I'm NoT A LiE, I'm NoT An ILLuSiOn, I'm An AnGeL, So WhAt'S ThE CoNFuSiOn?!?!?!

My name isI live on Long Island.

This is my favorite group!

I wanna say what's up to Kristen A, Janine, LaGo, Crissy, Carina, Melissa, Jen, Jessica, Ryan L, Ryan T, Nick, TJ, Russell, Jim, Phil, Brian, Lori, Seni, LD, DoN (I love his accent!!!), TrP (10 hours and 54 minutes.. LoL), Mo, JeSS (Total Clickage .. LoL), JuLeS, RJ (I can't help but to think "That Thought") and anyone else I forgot, I'm sowwie!

When I do have free time I like to:

~ Hang out with my friends ~
~ Listen to music ~
~ Flirt ~
~ Write ~
~ Talk on the phone ~
~ Go to the mall or movies ~

I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do
I'm sorry, I can't help myself, I fell in love with you

How come you have time to go out and make other people love you
But you dont have enough time to pay attention to the one who already does?

Love is like missing someone when you're apart but somehow feeling warm inside because your close in heart

Everybody believed we would never be
Look at us up above, we are so in love
Every day in your arms, baby can't go wrong
We are strong, look at us now!

I see you look at me, when you think I'm not aware
You're searching for clues for just how deep my feelings are
How do you prove the sky is blue, the oceans wide
All I konw is how I feel when I look into you eyeZ

I loved you once, you loved me not
I loved you twice, but I forgot
You never loved me, you never will
But even so, I love you still

I cry every night, wishing you were mine
But when I talk to you, you make everything fine
You broke my heart and that's a true crime
All I wanted was for you to be mine

I know that I oughta find someone new
But all I find is myself
Thinking of you

I was positive I was in love with you
I was positive it was true
What the hell am I supposed to do
You broke my heart in two

I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong
Talk like everything's perfect
Act like it's just a dream
And pretend he's not hurting me

You hurt me so bad, you even made me cry
All I ever wanted was for you to love me
For you to give me a try

CuT My LiFe InTo PiEcEs, THiS iS My LaSt ReSoRt, SuFfOcATiOn, No BrEaTHiNg, DoN't GiVe A F**K If I CuT My ArM BLeeDiNg

Below are some links where you can find out more about me through my writing or whatever else might be there!

More About Me
My Poems
My Dream Guy
My Friends
Lyrics To My Life
Our Senior Song
Senior Writings

LoL.. this is vicious

Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad
But it's the middle that counts
You have to remember this when you find yourself at the beginning
Just give hope a chance to float up
And it will, too
~*~ HoPe FLoAtS ~*~

How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart
It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out till you're torn apart
~*~ ReNt ~*~

I guarantee that we'll have tough times
I guarantee at some point that one or both of us will wanna get out
But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine I'll regret it for the rest of my life
Cuz I know in my heart you're the only one for me
~*~ RuNaWaY BRiDe ~*~