Delta and Tango, bringing you this kick ass site designed to rag on the one true bitch- Bravo Bravoberry. He/She/It has been bringing far too much gayness to the Catholic School we treasure so much. So we feel that it is our duty to service her with a proverbial 'taste of her own medicine.' Feast your eyes upon a site dedicated to Bravo's downfall. WE WILL SOON BE MAKING AN UGLY PHOTO PAGE, IF YOU HAVE ANY UGLY PHOTOS, PLEASE SEND THEM TO OUR EMAIL BELOW- D+T

Gayest Things About Bravo

Stuff on this site:

Tango's traumatic sayings, moments and encounters
Delta's information, rantings, and other killer stuff
Tango's Little Shit Kitchen
Taxation Without Representation?: Shove It

Email: tango_delta32@hotmail.com