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Meow.*cough, cough*...MENTAL ISSUES!
Tripp, from Static-X rox my sox!!! He's a sexy beast! hehe.
See what I mean?! Lester knows all! WOOT! Clargen Schmifflin, Do you want your lifetime supply of leeks and portrait of a giant two toed sloth yet? How about we just talk about Sliced pineapple?? meow....screaming potato! Look out theres a potato coming at your hea-CLUNK! Mommy, stop throwing potatoes! MENTAL ISSUES! meowz....."BIG TOE! BIG PAIN!"-Marc.....meow. Tripp...he gets hotter by the second!
Finger Eleven is one of my favorite bands...I love them. They rule. I think they smell purtie *sniffle* I am obsessed with their CD's, because they are orgasmic... meow! My favorite is every single one on their cd. I of course love greyest of blue skies better than the new one!

INCUBUS IS MY old FAVORITE BAND! I love them SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!! Given I hate ALL their new music, but still, their OLDE SHIZNIT is orgasmic. I love Enjoy Incubus and Science, Make Yourself is alright, but Morning View and A Crow Left of Murder sucks BIG TIME!! I cried when I put em in my CD player because I was so dissapointed! And when Brandon cut off his dreads, I cried! I hated Jo and Ginger! Joe Jamsky, haha. Kurt, keep your hands off my cow! And what is Steve singing Happy Birthday to now?? hahaha
I love all Powerman 5000's shtuffs...oh, how splendoriffic!
Im sorry I have had a crush on Dave Foley since KIDS IN THE HALL!!! Sucks they took it off the air. THOSE BASSTIDDS!

Craig Kilborn is hottt
I got just 3 things to say: INFLATABLE PARTY SHEEP!
the only thing sexier than an inflatable party sheep is a moldy fishstick!! :)
This movie is my favorite movie! I know every line to the movie, and I know every word to every song!!! Christian Bale, pre American Psycho...

Clue is my second favorite movie. I know every line to it too. I know, I have too much free time! geh...

meow. well, uh, this is my life. Writing, singing, pimpin' myself... :) heh...Yep, tho. I am a girl from New York, Long Island, to be exact, where I hate every moment of it. I hate the cold. I LOVE HEAT! I like swiming, traveling, ice cream, and Taco f*ckin' Bell! I hate emo music, U2, Phil Collins, Depeche Mode, and mean people. I also hate pain, which I know all too well. haha. I suck at math, I have big feet, and I cant harmonize with Brandon on "The Warmth". I have my kittens, my shkleyys, oshkkas, shkleyybeyydays, gleyeshkkahs, flieshkkahs, meeshmeeshs, and their names are Tiger Lilie and Corpral Punishment. I love them SO much. I am acually obsessed with them. I like to nibble on them! (teehee) I hope to someday major in both creative writing and proffesional writing at a university, who knows which one??.
John Lewis; thank you, I love you! HOOBASTANK: THE REASON <3
"die die die die die papa breasty! DIE!" -drake
(Did I get my point across?!)....(I wish death upon your grass) Otters and mud. They're naked, naked otters! YAY! (lol, old shit>>>)Marc, IT DOESNT HAPPEN TO ALOT OF GUYS!! I hate you and all four of your inches! Plus the one I bit off! I hope images of your mother pop in your head every time you f*ck Gillian! hahahaha ....Armadyllo for life! Ferrets...chicken penis...west side.......Crack Account carts in center moriches.. ..$1.07....Larry, Drake says your balls are small! YOU SUCK!........."eheh UHnnnn"-Drake who licks cd cases!...Drake, my love!....Purple hippo..........Mario you're a cart! I'll Mario your cart!.....teehee..."Penis ruins the party!"...."SQUIRREL!"...."Can I have a medium CHEPSI?"....."Look Ava! Im gonna scare the cat!" CRASH!!!....whole in the bathroom wall...montana.....I LOVE YELLOW!..bisquette....Mostachio....."HE's still licking his balls from the last battle!"......."Death:It's the way to go!"...*Sniffle*.....elephant juice......JOE JAMSKY....At the moment of my birth I was naked screaming for breast milk but what did they do? Spank me and teach me deep throating techniques for the future with hopes and dreams of one day becoming the whore the monkies wanted me to be!..headcase with issues...Dezi, Double D team! Sponge!!! Goddam, we broke that couch. Hey! Those are MY pants you just pissed! mAKE ME CLEAN! i WANT, i NEED! pILLOW FIGHT ( A LITTLE BOYS DREAM) NAKED ON MY MOMS BED!! My eyes worse so shut up!@ oooooh, pookachu! grrow, he is sexy!! hehe I love you my hott lesbian lover!!!lol.....Johnny, im sowwy and i always will be. Youre my babes, my Loving. I LOVE YOU LIKE A SHKKLEY!..."Crack monkies and evil baby eating squirrels dance in my head!"-Drake....John, remember that Mikey is a fruit rolling around your back seat! Shout out to all my friends (you know who you are) and to all those who treat me bad: YOU SUCK! I smell purtier than you!! HAHAHA! SO NANANANANANANA!
