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welcome // to my Alice tribute page, which I like to call Beware Rising Dark. All this evil and horror isn't really my style, but Walice seems to like it, so I'm not complaining....



...Alright, I'm complaining. It's ugly, it's hard to read, it's <shudder> yellow and black, it's embossed, and it features moths and Setsuna-chan. I am unimpressed. BUT my duty is to make Walice happy, evenif it means sacrificing my own joy <tragic sigh>. I am the original Senshi of Sacrifice, you know.

Why am I making a tribute page for Walice, you ask? Well, as you can see, it really has nothing to do with Alice - even on a page dedicated to somebody else, I manage to make it all about me. But, all that aside, the purpose of this page is to aleviate my current boredom. I've also made an Ally tribute page, which you can access from Bonnie Central. The Ally tribute contains info about Ally. And so it follows that my Walice page should have info about Walice. Yes, yes, I'm coming to that. All in good time.

1) She Is: My friend from school. I'd say my good friend, but putting 'Alice' and 'good' in the same sentence just isn't a wise idea.

2) She Shops: At Beach Without Sand and Surf General

3) She Uses: VO5 Advance Shampoo

4) She Wants: A black BMW, green eyes, better hearing, greater height.

5) She Likes: Black, blood red, silver more than gold, the number 86, vegetarian canneloni, science, english, music, tigers, black panthers, anything sinister.

6) She Thinks: Really? I'll buy her a card to commemorate the occassion.

7) She Believes: Evil is good

8) She Talks: Loudly

9) She Eats; Slowly

10) She Writes: Well

11) She Draws: You know what I'm gonna involves legs and their shortness - or lack thereof.

12) She Listens To: Stinkin' Linkin'

14) She's Good At: Writing stuff, drawing legless stuff, swimming places, inventing obnoxious characters, appeasing Gwyn, twisting nursery rhymes - "Twinkle twinkle Seeker star, don't you wonder where you are? Up above the rocks so high, feet are dangling in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, Seeker star, now do you know where we are?."

15) She Sucks At: Acting sinister, drawing legs in proportion.

13) She'd Better: Like this site or else.