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<center>\:::Arson With A Guilty Consious:::/<center/>

Arson With A Guilty Consious
||| Pictures ||| Bio ||| Concert Dates ||| Contact ||| Album |||
We are called Arson With A Guilty Consious. We thought of the name because well first of all Livewire was not a good name and well Black Sunrise was taken by a Portuguese death metal band and Fear Of Fear Itself is a little to cliche.

Some of our songs have to do with biblical scriptures and refrences. Not all of our lyrics are about religion, many of them are about struggles in life, and some reflect our own life.

Arson With A Guilty Consious is a Hardcore band. Because our lyrics have a message,so most of our music contains screaming mainly to get a point across... thats right I said it.

The name of the album in process and right now we are thinking of an album name.

So this is our band, Arson With A Guilty Consious, and we thank all those who have supported us and helped us achieve what we have so far.

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