| Date: 1/7 | Place: Arena| Roleplay #: One | Event: Slam | Event #: Slam |

Next Match: PPV Record:
v. 3 Jackasses 4-0-0
Last Match: Event Record:
v. Shawn Michales 08-04-01

| Complete Record: 029-06-02 | Achievements: Click Here | Mentioned: All In Match |


Thriple H Meets With the GM !


W M E : 2002 Year Of The Game - 2003 Year of the Hemsley - McMahon


Prologue -

The Game Enters Into a natural reality that he has no had in his world in a while . The Game meet up with an old Flame ... Not just any Flame The Flame that has not yet died in the Games Heart ... The one woman that makes all things happen and her name is Stephanie McMahon . She came to Slam and met up with Triple H and they had a talk , triple H seemed not to glad to see her ,but he went and had the talk . Stephanie showed up cause she is the New GM of Slam , that means one thing ..... another McMahon over Slam . But With Stephanie Taking an interest in the Game that means There is good Signs in the Future for the Game and Stephanie . The game has been on a Suspension and Stephanie taking it upon herself to lift the suspension from the Game , She took the law in her hands right there . Now The Game Has right to be back on Slam . With that Right he is in a match with The man he defends his title against at The Royal Rumble . Brock Leasner and Triple H must be on a team for one night ... not making any promises that The Game won’t kick his ass then and there but Who Knows about Slam Cause it Is live and Uncut .

- Prologue

- Fade up Wrestle Mania Entertainment Logo -

- Scene open up into a Limo and Slam has just went off the Air , and things went off the hook on Slam , Triple H giving Shawn Michaels a Pedigree through the table and Brock Giving Scott Steiner an F - 5 , All hell Broke lose , Triple H and Stephanie Loved every Minute of it , With her Backing The Game up there is no telling what is going to happen . Triple H and Stephanie left The Arena around 10 pm and they are going out to Celebrate on the ass kicking they gave Shawn Michaels .


« the game » - Hell Yeah ..... Being back on Slam is got to best the best thrill of my life , And with you there it makes it Even Better . I am Glad you came back to Slam and with me and you back as one .. the Hemsly - McMahon Era will start all over . I loved the look on there face when they say me come out and kicked Shawn Michaels ass again , goes to show all there asses that They don’t want to play The Game .

« daddy’s little girl » - Hunter baby ..... I know just how you feel . Me coming to Slam may be the best move I have ever made coming to be with you on slam is great ... being on Smack down was boring and I missed you so Much .... Hunter Did you miss me ?

« the game » - Only every day , Being here on Slam without you is like being me without this Belt - Points at his title - I mean it just isn’t like me . I missed you all the time , I was feeling empty without you Steph . I mean when I won this Title I had no one to Turn to and thank for being behind me , You missed me winning this title at No Mercy , you missed me doing everything here . Now that is going to change cause your here now and that is all that matters . You came to Slam for me and now we will rule this damn company just like before .

« daddy’s little girl » - I Know ... I missed a lot but now I’m here and with me on your side you know how I do it . Missing you win that title was bad for me cause I really wanted to come out there and Support you but I was Smack Down and you were Slam and you know They just don’t work out great . But At Survivor Series when you won the battle between Slam and Smackdown I was over joyed cause I knew that you had it won , When you beat vampiro that night and Slam became the Number one show I knew that I was coming to Slam cause , I am Stephanie I am only with the best , that is why I am with you .

« the game » - You dam right .... When I beat that freak and that damn ref raised my hand I knew that Slam was the best cause of me not cause of them other losers on my team , If It had been up to me I’d beat all there asses by my self cause I am The game , I don’t like playing with others .. I am a one man gang but now since your here , I am a one man with a woman alliance . I wonder how Shawn Likes how I rearranged his face tonight when his ass went down to a pedigree . I swear that guy dose not know when to call it quits .

« daddy’s little girl » - Hunter Tonight was a good night .... It started out rocky with our little mishap and all but as the night progressed we got to come to a little understanding and I’m Glad we did .

« the game » - Yeah I thought I would be sitting in the back again watching Slam consist of there little 3.5 rating cause without the Game it is not even worth Watching . Since I been off and been on suspension I have had nothing to do , sit at home and wait by that damn phone and wait for Someone to call and tell me Slam needed me back . I sat thee day after day and no one , and then I walk in and see your cell over the caller I D and I had little hope that It was you that was going to Call me to come back , After all you was on Smack Down and everything . I thought You had called to tell me you wanted my car o something in the Divorce ... but no you wanted me back on Slam and you came up with this maser plan just to get me back on Slam . After Ric Flair turned his back on me and ditched me for that freak Brock leasner , I thought I could never trust again ..... but now that your back It has changed . So yeah I’m glad we had this little talk .... how about we go to that new place over on 3rd Street it’s a new Club and I Need to relax I’m All tense now ..

« daddy’s little girl » - Oh Hunter any thing for you baby let me page the driver . - Hits Page Button -

- Driver - you rang ?

« daddy’s little girl » - we need to get on a move to that new club on 3rd street and your driving like a bitch so move it .

- Driver - Yes Master .

« daddy’s little girl » - Great now me and you will be sitting in that club in a few minutes just you and me .... and and the dance floor .

« the game » - I don’t dance Steph .

« daddy’s little girl » - Ok ... so I guess we will sit there an watch people dance .

- Scene Cut to the out side of the club and it is a busy night there -

« daddy’s little girl » - Great it seems like where here .. Hunter

« the game » - Great ..... I’m Starving my ass off now .

« daddy’s little girl » - Ok let’s go , - Door opens People are every where cameras are all over the Place - Ok now watch for on coming Fans .

« the game » - Yeah I almost forgot about my fans cause there my last Priority .

- Fan 1 - Hey Hunter can I get your Autograph ?

« the game » - Can you get an Autograph ? well ask yourself one question .... do you got any money ....

- Fan 1 - no but I was thinking ....

« the game » - that is just it kid you think to much now get the hell out of my way . I need something to eat steph where is the entrance ?

« daddy’s little girl » - Over there I guess .... Here it is let’s go .

« the game » - Finally .... now let’s hope we get a damn table there are so many damn people here .

- Entrance waiter - Hello welcome to the all new Club ....

« the game » - Yeah , Yeah ... we seen the name out there on the damn sign less talk and more giving us a damn table ... let’s go Fred ... were not here to talk eat that is what we are here for .

- Entrance waiter - Yes .. right this way ..... Here we are table 4 one of our best ...

« the game » - Yeah ok Hobble your ass on in there and send us a waiter that actually ask us if we want dinner .

« daddy’s little girl » - Yeah do what the man says Bitch .

« the game » - Damn Tonight I came back and showed that son of a bitch Shawn Michaels how I play . His ass thinks he can talk about the game and get away with it ... well I say a Big hell no to that cause I don’t like people running there mouths off about me my relations or my career .

« daddy’s little girl » - He will never learn Hunter he is just like a McMahon Hard Headed ..... but Not like me I am a Hemsley - McMahon . Shawn is just like Ric Flair and he is just like My Dad they never know when to give it up .

« the game » - Tell me about it ... I am the beat damn thing Slam has got and still the are giving away title shots to Losers like Brock Leasner and Scott Steiner . I made Slam what it is today and all i get is this Title and a fat raise . .. I swear if it is not some damn idiot on slam getting a push it’s people like Shawn Michaels that are , He has been in wrestling for like ever and he still thinks he can compete with the big boys . Well I showed him tonight that he can’t and he never will .

« daddy’s little girl » - Hold on Hunter I am getting a call .... Hello ..... Is that right ....... well Tell Ric to get ready cause it’s time to Play the Game .

« the game » - what the hell was that about ?

« daddy’s little girl » - Just David calling to tell me the main event for next weeks Slam ....

« the game » - I bet it involves me cause I am That Damn Good ...

« daddy’s little girl » - well Hunter it dose ... He said it was you and Brock ....

« the game » - WHAT!? me vs. Brock ....

« daddy’s little girl » - let me finish .... you and Brock and Rikishi go up against Shawn and Matt Hardy and Scott Steiner ..

« the game » - Is that right .... well that is just great .. what the hell is this all about Shawn Michaels is in the match what the hell for ? hell I am about sick and tired week in and week out them putting me against them stupid losers every damn week steph .... I am about ready to give it up

« daddy’s little girl » - l don’t worry baby I am here now I will have that match changed and have Shawn Michaels Fired ....

« the game » - well steph you do that , cause I don’t think W M E can bare with the pain I will inflict . Week in and week out I watched his stupid ass on here thinking he was the Show Stoppa and thinking he was in but really his ass was out , out of date , out of Focus and out of tone . And next week I will prove that to his ass for good when I retire his ass . Yeah you heard me , I am going to take one of W m E ‘s cash crops and break his ass into . When I do that then his ass will stay home and watch my ass take over T.V and take over this Damn Company . His ass has pissed me off so bad I think My Blood Pressure has Rose .... This has gotten me to angry to eat , Vince has once again put another member in harms way . Shawn Michaels will no longer be know as the Show Stoppa .... but now he will be known as The Show Started cause when his ass comes off his back injury he will get he will be opening for Heat cause his ass will no longer be fit to work for Slam . And you can take that shit to the bank , I am not hungry no more lets get out of here .....

« daddy’s little girl » - ok ... what ever you say .