be punk.
You're an insult to skaters everywhere

Leave me alone!

Stop following me
stop copying me
(stop calling me!)



By Set (c)Black Dragon

Sometimes I wish
I was one of those people
who are happy all the time.
Sometimes I wish this life wasn't mine.
Sometimes I wish I could cry.
Sometimes I wish I could die.
Sometimes I wish my life wasn't mine.
Sometimes I wish
Sometimes I wish my life could be better.
Sometimes I wish my I could cry.
Sometimes I wish this life wasn't mine.


By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Sometimes I think my head is out to get me
I can't shut off the neverending thoughts
Just when I think I've conquered them
A new one pops up to say "Whaaaaaazup?!"
It seems the more I try to shut them up
Them damn things talk more
So I bash my head against a wall
Maybe that'll shut em up for a while

My mind has a mind of its own
All these voices inside me
Talking and shouting and screaming
SHUT UP YOU VOICES! I can't take you anymore!

The wall didn't work, they're loud as ever
I can't hear you, I can't hear anything but them
How the hell did I get so many personalities?
Why can't I just be me?
The one that sparked this insecurity in myself
The one that I wanted to please
Shoved these voices in my face and drilled them into my brain
Sorry I wasn't good enough for you


Of all the voices why did I get these?
They're so damn annoying
I don't really care about football or cheese
The stupid things that fly out of my mouth
Well I guess I'll just have to blame it on them
I don't think there's a single intelligent one
Floating around there somewhere
I think they're starting to eat away at my mind
I hope they eat you next


By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Why do I hurt
When I've tried so hard to heal
Why is this pain
So much it seems unreal
Why do I remember
What I've tried so hard to forget
Why do I hurt myself once more
When I know it will be a regret

Chorus: These scars will not heal
The pain, the hate, and the fear
Burn scars into my soul
In my heart there's a permanent hole

Why can't I just let go
Of all I can't stand to remember
Why do I let it haunt me this long
For the years pass - January to December
Why is there so much hatred
For those I've tried to forgive
Why is it the hardest to forgive
Is me - with myself I cannot live


Lightning Strikes

By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Will you continue to hurt
When it's all gone
Nothing left to destroy
Just leave the bitter pain
That belongs to me

Chorus: All that I've wanted
You've taken away
And all that I despise
Is all that remains

You struck like lightning
Leaving naught but crimson ashes
Tell the ashes to become once more
Then tell me to be happy


Rolling thunders at my dawn
Promising all that I don't want
Because with thunder comes the lightning
That promises to strike down again
And kills me slowly, painfully.

Hey You

By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Inferno: Well last week I met this girl..she was pretty, seemed nice enough, so I went up and asked her out. She said sure, now if THAT wasn't the biggest mistake of my life..
Let me tell you a story
About my psycho girlfriend
One day she loves me, the next she hates
But I just say:

Hey you, I love you too,
Hey you, fuck you too
Stay here, leave me
DAMN, girls are so confusing

Set: -rolls eyes at Inferno- You think GIRLS are confusing? You haven't heard anything about MY guyfriends..
Gozata: Set? I'm you're only guyfriend.
Set: So? Anyways, I was hanging around with some of them yesterday and they were being jerks like usual, but they're guys, you have to forgive them for being stupid so I said:

Hey, you, love you too,
Hey, you, fuck you too
Stay here, leave me
Damn, guys are so confusing

Gozata: You guys haven't heard anything about my SISTER yet..when she got turned into a draik she went all crazy on me, the damn thing turned into a prep, but she's still a relative, so I tell her:

Hey, you, love you too,
Hey, you, fuck you too
Stay here, leave me
Damn, girls are so confusing

-Insert Koto's solo here-

Hey, you, love you too,
Hey, you, fuck you too
Stay here, leave me
Damn, guys are so confusing

Little White Lie

By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

How hard will it hit
Like a boulder falling off a cliff
Pure devastation to the valley below
The cause of the effect of a curious doe

How strong with the wind blow
When the storm hits home
Leaving destruction in it's path
The cause of the effect of the butterfly's wing flap

When does the desert dry
When the river dissolves
And never returns
The cuase of the effect of nearby mountains

See how such insignificant things
Have such a big effect
So such as your little white lie
Will come back and smack you in the head

Tell Me

By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Tell me why you follow me
Tell me why you ignore me
Tell me why you won't shut up
Tell me why you won't speak up
Tell me why you stare off into space
Tell me why you think I'm a disgrace
Tell me why you talk behind my back
Tell me what it is you think I lack
Tell me what I can do to make you hate me more
Tell me when I can slam your door
Tell me why you keep me here
You obviously hate me, the fact is so clear
Tell me why you enjoy this torture
If I stay any longer I'll make your life hell
Tell me why you won't let me go
Tell me you don't care anymore
Tell me this is over
Tell me I can get on with my life


By Gozata (c)Black Dragon

Why is all that I see
Is all your lies and deciet
I'm sick of your empty promises
And the way you break your word
Maybe you never learned how
Or just don't care
It doesn't matter
I'm so tired of your tact
It's about time I fought back

You're such a liar(repeat 2x)

How could you tell me to trust you
I just know you too well
You're a bitter, self-absorbed bitch
You disgust me
I'm so tired of your tact
It's about time I fought back
