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QCC Transactions
Date Description Amount + / - Total
4/17/06 Initial QCC Disbursement + 300 §300
4/24/06 §500 Voucher from Madje +500 §800

Veronica Chastel was born in a small town on RhyDin's mountainous central region. At a very young age a terrible storm hit her home and blew away everything she knew. Rescuers somehow managed to find her in the rubble and bring her to safety, but her parents and siblings were never found. Her only living relative was her estranged grandmother, and little Ronnie was sent to live with her.

Ronnie was taken to the very tropical region of the south-eastern coast, and the building she found herself standing outside was a dusty, creepy looking store. Inside she found the walls and ceiling hanging with beads, feathers, masks, even birds! There were shelve units loaded full of jars containing powders, leaves, animal feet, bugs, eyes, and various dubious liquids.

If the strange new surroundings didn't help the traumatized little girl, meeting the crazy old woman that was her last living relative didn't improve matters. Tall and slender, the old woman reminded Ronnie somewhat of her mother, though her hair was gray and straggly. She wore long necklaces of bones and bells and wooden beads, and carried a gnarled old staff set with a human skull and tied with leather cord that dangled feathers and other charms.

Known only as Magda, she was a well respected member of the community for being a powerful Voodoo Priestess. Ronnie was nervous and shy around her; she had seen the old woman waving incense over a photo of her. Wanting to be close to her granddaughter, Madga explained that the strange rituals were intended to help.

After that, Ronnie came out of her shell, taking an interest in Magda's work. Unbeknownst to her, Magda had asked the spirits for guidence, and believed she was told to help the girl and teach her. At first she only allowed the girl to do small tasks, teaching her her identify the plants and flowers and critters kept in her inventory.

Ronnie was eager to learn, amazed that these seemingly random plants could be used to help people with anything from aiding pregnancy to healing mortal wounds. There were always rumors that Magda could bring back the dead, but from the obsessive cross-making against all mentions of the dark arts, Ronnie learned fast that is was a topic best left unmentioned.

As Ronnie got older, Magda gave her more responsibilities, and taught her more rituals and spells. Eventually she was old enough that Magda performed a ritual with her to pronouce her a Priestess, and when Magda had taught her all she knew, she gradually transferred all Priestess duties in town to her.
