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My Poetry

Poem Number 1

Strung along that's all I am

They pretend they love me

But really don't give a damn

I cared for them, I gave my soul

And for that I must pay the toll

There was something there but it was fake

I fell for it and made my mistake

He played me for a fool

I thought he was cool

I can move now though becuase I don't need him

I can move on now I know what I gotta do

Beware in the dead of night

For then, I will come into his dreams

And he will see the light

He will realise that he was a jerk

Learn that this just won't work

By then it'll all be too late

He's alread decided his fate

The second he put out the bate

Too late to get on track

All he can do is watch his back

Poem Number 2

Why do I only fall for the ones

that'll only hurt me, burn me and make me cry

I've felt love but it turned around

became evil and made me wanna die

Everything they said and

everything they did was just one big lie

But now that I am gone I can't ever come back

Poem Number 3

this poem is deticated to 9/11

We felt the pain of knowing

We felt the pain of seeing

We felt the pain of knowing

We felt the pain of our family and friends going

But we won’t give up

We won’t forget

We will love, cherish and remember them

We will pray, mourn and cry for them

But we will never forget them

If we stick together

If we stay together

They will never be forgotten

Because in our hearts they will remain

Forever living with us

Forever giving us the hope and courage

So today we do not say goodbye

We say we will remember

Poem Number 4

Deep inside there is a jar

A very special jar

A jar that contains things that cannot be let out

Feelings get trapped in that jar and

Feelings that will hopefully never come out

But that jar has a crack

That crack grows with every word that is said

One day the jar will burst

Who knows what will happen when it does

Maybe people will get hurt

Maybe feelings will be changed

But it will all be becuase of a crack in a jar

Poem Number 5

You don't know that when you tease me

It hurts

You don't know that when you yell at me

It hurts

And just becuase you whipe away the tears

It doesn't mean the wounds have been healed

Becuase every time you say those things I am scarred

Scars last forever, they don't go away

So now you can be reminded of the pain you caused

Every time you look at me

You will see the pain and suffering that YOU caused!!

Poem Number 6

How can I love some one that hurts me so much

Makes me want to cry with every touch

Brings saddness and such

He says I'm the only one

That I'm the light to his sun

But when his friends are there

I'm nothing but air

Just that thing to satisfy his needs

And every time he does these things

My heart just bleeds

Knowing I'm nothing more then his toy that is used

When he needs joy

But pushed aside when he has others

I've lied to every one for him

Pretended like nothing was wrong

Pretended like I was happy

But NOT anymore

No longer will I be the air nor the toy

I will be more, I will get the joy

Becuase love can't exist when one side is feeling tortured

While the other gets the luxury

And I guess if he dissagrees.....

It was never ment to be

I really appreciate all the websites that I got my pictures from


n/a n/a

blogs4Godformerly Martin Roth's "Semi-Definitive List of Christian Blogs" May 29, 2003 archives/poppies.jpg

media speed bumb original art 05/13/1999 OriginalArt.html

the sketch book other/art-page01.html

minnesota public radio, n/a libretto/03-04.htm

Gallery of Mary Beth Heatherly 2000 html/gallery14.html
