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Who are The SEVEN?



The seven are a group with an as yet unknown purpose. God is putting us together as we speak. He gave me a vision in 2000 one night of seven people whom he will use me with to further his kingdom. So far he has revealed 3 members, We believe that the seven are part of a larger end time army,formed from an out pouring of the Holy Spirit in the End Times. We are no better than other Christians. In fact i believe God has a unique plan for every christian. I also think that God will put everyone (the rest of the seven) together in Due time. As of now i think the team will be complete before too long. Right now i want to encourage you all to seek your calling from God. He has a special purpose for all Christians. As I was in Alaska God taught me the value of his Joy through suffering. He also showed me what real friends are like. They never turn their backs on you. Next stop Jacksonville Florida to do a Youth with a mission (YWAM) Discipleship Training School. Here I aslo plan on seeking God as to who the seven are. Soon i will embark on a missionary journey to the Orient to grow and mature in the Lord and maybe find the rest of the seven. In both cases there is an adventure and i will happily answer Gods call.



Brook coming soon



ALASKA Bible Institute

Cell Block6

YWAM/Discipleship Training School

coming soon