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I guess u wanna know something about me...right? Well O.k. I'll tell u a lil about myself then. My name is Britenay...I'm 15...5'9"...long blonde eyes. I'm in the marching band...yes I said marching band...I play tuba...and most of the section is gothic...which is great...were all really close...and I'm in ROTC...I was Honor and Distinguished cadet...ROTC is my life and I take it very if u don't want to die...don't talk shit about will cost u dearly. I don't drink, smoke, I don't do drugs. I think they r a total waste of offense to anybody who's ur what the hell u want to w/it. I just refuse to let mine go to waste over a simple pleasure...that really isn't that great. I love goths...they r the most amazing people alive...the norms...who cares about them? They all dress the same...gurls...blonde hair pink cloths...guys khakis and striped polo shirts...whoopie. Goths r true individuals...they know exactly how they want to dress...and they don't need some super model to set a new trend...goth r who they r. I am a goth if u haven't noticed already...and I'm not a poser Amanda. :P

My wicked friends.

This is where I will put pics of my friends when I get some.

My pictures...yes of me.

Yeah who doesn't think they look sexy hot?? Well...if u don't like to look at urself...look at me...I think I'm pretty good lookin myself...of course...u'll have to wait until I get some pics...just got my cam workin again...and haven't really had time to use it.

Band and ROTC

Band and ROTC r my life...I don't know what I would do w/out them. So I'll post pics of band and ROTC here. I might put poems here...if I ever decide to write whats going on in my head down on a peice of paper so that I don't forget it.