

                Remember how I said...I didn't have a walkthrough anymore?  NOT ANYMORE!!! :).  A really really really REALLY nice person had my whole entire walkthrough!!!! :)  I'm REEEEEEAAAAALLLLY happy!!!!  I am building a SHRINE to this person!!!  MWAHA!!!!  zzcat 31, WE THANK YOU!!!

As the game begins, Tidus is on his way to a blitzball match
 at Zanarkand's stadium.  However, a small crowd has gathered out side his
 residence.  After speaking with those in the crowd, move past them.  To get to
 the stadium, move across the bridge full of people.  During this short jaunt,
 you can learn some things about Tidus's father, Jecht, from a commentator.
 Outside the arena, the crowd mobs Tidus and won't let him through.  Maneuver
 Tidus throught he people to the large doorway.
                     During the exciting blitzball match, Zanarkand gets attacked
 by Sin.  As this occurs, Tidus falls down from above and lands in the rubble
 outside.  Move down the ramp untill Tidus spots Auron, then follow Auron into
 the city streets.
                     Tidus and Auron watch as a large monster crashes into a
 nearby building.  A swarm of Sinscales emanate from its tail and land in front
 of the due.  Auron then hands Tidus a Longsword.  Smash down the x button on the
 attack command to eliminate the enemies directly in front of yourselves to move
 on to the next area.
                     The twosome then reach a location where another gigantic
 creature has crash-landed.  To escape the enemy invasion, the monster must die.
 (...and for some strange reason I become reminded of the title Romeo Must Die
                     This big bad boss is called Sinspawn Ammes.  He is unfair
 and attacks first, and always casts a spell called Demi.  This is a block magic
 spell that reduces the character's hp only by a certain percentage.  This is the
 only attack it knows, so you won't die, I promise.  Just go ahead and attack it
 and dont' worry about wasting your potions.
                     Tidus and Auron start the battle with their gauges nearly
 full.  The first demi blow makes Auron's full, and he goes ahead and does  a
 kick-butt attack.  Do the commands as the timer ticks by that is displayed on
 the screen to cause even more damage.  All of the enemies in front of the boss
 will be destroyed with this attack, whether you punched in all the commands in
 time or not.  Tidus's commands for his overdrive are simple enough.  Just hit
 the x button when the marker is directly in the middle of the center of the
 meter, and his attack's strentgh will depend on how much time was left on the
 timer.  After all the tentacles are destroyed, the battle ends.  There is a
 sphere behind it on which you can save your game, and it also gives you full hp.
                     Just when you finally think that the idiots have all
 gone...lo and behold...MORE stupid gargoyle looking things!!!  Just go ahead and
 attack, untill Auron tells you to attack a barrel.  Start attacking that, giving
 yourself potions if needed.  These things have an attack called spines that will
 do roughly about 90 damage.  Then reality divides.  Just turn Tidus around and
 keep smashing the O button while floating to a blurry figure on a platform.
                     Now you'll find yourself alone in a sea of ruins.  Just
 guide Tidus through the water, and press O to dive under the surface.
                     On the far west side of the area, there is a small set of
 stairs where Tidus can get to dry land.  The blue globe-like object is  an Al
 Bhed Compilation Sphere which doesn't serve that much use untill later on in the
 game.  Another platform to explore is on the far east side of the water area.
 There is a sign here written in Al Bhed language, and Tidus can't really
 understand it.  Directly behind the sign's location is a partically hidden
 treasure chest containing 200 gil.  When you are finished with swimming around,
 swim to the center stairs.
                      Follow the stone path.  If you go west at the fork, you can
 get a high potion, if you go straight, the path will crumble beneath you and
 you'll go straight into the water again.
                     Swim around a bit and 3 Sahagins will come out to fight
 Tidus.  Just hack away at them...you'll kill 2, and the other...well...there is
 always a bigger fish...that'll eat the littler fish.  It'll the decide that
 humans taste good too.
                     Geosgaeno is the weirdest boss and weirdest name I've ever
 seen.  Go ahead and attack this ugly fish.  It won't kill you.  Just attack it 3
                     Following Tidus's escape from the massive sea monster,
 navigate up the stairs and through the door.  You need FIRE (aren't we just the
 little pyromaniacs of the day?)  Go through the doors near the save sphere to
 find your flint.  Just examine the drawers.  Go towards the north part of the
 map and go through another door.  Head downwards from the doorway to get an
 ether, go upstairs to get a withered up bouquet, and if you keep on exploring on
 the balconey you can get another high potion.
                     Go back to your piles of log in the main chamber and start
 your fire you pyromaniac.  So you'll start to complain for food, but the fire
 threatens to go out.  So right when you go off to get more wood, a beast called
 Klikk attacks.
                      It's best to just slash at him.  If you take heed to my
 note at the begining, this is no problem at all.  Simply move outta the way each
 time he attacks.  Soon a group of people will burst from the doors and a young
 girl named Rikku will join Tidus in the battle.  With her, you can steal a
 grenade from this thing and just bomb him to death.
                      Tidus gets abducted and forced to work for these people the
 meanies...On deck, talk to the soldier on the left to get 3 potions.  Go to the
 opposite corner to find the Al Bhed Primer vol. 1.  Return to Rikku to get a
 boring explanation on how to use the sphere grid.  I'm not explaining it so you
 better take good note or you will be officially screwed my friend ^_~.  Talk to
 her again to leave and start your hard work.
                      Follow the chain underwater untill you see something that
 looks like alotta red glowing stones.  Piranhaus will attack you, but they are
 sooooo easy it's pathetic.  Use this oppurtunity to stock Rikku on grenades.
                     Bash the control panel in and just follow Rikku.  Piranhaus
 follow you and attack you in a huge number.  They're still so easy you could do
 it in your sleep.  Grab your grenades and turn the huge thinga-ma-jigger on by
 swimming under it.  Swim back to the first chamber to see a mad Tros that you
 just woke up  >:o.
                     After each character uses an attack or steal grenades, Tros
 will swim away to the other side.  I believe the only thing you can do now is
 use Stand-by which will heal your party members by 50 hp.  Tros will do his
 special attack and damage you quite a bit.  Heal if you really need it.  Start
 attack and keep smashing away and blasting away with em grenades, as you finally
 realize how handy they are.  When he goes to the other side, use Tidus's pincer
 attack to prevent him from his evil ways.  ATTACK! :).
                   After killing him, follow Rikku out of a hole in the wall and
 swim toward the direction indicated by the red arrow on the map.  After the crew
 returns to the ship, talk to Rikku for a nice long while, and wow...wouldn't ya
 know it...after just talking about him, Sin attacks AGAIN and sends Tidus off to
 another land (this is starting to remind me of alice in wonderland...)
                 After meeting Wakka, go ahead and have a look around.  If you
 talk to his team members more than once, most of them will hand you an item.  If
 you go for a little swim, go all the way out, and to the right.  You'll find a
 crest containing the moon ring.  This will become important.  Follow Wakka
 untill you reach a cliff over a Lagoon.  Jump in, and explore the bottom for
 sunken treasure chests.  Piranhaus are more annoying than ever now.
                 When yall guys get to the village, first go to the crusaders
 house.  Then go to the temple, learn about the summoners, and take a nap at
 Wakka's house which is the first house on the right.  And old man wondering
 around town can tell you all you want to know about Sin and Yevon, and if you go
 between the item shop and the crusaders lodge, you find a concealed area wtih a
 hi-potion, 2 potions, and 400 gil.
                 When you awaken, go to the temple.  You'll soon find yourself in
 the Cloister of Trials.  Yall, this is SO easy it's also pathetic.  You have to
 keep an open mind.  It's really kinda simple.  First move to the back of the
 first area and examine the glyph on the wall.  This ancient ideogram helps to
 open a new path.  Another glyph  glows on the wall on the right side of the
 room.  Examine it to reveal a secret chamber.
                 Desend the stairs to the small overhang on the wall.  Examine
 this for a breif explanation about the spheres and then obtain the Glyph sphere.
 Move to the door at the bottom of the stairs and place the glyph there.  Take
 the glyph out again when it closes, and proceed to the next sphere recess.
                 Insert the glyph sphere to reveal a secret room.  Inside is the
 destruction sphere, but don't take it yet.  Proceed to the next area.
                 Examine the runes across from the pedestal to reveal a glyph.
 Examine the glyph again to open a hidden chamber.  Enter the chamber and remove
 the besaid sphere.  Place it on the pedestal.  This reveals another chamber and
 Tidus will push the pedestal inside.  Leave it alone, and go back for the
 destruction sphere.
                 Place the destruction sphere where the besaid was orginally
 found and claim the Rod of Wisdom.  Go back to the pedestal now and push it into
 the room untill it locks in place and sinks into the floor.  Enjoy the scenes.
                 Follow the party out of the temple to the village circle.  Yuna
 summons Valefor for the first time.  Later that night around the campfire, talk
 to Yuna.  We also find out here that Tidus has a crush on her, and Wakka either
 has a protective big-brother feeling about Yuna, or he likes her too :P.  Talk
 to him again to choose the option to sleep.  Tidus has a strange dream.  Just
 move him towards Yuna on the pier.
                 After all this is done, when you awake examine the lodge
 attendant's desk to get the Al Bhed Primer vol 2. Exit and join the others and
 you get a new sword from Wakka.
                 Just keep going, following certain commands and things, and keep
 going untill Kimahri, a huge blue lion looking thing attacks you.  Just keep
 attacking him...don't worry about healing (AND BY ALL MEANS HEED MY ADVICE FROM
 THE BEGINING!!!!) Kimahri will get called off of his attack, and you'll
 continue.  Keep on going and you'll see a HUGE flying monster and Wakka chickens
 out.  You finally get to see the power of Valefor!!! :).
                 After you get to the beach, talk to the town people to receive
 some gifts.  I believe you get an ether, three pheonix downs, a Seeker's Ring,
 and 400 gil.  Talk to the little boy on the plank to receive a remedy, and then
 board the S.S. Liki (dude...sounds like the boat went tinkle...)
                 Just have fun talking with people.  Everbody is not gunna open
 up to you if you just talk to them once.  Talk to each person twice to make sure
 if they don't or do have more to say.  In the power room, you'll find the Al
 Bhed Primer vol. 3 in the bottom corner.  In the cabin, kick the luggage to get
 a potion (violent aren't we ^_^;;) If you have less than 20 potions, it'll keep
 giving you one untill it reaches 20.  Across from the suitcase is a remedy.
 Now, if you talk to the O'aka guy twice, he'll ask you to loan him some money.
 You'll see him in various parts of the game.  If you loan him some big amounts,
 he'll give you cheaper prices than the stores for his items, loan him BIG BIG
 BIG amounts, he'll start selling rare items.  After you talk with Yuna, we
 FINALLY get to see some REAAAAL action.  You actually get to see what this big
 tough bad main villian looks like.
                 Man oh man...I swear, I bet they got this scene idea from Moby
 Dick!!!!!!  Not only that but I think Sin is Moby Dick's brother.  He'll release
 some even tougher gargole-looking minions on you this time that have an attack
 that'll do roughly 200 damage to you.  Kill 2 of them, leave the third.  If you
 kill the third, it'll be replaced by 3 more things, and so on and so on and so
 on.  The REAL target is Sin's fin.
                 The best way to do this is to replace Yuna with Lulu, cause Lulu
 kicks butt.  Make Lulu cast thunder on the fin while Tidus and Kimahri take care
 of the 2 sinscales, leaving the third to do what it wants.  Now, take Tidus out
 cause he's useless now.  Either replace him with Wakka or Yuna, but REALLY
 advise you to pick Yuna.  She can summon Valefor AND heal your characters.  Go
 ahead and use Valefor and let it all out on Sin.  You shouldn't have to do
 anything else, but if you Valefor dies, just keep doing Kimahri's Lancet attack,
 Lulu her thunder, and go ahead and tade Yuna for Wakka unless you still feel
 like using her to heal Lulu and Kimahri.
                 Now Tidus gets careless and falls off the ship, and it's our job
 to save him, right? So Wakka jumps off the boat to save poor Tidus from a
 watery-fate...(geez that sounded dumb).  Now...most important thing to remember
 right now...YOU CAN BEAT ANY MONSTER!!!!  Thats what I love about the battle
 system.  You just have to be smart, and have a heck of a lotta potions ^_~  Your
 next battle is about to begin with a creature called Sinspawn Echuilles
                 Use Tidus's cheer ablitity, and Wakka's Dark Attack on Echullies
 to blind him (or her...).  This eliminates it's ability to drain HP from either
 character.  You should ignore the sinscales, although they continually inflict
 damage.  Keep striking the sinspawnn in an effort to end the battle as soon as
 possible.  After using two Drain Touch attacks, it'll use Blender.  The Blender
 attack depletes ALOT of your HP.  Keep em potions ready.
                 Continue using Wakka's Dark Attack when needed.  When he runs
 outta AP, use an ether.  Keep a close eye on the CTB window on the right side of
 the screen.  Use a potion or hi-potion when a character has two turns in a row
 and is low on HP, and this dude will go down easily.
                 Sin decides to attack this small town, and many die.  Since Yuna
 is a summoner, she goes ahead and does the "sending".  Lulu will explain.
                 Just west of the inn, save a girl from danger and receive a
 reward at the local bar which I think it's an ether.  North of the inn, pick up
 3 potions from a treasure chest on the left.  Head south to the local bar where
 you can find the Al Bhed Primer vol. 4 on  the counter.
                 Wakka is overseeing the construction at the east end of the
 pier.  Talk to him when you want to leave to the temple, which you'll have to
 anyways :P.
                 Now in the jungle, there are 3 treasure chests.   One contains 2
 mana spheres, one contains a scout, and one contains a lucky sphere.  Just keep
 going straight though if you dont' wish to bother with it.  It's kinda straight
 through, but, to get to the temple go straight, take a right, and continue to go
                 Depending on which routes you take, you'll see Lord Ochu.  This
 is an easy oppenent in my opinion.  Remember what I said, no monster is
 undefeatable if you're smart.
                 This battle should involve all your characters.  Keep Lulu the
 whole time cause like I said, LULU KICKS BUTT!!!!  Have her cast fire, and make
 Tidus cast haste if it's avaidable, but don't worry if it's not, I did this
 battle without it.  Kimahri inflicts the most damage with his physical assult,
 while Wakka can prevent Ochu's spell casting using his Silence Attack.  If you
 don't have it, thats fine too, cause I didn't do it either :).  Bring Yuna in to
 heal and cast Esuna, dont' use Valefor yet though untill Ochu's HP goes down to
 2000.  He'll fall asleep at 2500 hp, so quickly wake him up with a physical
 attack, cause that just brings his hp back.  This'll make him cause the
 earthquake attack which you might wanna heal after he does.  Like all the other
 bosses so far, Ochu should go down easily.
                You'll also encounter some people in the jungle, they'll give you
 items.  One person gives you a remedy, if you talk to her again, you get a
 NulBlaze Sheild.
                 Once you get to the temple, you encounter another boss called
 Sinspawn Geneaux.  If Kimahri has a piercing weapon equipped, his physical
 attacks can penetrate the boss's shell.  But I just used Valefor to bring him
 outta his shell...and the poor Valefor died so Lulu had to finish him off.  I
 prefer the way I did it more than the safest way.  He'll poison you, so keep
 Yuna out to heal.  Lulu's fire spells should finish him off after he comes outta
 his shell, but don't hit him with magic attacks untill he's out of the shell or
 it'll just absorb all the attacks.
                At this temple you will find another Cloister of Trials.  This
 one is just a little bit harder than the other, but simple enough for the lowest
 of all players to figure out.
               Enter the clostier and remove the Kilika sphere from the pedestal
 on the left.  Place it in the slot next to the door.  This causes it to catch on
 fire.  Remove it to extinguish the blaze and bring it wiht you into the next
 chamber.  Insert it into the slot on the north wall to make a glyph appear above
 the shelf.  Remove the kilika sphere and insert it into one of the side shelves,
 and then touch the glyph to open the wall.  Remove the glyph sphere and set it
 on one of the side shelves.
               Enter the "fire chamber" and move to the right.  Step on the
 glowing floor switch to teleport the pedestal to that room.  Take the kilika
 sphere from the right wall to extinguish the flames.  Place the kilika into the
 pedestal.  Return to the previous chamber and grab the Glyph.  Place it in the
 wall where you found the kilika and put out the fire.  This opens a secret
 chamber.  Push the pedestal with the kilika on it to the floor switch to make a
 section of the platform drop.  Go downstairs and take the Kilika from the new
 slot and place it into the slot next to the exit and leave it there.
             Obtain the destruction sphere from the inside of the secret chamber
 on the top platform.  Take it downstairs and use it in the new slot beneath the
 ledge.  Open the chest inside the newl revealed area to obtain a Red Armlet.
 Take the kilika from the slot beside the exit and continue throuh the door.
             Keep talking to wakka untill he has nothing else to say, go towards
 the exit and Yuna will appear.  She can now summon the aeon Ifrit
             Go back to the ship and choose to embark on your journey again.
             Exit the cabin and speak to O'aka.  You're in a better position now
 ti give more Gil if you want. Enter the bridge to receive the Al Bhed Primer
 vol. 5.  Go and check up on Yuna, then go eavesdrop on Lulu and Wakka.  Only a
 fractions of the backstory is revealed each time you walk upstairs, so you have
 to do it multiple times to hear it all.  I kinda have a theory about it all
 too...Lulu liked Chappu.  Hey, thats my theory, and I'm gunna stick to it till I
 hear diffrent from the game! :).  Return to the lower deck and examine the
 blitzball.  If you the Jecht Shot challenge, and you do all the stuff correctly,
 you'll be able to learn it for blitzball games in the future.
            When you get to Luca, you'll have 4 items in treasure chests to find
 if you want.  One contains 600 gil, one contains the Tidal Spear, one contains
 the HP Sphere, and the other the Magic Sphere.  I advise you to get all.
            Yuna is a spoiled brat so she wants her way and she gets it.  You all
 get to go see the Maester of Yevon.  Whats a maester you say?  Get a dictionary
 ^_~.   You also now get to look at a turtorial for blitzball.  If you want to
 win, I STRONGLY advise you to look at it and PROMISE that you'll never beat it
 if you don't look at it.  After this, you and Yuna get to look for Auron.  But
 hey, the spoiled brat needs to be taught patience, so go ahead and take your
 time now to find some items...veeerry slowly.  Head left of the Auroch's locker
 room to the stairway down where the opposing teams are located.  Behind the
 closet player's foot is the Al Bhed Primer vol. 6.  and there are 2 hi-potions
 in a treasure chests at the very back of the hallway.  There are many other
 items around the docks surronding the stadium (...but only 4 of those chests
 contain IMPORTANT items...^_^;; well..uh...not that 600 gil...well, wait, yeah,
 that IS important!!!)
             Now the Al Bhed people will steal Yuna very soon, and when they do,
 after you rescue her, go to the theater lobby to find the Al Bhed Primer vol. 7
 there on the floort to the left.  There is also a treasure chest containing a
 1000 gil (!!!) somewhere around in this little town.  E-mail me if you REALLY
 REALLY want to know where it is.
             You, Lulu, and Kimahri must rescue Yuna from the Al Bhed ship on
 dock 4 after Kimahri finishes his fight with his "friends".  The shortest route
 there is blocked off, so you have to go all the way around the stadium through
 docks 1 - 3.  In those docks you'll encounter machina workers.  Lulu is very
 handy and will eliminate those suckers with one blow of thunder.
             Now...we get to fight some machine!!!  The Oblitzerator...it fires
 blitzballs at you too :P.  Now...this sucker has 6000 HP on it. We can do this 2
 ways.  The way where you have to fight it all the way (the way I sure in the
 beepin heck didn't do) or a nice quick way where one blow of the thunder spell
 will kill it.  First, get Lulu to hit the crane with her thunder spell 3 times,
 ignoring the machine and healing when needed.  Get Tidus to operate it, and
 it'll rip the head off of the Oblitzerator, immoblize it, and take of a heck of
 a lot of hp.  Finish this sucker off with thunder spells!  HA!
            Go back to your locker room and get ready to play a round of
 blitzball.  This game is EXTREMELY hard.  I SERIOUSLY doubt you will win.  If
 you do, you are superior to me, I haven't yet :P.  Even after resetting and
 trying again....atlas...it doesn't work for me.  But don't worry, whether or not
 you win or lose, Wakka is always there for ya. (Note: A very kind person
 e-mailed me about it, and said that the only way it changes if you win is that
 you're carrying a huge trophey.  Wakka and Tidus are practically the only ones
 that are gunna make goals)  But for now on, you get a special feature on the
 save crystal.  As long as you can find a save crystal, you can now play
 Blitzball and get prizes for it.   Also, you can recruit people who are
 blitzball players too if you talk to them with the square button, but i don't
 think Wakka will join ya again.  The thing is that you have to pay them a salary
 ^_^;; do this only when you feel you have plently of money to spend, cause you
 have to pay them for each game you play.
            After the game, fiends invade the sphere pool, and the Luca team
 members decide to let you do all the work :P.  Tidus and Wakka will have to
 fight A LOT of fish like creatures that have around 200 hp each.  To hits should
 kill em.  They're called the Sahagin Chiefs or whatever...lol.  Use weapons with
 the Darktouch ability, or use Wakka's dark attack to blind one or more of the
 enemies during each battle.  This helps you by not making you waste soooo many
             After Aurons DRAMATIC entrance, one hit should do the Vouivre in.
 When Tidus and Wakka joins him to fight the Garuda, use the Dark Atttack to
 blind it, and Auron's power break to weaken Garuda's attacks.
             *BIG spoiler* We learn that Sin is actually Jecht!!! ^_^;;  This
 really kinda gets to Tidus, maybe he cares for his father just a little bit more
 than we assumed?  Well...Yuna  gets a new guardian.  Auron decides that he'll do
 as her father asked.  He forces Tidus to come cause his father requested it :).
             Many people travel the Mi'ihen Highroad, and they all are very
 supportive of summoners and their guardians, and almost all of them will give
 you tiems.  You can get a hi-potion, hunter's spear, two antidotes, Lv.1 Key
 Sphere (...don't ask...), four more antidotes, a red ring (FINALLY something for
 the fire :)), and 600 gil.  During battles on the highroad, use Wakka to shoot
 odwn aerial monsters and blind Dual Horns.  Tidus should tackle the more agile
 ground beasts, while Lulu should focus on eliminating White Elements.  Auron is
 effective at killing hard-shelled enemies.  Summon Valefor and Ifrit often, and
 build Yuna's rapport with both aeons.  This is a GREAT area to level up your
 characters for the challanges ahead, and also start using the sphere grid or you
 will have trouble here (speaking from experience ^_^;;).
             After meeting with the Chocobo Knights, move into a small area on
 the right to meet the summoner Belgemine.  She challenges Yuna to an important
 battle.  To win, Yun aor Valefor should be in overdrive mode when the battle
 begins.  Belgemine will summon Ifrit, leaving Yuna with good ol' reliable
 Valefor.  Quickly perform the Energy Ray and note Ifrit's attack pattern.  It
 will perform a regular attack followed by Meteor Strike.  Before each Meteor
 Strike, press the right directional button and use Valefor's Shield to deflect
 some of the damage.  Ifrit is immune to the delay effort of Valefor's Sonic Boom
 so etiher attack or cast Blizzard.  If you win, you get an echo ring, if you
 don't, you get a less useful seeker's ring.
             There are a lot more things here to do, and I'm sure if you talk to
 everybody and search around you'll find them without my help.  The items are:
 Remedy, 3 Softs, Ether, 2000 gil, and 3 Eyedrops.
             After taking a short break at Rin's Travel Agency, go outside to
 talk to Yuna.  Back inside the store, talk to a shopper to get a Lv. 1 Key
 Sphere.  Also the clerk on the left side of the counter sells weapons and items.
 This includes Pearl armor, which increases magic defense.
             As you leave, Rin introduces himself, and gives Tidus the Al Bhed
 Primer vol. 8 and 2 Mega-potions(YAY!).  Run north toward the chocobo corrals to
 see what the fuss is about.
             Now this guy's name is the best one they have :D  Chocobo Eater.
 Thats right, it eats your precious Chocobos.  And this battle is also kinda hard
 (in my opinion).  It will occassionall stretch out it's arms and knock the party
 towards the cliff.  If the characters get knocked over the edge, the battle
 ends, and you get no ap or gifts from Rin.  I will admit...I did fail to defeat
 this thing.  It killed my dear precious Wakka :(...Start the fith with Lulu,
 Tidus, and Wakka.  Cast haste on Lulu so she can perform fire spells more
 quickly.  Use Wakka's dark atttack to blind it.  Eventually subsitute Tidus and
 Wakka for Kimahri and Auron.  If the chocobo eater gets knocked onto it's back,
 it loses it's armored status, allowing non-pierecing weapons to inflict normal
 damage.  The party's attacks can  push the prone monster backwards by inflicting
 over 500 hp damage.  This provides them more room away from the ledge.  Also,
 whenever the chocobo eater is down, aeons' overdrives inflict MUCH greater
 damage (hint hint, get Ifrit ready :)) If you push the Chocobo eater off the
 cliff you get 2 Lv. 1 Key Spheres.
             If the Chocobo Eater pushes the party off the cliff, they will find
 themselves at the bottom of the gorge.  If this happens, you must work your way
 back up to the gates of Mushroom Rock (what kinda name is that!?!! I'd name it
 Rock of Horrifying Deaths)  If the charactes are victorious, Rin offers one
 complimentary ride on a chocobo.  It is a good idea to go back and save your
 game first.  There are items in the valley that you can only reach while riding
 a chocobo, however when riding the animal there are no enemy encounters.  I
 suggest that you run to the Mushroom Rock Gates and then accept the free chocobo
 ride once you get there.  This wa, your charactesr will continue to develope and
 learn new abilities.
             The next few parts are kinda straight through where you just
 basically follow paths.  So I'll just list some tiems you should find untill you
 get to the command center, unless you want the REALLY detailed descriptions.  If
 you want em, e-mail me, my box is kinda empty anyways :P.  (note: all the items
 here are how many of each item there is in total.  Like it'll say there are 3
 hi-potions, when there are 2 in one chest and one in another, same with gil.)The
 items are: Al Bhed Primer vol. 9, 5  hi-potions, thunder blade, 2 scout, fortune
 sphere, mars crest, Ice lance, moon ring, tough bangle, 2 remedy, ether, 2
 pheonix downs, x-potion, 1400 gil, 10 potions, Serene armlet, and a mega-potion.
             Alotta items, aye?  Some of those you can get from talking to
 people.  Now all of you pay CLOSE attention.  The upcoming battle is SUPER SUPER
 SUPER hard.  I died like 5 times before I could beat this sucker, and here is
 some stuff that you have to do or you will suffer the same fate as me and throw
 the controller and bust it into a million pieces. First, go ahead and keep on
 battling untill everyone you've alll learned new abilities(haste is a MUST if
 you haven't got it yet.  If you don't have it, and you don't know what in the
 heck you can do to get it, SPHERE GRID.  Don't ask me how         to use it,
 just play with it, or you will get a MY version on how to do it and that'll
 REALLY screw you up.)  Keep on battling untill Lulu learns even higher magic
 spells.  I mean, fight untill all the monsters die with one hit of the mighty
 Lulu doll!(i mean attack, not magic)
             Now when you're ready, tell the crusader guy, and prepare for a
 MIGHTY battle.  Make sure EVERYBODY gets a hit at the boss or they will miss out
 on the huge AP award at the end.  Now there are 2 ways to go about this.  One
 way, you can do what I did, and have one heck of a time trying to beat it, or 2,
 the smart way, and kick butt.  The way I did, was very very hard indeed.  Damn
 Gui to hell! (thats what it's called).  Now first, you wanna get rid of the
 head...which as about 4000 HP.  Get Ifrit out and kick some Gui butt.  Attack
 with full force untill the head goes gray!!!  Now if Ifrit's still alive, he
 should be ready to do an overdrive, so go ahead and do that.  The body has 12000
 HP.  Physical attacks won't do unless you eliminate the arms (800 HP) and
 they'll regenerate.  Now if Lulu has ATLEAST learned a higher form of Thunder,
 this should be as easy as heck.  Attack at full force.
             Now after about an hour of givin this guy a butt-whoopin, he should
 fall.  You'll go directly into another battle after that so make sure before he
 dies you heal up.  This time Seymour willl join the fight, and only Yuna, and I
 think Auron depending on the party you had will be there, you won't be able to
 call on the others for help.  Seymour knows some of the higher thunder spells,
 and the body's HP is reduced in half (for all of you brainiacs it's 6000 HP
 now).  Kill the head, and then the body, and you should defeat him pretty
             When Tidus awakes, go ahead and take a moment to learn some new
 abilities on the Sphere Grid.  Comb through the scattered bodies to find Gatta
 and Luzzu.  After the characters attempt to recover from the trauma of the
 carnage, collect the Hi-Potion and speak to all the other part members on the
 beach.  Then follow the party up the path toward Djose. (Have a feeling yet that
 Seymour has a serious crush on Yuna? :P)
             The survivors of the crusade will gladly give you some nice items,
 and can also find a few in some treasure chests.  A priest will contribute a
 lovely Hi-Potion.   If you search behind a spikey rock you'll obtain the Al Bhed
 Primer 11.
             Basilisks can turn your characters into stone with its gaze.
 Valefor does TERRIFIC with these beasts.  They can't even attack him, cause
 Stone Gaze doesn't effect Aeons.  Kimahri can learn this ability with his Lancet
 attack.  Here's a HUGE spoiler here!!!! Get a recorder ready, WITTNESS KIMAHRI'S
             Cross the bridges and speak to the Chocobo Knights (Just disappear
 already!!!)  After the temple opens, search for a treasure chest in the far west
 for 4000 gil (!!!!!!!!!!!)  You'll encounter a crusader from Besaid inside the
 temple (Gatta) and behind the Inn there's a treasure chest containing 4 ability
 spheres.  The priest inside the Inn won't let you into the treasure chest inside
 the Inn untill you can summon Ixion.
             Inside the temple, Yuna is introduced to the summoner Issaru (the
 tuti-fruti boy of tomorrow!) and his guardian brothers.  After the conversation,
 follow the party members up the stairs.  (it seems as if everyone has excepted
 him as a guardian).
            There are 2 treasure chests by the way on either side of the entrance
 to the next Cloister of Trials.  The chamber on the right side has the treasure
 chest in it, while the other one stands on the outside.
             Now this Cloister of Trials is very very tricky if you don't pay
 attention.  I almost needed help while doin this.  Take the Djose spheres from
 the either side of the walls, and place them into the two slots on the door.
 Simple aye?  Proceed into the next chamber and there will be 2 spheres on either
 side of the door, take one, and place it on the alter, and push the alter east
 untill it's directly over a circle.  Go back and get the other Djose sphere from
 the side of the door, and place it in one of the slots you'll see on the wall.
 Take there sphere from the alter that you just placed there and put it in the
 other slot on the wall.  This'll make the remaining sphere super-charged.
             Insert the supercharged sphere into the slot on the right side of
 the door to open a room with a pit full of lightning.  Take the 2 Djose spheres
 that you put in the wall and put it into the alter.  Go to the west, and step on
 the little flashing thing to return the alter to where it orginally was.  Push
 it into the put full of lightning to jump across.  Push the pedestal on the
 other side of the lightning, this activates the "iris" of the symbol in the main
             Use the switch on the west side again to extract the alter from the
 lightning.  Get the 2 Djose spheres, and go back to where you first started and
 place them into the slots on the side of the walls.  Take the super charge
 sphere and place it into the other slot by the door.  This'll make an Angel
 symbol when you're done, and becomes an elevator.  Go up and push all the
 pedestals back into their place by pressin X when you're beside them.  This'll
 activate the spokes.  Activate all 5 of them and return down stairs.  Go to the
 west side again to where a glowing spot was on the wall.  Touch it and it'll
 reveal the destruction sphere.  Go back up the elevator and place it in the main
 pedestal.  It'll reveal a chest with a Magic Sphere inside it.  Go ahead and go
 up the stairway, you are now done.
             When you get there, everyone tells you to be quiet and stand still.
 Even Kimahri tells you to shut up!!!.  So go ahead and speak to Dona and
 everything, and go outside...or try to and Yuna will make her "graceful"
 appearance.  You can now summon the Unicorn, Ixion!!!!  Though uh...for all of
 you people smiling about finally seein a beautiful white mare as a
 battler...um...well uh...just wait untill you see it.  Looks like it lost a few
 battles too many.
             Getting the party going again is actually quite easy.  Just speak to
 the pary gathered outside the temple.  After you're done foolin around with
 them, go inside to the small chamber on the left in the temple to see Yuna
 sleeping.  Talk to the person by her bed to wake her up.
             Head across the bridges away from teh temple, back toward the Djose
 Highroad.  The former Crusader standing on teh north side of the first bridge
 will give you a Halberd, and a priest pacing the brdiges wil hand over two
 Hi-Potions.  Also, speak to the man on the next section of the bridge untill he
 gives you 10 potions.  After checking on the Chocobo Knights again, follow the
 group south to the split in the Djose Highroad.  Head north towards the
              On the road, you'll find 6 Lv. 1 Key spheres, x-potion, and a magic
 def. sphere.  Not very much :(.  You'll also meet Belgemine once again.
               It's best if Yuna and her aeons start this battle already in
 overdrive mode.  Belgemine summons Ixion, so Yuna should summon Ifit.  Unleash
 Hellfire on Ixion first.  If Ixion casts haste and unleashes consecutive
 attacks, heal Ifrit with his own black magic (kinda nice having elemental aeons,
 aye?).  If it looks like Ixion will reach overdrive first, use boost.  When
 Ifrit reaches Overdrive, unleash Hellfire again.  Even if Ifrit dies, Yuna can
 summon Valefor for back up. (YAY!)
               You receive 2 Dragon scales for defeating Belgemine.  Win or lose,
 she gives you the Summoner's Soul.  These prizes both let you teach abilities to
 your aeons.
                 Once you reach the shore, move west to the shoopuff wharf.
 Collect the two Pheonix Downs, and then check O'aka's inventory.  He's gunna
 have the best prices if you've already loaned him money, and the only one you
 can trust.  Everyone else has totally high prices, and I doubt you'll have such
 money to waste.
                 Speak to Auron and then proceed to the western structure.
 Before heading to the passenger loading zone, collect 5000 gil from the treasure
 chest behind Lulu and then speak to both her and Wakka.  When you're ready to
 leave, find the shoopuff handler (He's soooo cute!!!  I especially like his
 accent.  Not really cuter than Daxter off of Jak & Daxter though...)
                 Have a nice lil chat with all of your other guardian friends,
 and...*gasp!* YUNA BEEIN ABDUCTED BY AL BHEDS!!!!  Befores this though, you
 should've equipped yourself with a weapon that has lightning strike or this
 battle is gunna go slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.  The Extractor has 4000
 HP from it, and you're only fightin it with Wakka and Tidus.  This should be
 easy, and a no sweater.  Just attack at full force untill the thing explodes and
 Yuna excapes.  To make it go by faster, Haste is a nice thing to have.  Also
 make sure that you give yourselves potions though if you REALLY need it, but you
 shouldn't have to use it.
                 Use the save sphere adn move into the next area.  O'aka is only
 sellin items, but it's a nice time to stock up on supplies.  Not that the
 battles ahead are gunna be hard, they'll actually be quite easy.  The Al Bhed
 Primer vol 12 is on the platform just above O'aka.  Head west onto the trail,
 taking the ether from the treasure chest and speaking to the local Guado as you
                 *spoiler* Tidus get re-united with Rikku!!!  She'll be one of
 your fav characters from now on, since she has the steal ability.  Her overdrive
 is also a killer.  Continue towards Guadosalam.  You should find 4 antidotes and
 a mega-potion on the way (really stock up on the mega-potions, they're really
 life-savers for a later on battle).
                 After Tromell runs off with Yuna, Rikku provides a short
 tutorial (NOT AGAIN!!! NOOOO!!!) on the customize option.  If you have an excess
 of antidotes, eye drops, echo screens, and various medicenes, you can add some
 useful abilites to the empty slots on your weapons and armor.  The inn is next
 to the starting point.  The only save sphere is located here as well, and the
 sphere monitor on the right side of the room teaches you how to fight the Larva
 and Iron Giant fiends (later enemies).
                 If you looks aroudn the houses and everywhere, you should find
 the following items: Mega-potion, Al Bhed Primer vol. 13, 3000 gil, and an
 elixir.  O'aka sells the same thing as the Guado's, and he sells them cheaper
 too, that is of course, if you've loaned the guy money.
                 When you're finished fiddling around everywhere, it's time to
 meet this Maester Seymour again.  Inside his "house" you can find 2 hi-potions.
 After speaking to your party members, go through the purple doors.  Where the
 great feast is laid out,  speak to everyone to keep things rolling along.
                 *REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG SPOILER!!!!*  Well uh...what can I
 say?  There comes a time in every young girl's life when they're asked to marry
 a guy with weird funky purple hair.  Yup, Seymour proposed to her.  Will she
 accept? HOW COULD SHE!?!  She doesn't even know him!!!  But...she is a weird
 one, that girl.
                 After it's all done with, head towards the farplane.  Just
 outside the corridor leading to the farplane, move left and a search for a
 hidden treasure chest containing 8 lightning marbles.  Then join everyone on teh
 stairs leading up to the spiritual realm.  Have Tidus go up the stairs to the
                 Kimahri doesn't say anything, so don't bother goin to him, he
 obviously doesn't have anyone he wants to see.  Talk to Lulu and Wakka to
 initiate some events.  After Wakka's event, Tidus's Brotherhood will gain
 Strength +10%, Sensor, and Waterstrike.  Afterward, check up on Yuna again to
 see if she's made a decision.
                 After visiting the departed on the farplane, rejoin the party
 outside the double red doors.  After Tidus and Lulu's conversation, follow her
 and speak to her again.  Then move to the middle level and speak with Rikku.
 After Kimahri emerges from the shop (ha ha...it's kinda funny to see a big beast
 like him shopping, kinda reminds me of a house wife!!!!  Just think of him in an
 apron) Go back to speak with Lulu a last time.  You have the choice of either
 confirming his love for Yuna, deny it, or flirt with Lulu and Rikku (um...I
 think you have to deny your love though to Lulu first though before you can go
 flirt with Rikku, I have no clue).  Afterward, head down the ramp from the
 double doors toward the exit to the Thunder Plains(I really hate this next
                 I'm sure you're all cursin the creators of this game, cause I
 sure in the bloody heck was!!!  Who do they think they are, making it to where
 you can get yourself struck by lightning?  The NERVE of some people!!!  Be
 prepared to dodge it though.  Head to the left side of the area to collect two
 Phenoix downs, then make a beeline for the closest lightning tower for safety.
 I'm not gunna tell you where are the items now, ya here?  Besides, it'd probably
 do ya good to go searchin around and gettin caught by fiends ^_~  Yeah, I know
 that sphere grid of yours is pretty weak!  You'll find 2 hi-potions, 7000 gil,
 water ball, yellow shield, x-potion, ether, and a remedy.
                 One fiend though that you should watch out for is Qactuar
 (...why they didn't just name it Cactuar I do not know.  These Squaresoft people
 are TOTALLY weird).  He has an attack that'll do 1000 damage to your members.
 One blow from a mighty Aeon should do it.  They give out 525 AP, so it's worth
 the work to go out and find it.  There are also gunna be little stones with
 Qactuars on them.  I'll explain these in a section that I'm makin about the
 secrets of this game.
                 After you get to your rest start, I'm sure you'll be singing
 Jesus Loves Me, finally, A REST STOP!!!  Well, if you've been VERY good on
 escaping from lightning strikes, you'll get prizes for it.  I'm never good with
 controllers, so I'll also have that up in a secrets sections that I'm working
                 It's time for your next huge and embarrasing act!!!  Tidus
 stumbles into Yuna's bedroom...and she seems quite upset with him for doing so.
 When you're ready to leave the dump, just walk out the door after kicking Rikku
 outta the place.
                 Go up the sharp incline of the woods, and dont' get turned
 around.  I accidently did that and I started going the wrong way, and I had to
 fight 2 Chimera's before I got to the place I got turned around :(.  I'm an
 idiot, I don't look at the map :P.  Learn from my mistakes.
                 Chimera is one THE toughest creature of the area.  Time for
 Ixion to show what dead unicorns are made of!!!
                 The items you should find are: Sleepy Cait Sith, 7400 gil, 3
 pheonix downs, MP sphere, 3 remedies, mega potion, shell targe, ether, 2 hi
 potions, 2 x potions, elixer, luck sphere, Al Bhed Primer vol. 14, Lv. 1 Key
 Sphere, and a Lv. 2 Key Sphere (use this one the one you're having the most
 trouble with on the sphere grid, I used it on Yuna).
                 Follow the winding branches untill you encounter a tuti-fruti
 guy that does poetry and likes butterflies.  If you really want to play this
 game, go ahead.  Each time you touch a blue butterfly, a chest appears.  Touch a
 red  butterfly and you get to face a tough enemy.  After you get all blue
 butterflies, a new chest'll appear.  Congrads!  You just became an official
 butterfly hunter, you hippie!
                 Once you see O'aka, take a look at his inventory but don't buy
 anything.  Say his prices are too steep and he'll give you a MAJOR discount!!!
 (clearance sale: everything MUST go)  Check the ground around O'aka for an Al
 Bhed Primer vol. 15.
                 Before thise next battle begins, equip your characters with
 non-elemental weapons.  Trust me.  Physical attacks cause minimal damage, so
 magic is the key.  Whenever you attack Spherimorph, it counterattacks with a
 spell.  The spell used indicates its current elemental property.  Cause the
 spell OPPOSITE element to inflinct damage for all you brainiacs.
                 Each time a spell is cast on it correctly, it'll change
 elements.  Attack it with physical attacks to see what element it changed to.
 Keep Yuna on hand to cure everybody.  If the big bad amobea gets Yuna on
 overdrive, have her summon an elemental monster then.
                 The creature leaves behind a momento from Tidus's old man,
 Jecht's Sphere.  There are several others scattered throughout Spira.  Upon
 examining this one, Auron learns a new Overdrive, Shooting Star.
                  The party will find Clask and the Al Bhed Primer vol. 16
 outside of another Travel Agency.  Suggesting that Clask should take up Chocobo
 Breeding may affect his future appearances in the game (hint hint hint)  Make
 sure you save your game too.  You've gotta hard battle coming up.
                  Go ahead, walk outside, and watch the trigger of events happen.
 Then...the darned Al Bhed are at it AGAIN!
                  Now there are 2 ways to do this, each way just as hard.  This
 monster as 16000 Hp. Make sure EVERYBODY participates. (unless you are
 desperately losing, seriously think about using Kimahri's overdrive self
 destruct.  He won't get any AP, and it causes 3000+ to the sucker, and you'll
 only be able to fight with 2 people, I suggest saving it for later in the
 battle).  You can take out the Negator flying around in the air, or you can
 leave it.  If you take out the Negator you can cast spells and summon, but it'll
 just be replaced again later on.  With the Negator gone, the Crawler will start
 it's attack Mana Beam, which'll cause 1500+ to your entire party (sir
                 If you have the Negator around though, it cannot do this attack.
 Instead you'll have its Gatling Gun to deal with.  It's really up to you on what
 you want to do, I suggest having thunderstrike on your weapons.
                 Upon arriving at the temple's entrance, don't bother
 backtracking for any items.  There is a better oppurtunity to collect them
 later.  Cross the ice bridge and enter the temple.  Shelinda is further inside.
 Continue  up the stairs towards the Cloister to witness an outcry from the
 chamber below.  Follow the party inside to receive an eerie message about Lord
 Jyscal and Maester Seymour.
                 Talk to the people in the northwest to learn about Seymour, and
 enter the Cloister to face him (and all this time...*sniffle* I actually liked
 the guy! DIE!)
                 This is one of the more Technical battles you'll have to fight,
 so be extremely careful.  Tidus, Yuna, and Wakka can all use a Trigger Command
 before Anima is summoned (the big mummy thing you saw at the Blitzball game).
 By talking to Seymour, you can raise Tidus's strength, and Yuna's magic defense.
 The Guado guardians have auto potion on, so go ahead and let Rikku steal their
 potions, then take them out.
                 Now unguarded, this son of a ...female dog has 6000 HP and is
 one heck of a fighter.  Do not all the sudden say "awww...he's soooo weak" cause
 you're about to face the wrath of Anima.  After a few turns, look at Yuna's
 summon to see a new, unnamed Aeon and summon it.  The ice goddess Shiva has
 decided to rescue you all.  While Anima Boosts and causes Pain, cast Shiva's
 blizzara spells on herself to keep her HP high.  When she hits Overdrive, her
 Diamond Dust attack will cause 9999 damage from Anima!!!  Repeat this tactic
 again to defeat the sucker with minimum effort.
                 After disposing of Anima, quickly dismiss Shiva.  Avoid
 summoning Aeons, cause Seymour will only destroy them.  Cast haste on Yuna and
 keep her ready with her Life spell.  If she doesn't have it you better have a
 lotta mega-pheonixes or pheonix downs.  Keep characters alive in this stage is
 extremely hard to cast haste on everybody.  Use Lulu's Bio spell and poison
 Seymour, and use Auron to attack with Magic Break.  After all that...you get
 only 2000 AP.  Now to me, thats BULLCRAP.  They should give you a HECK OF A LOT
                 Returning back through the ice tunnel causes sections of it to
 disappear.  A doorway appears on the left side leading to the Cloister of
                 Desced the ramp on the floor below, and take the Glyph sphere
 from the central column.  Place the Glyph into the pedestal nearby, and push the
 pedestal toward the stalagmite of ice further up.  The pedestal causes the
 stalagmite to disappear.  Then push it toward the ramp leading downward on the
 far side.  Follow it down the ramp.
                 Remove the Glyph sphere from the pedestal, and set it in the
 slot on the far left.  A cube section of the wall rises into the chamber above,
 bearing a new Macalania Sphere.  Go back up the ramp and take the Macalania from
 the raised section.  Go back below and place the Macalania into the pedestal.
 Push the pedestal toward the column section on the far right.  This causes a
 sectioin of the ice tunnel to reappear above.
                 Remove the Macalania from the slot under the entrance to the
 Cloister, and take it down the ramp.  Place it in the slot on the column to the
 left, causing a section of the ice tunnel for above to reappear.  Take the
 Macalania from the slot at the top of the ramp and place it in the center
 column. The last section of the ice tunnel reappears above, in addition to the
 floor switch.
                 Ascend the ramp and step on the floor switch, bringing the
 pedestal and the Macalania to the top level.  This also causes a section of the
 ice tunnel to disappear.  Take the Macalania from the pedestal and push it down
 the ramp.  The pedestal is diverted to the right by the glyph, and gets
 teleported into an ice stalagmite that holds a destruction sphere.  Descend the
 ramp to the floor below and step on teh floor swtich to bring the pedestal out
 of the stalagmite.  Place the Macalania Tidus is holding into the slot under the
 entrance to make the first set of ice stalagmites to appear.
                 Take the Macalania from teh center column and place it in the
 slot to make the ramp reappear.  Take the Destruction from the pedestal and
 descend the ramp to the lowest level.  Place the destruction sphere in the slot
 to the left of the doorway.  This destroys a section of the ice behind Tidus,
 revealing a chest that contains the Luck sphere.
                 Return to the level above and push the pedestal toward the
 stalagmites again.  Get the Macalania that caused the stalagmites to reappear,
 and place it into the pedestal.
                 Push the pedestal toward the ramp on the far side of the room,
 so that it slides back down to the area below.  Push the pedestal back into
 place at the bottom  of the column section to reconstruct the ice tunnel above.
 Ascend to the level above and take the Macalania that powers the ramp.  PLace it
 into the last column that completes the ice tunnel.
                 Upon your return to the main chamber of the temple, a host of
 Guado attempts to block your path.  As you proceed onto the long curved ice
 bridge back towards the entrance, Guado Guardians chase you.  If one catches
 you, the party must fight the Guado and additional enemies.
                 After exiting the ice cavern, stick to the rocky trail on the
 right side of the chasm.  This eventually leads to a partially hidden treasure
 chest.  Cross the gap to the left side and proceed to the next save sphere.
                 The Guado guardians provide most of the challenge in this
 battle.  Summon  an aeon to perform an overdrive attack to dispose of them.  As
 a final act, they cast protective spells and beserk on the Wendigo.  You can
 remove beserk, though, by using threaten.  Use Wakka's sleep attack to keep the
 Wendigo from rampaging, and steal items and cast Fira spells on it.  Also, cast
 haste on Lulu.  If the wendigo wakes up, use Auron's power break and Kimahri's
                   Use the save sphere to recover any lost HP and speak to all
 the party members.  After Yuna leaves, talk to all the characters again.  There
 is a treasure chest hidden by Kimahri.
                     Tidus awakens on a small oasis in the center of a cast
 desert.  Before climbing out, swim to the lower left side to find a sunken
 treasure chest containing 4 remedies.
                     Here, you can find in some treasure chests 24 Al Bhed
 potions (very important to get), 2 ethers, 16 hi-potions, 1 elixir, 5
 mega-potions, 4 x-potions, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, 10,000 gil, Al Bhed Primer vol. 17
 & 18, Megalixir, 2 teleport spheres, and a mercury crest(which is VERY important
 things written in Al Bhed you can check out.
                     Moving further north, Tidus encounters a massive desert
 scavanger called Zu.  Switch to a weapon with the dark touch ability to blid it.
 Even blinded the Zu will still get in one devastating attack.  When Auron joins
 Tidus, use his power break and mental break abilities to wear down this big
 brute.  When Lulu joins, poison the sucker(yeah...let this bird rot in
 h-e-double hockey stick :))
                     Continue north untill the party finds Wakka.  Proceeding
 north, look for a marker written in Al Bhed.  If you've collected all 16 primers
 avaidable thus far, you should be able to read most of the sign.  Markers placed
 by the Al Bhed prove to be extremely helpful in getting through the desert.
                     Head east from the marker to find good ol' Kimahri.  Then
 follow the path west and north again to find Rikku.
                      The Desert cactuars are MUCH stronger than their thunder
 plains's cousins, and without Yuna's summoning or restorative magic you're
 probably better of avoiding them if possible.  Rikku can steal chocobo feathers
 from them, but she might incur the wrath of the 10,000 needles attack.
                     Follow Rikku though the dunes untill she reaches another Al
 Bhed marker that reads "Home Ahead."  From the sign, travel south-west to a
 chest containing 4 hi-potions.
                   You'll eventually reach an expansive area full of items and
 helpful signs.  Keep an eye on the on-screen map, and move towards the large
 objects in the field to find treasure chests.  After collecting the items, there
 are two exits to consider.  Use the inscription at the back of the area to make
 your choice.
                 At the back of the large area is an Al Bhed sign with a warning.
 Weaker fiends are to the right, while stronger ones wait to the left.  There are
 better items to the left, so go that way first.  Go left from the large sign in
 the western area.  Amid these ruins, you'll notice that treasure chests appear
 during many battles.  After collecting these items, return to the Save Sphere.
                 Rikku will become your most important character during all of
 this.  Not only can she use the Al Bhed potions to heal the entire party at
 once, but she can steal some incredibly useful items from the fiends of Sanubia.
 Keep Rikku on the front line throughout your travels here.
                 The next area features a deep valley to the east, which is
 currently being bombarded by an impentably storm.  On the cliff south of the
 valley is a strange rock, which is important to one of the games's secrets.  For
 detailed info, wait untill I get my sidequests and secrets section up :).
                 Move east from the stone and find a small side area on the map.
 There is a treasure chest sinking in a sand pit.  It contains the Mercury Crest,
 and get it at all costs.  To reach the Al Bhed home, move north.
                  After meeting Cid, search the area outside the Home.  Seach the
 dead body for two High Potions.  Near the save sphere is the Al Bhed Primer vol.
 19.  After the group congregates in the central area, they get attacked by Guado
 Guardian and other enemies.  It is generally a good idea to take out the Guado
 Guardian first, cause he'll just cast support spells on the monsters.
                  Follow the party out of the center area.  After Cid's warning,
 the party gets attacked by a Guado Guardian and Dual Horns.
                 After descending the stairs, turn around and head back down the
 south corridor and enter the living quaters on the left.  The two treasure
 chests in this room require you to have a good library of Al Bhed Primers.  The
 Al Bhed Primer vol. 20 sitting on the bed nearby should help.  If you've
 collected all of the volumes thus far, this is no problem.  If not, you're going
 to need some assitance.
                 The chest on the right requires you translate 3 words in Al
 Bhed.  I'm not sure if this will be the correct order in which they appear on
 your games.  They may mix up, i'm not sure, but this is how it was on my game.
 The X will stand as the wrong answers.

 X       X       X
 X       X       X
 X       Sorry   X

 X       X       X
 X       X       Wait
 X       X       X

 X       X       X
 X       Pardon  X
 X       X       X
                 You'll get a Friend Sphere, and the chest to the left will ask
 what you'd like to receive.
                 Exit the living quarters and descend the stairs.  Grab 4 Al Bhed
 potions from the partially hidden treasure chest to the left, and move straight
 up the corridor across the intersection.  Another treasure chest in this area
 contains six more Al Bhed potions.
                 Move up the eastern diagonal corridor and search for the Al Bhed
 Primer vol. 21 on the floor.  Enter the blue-lit door nearby.
                 There are two more treasure chets in here that require a working
 knowledge of Al Bhed.  The chest closest to the Compilation Sphere has a number
 lock, and the code requires some math.  The table shows how to decipher the

 1st Digit       add both numbers
 2nd digit       subtract the 2nd number from the 1st number
 3rd digit       multiply the 1st number by the 2nd number
 4th digit       add both numbers
                 You'll get a special sphere for your effort.  The 2nd chest
 challenges you to decipher the four questions.  You must choose the correct
 answers to get a Skilll Sphere

 1st     3rd answer
 2nd     4th answer
 3rd     2nd answer
 4th     1st answer
                 As you head through the crumbling city, search under the stairs
 for a Lv. 4 key sphere (i wonder where the 3rd one is :)).  Don't miss the Lv. 2
 key sphere on the far right.  Search the inside of the sanctum for a chest
 containing 10,000 gil and head for the airship dock.
                 Leave the ship's bridge and talk to everyone.  If you're in need
 of items look for Rin, otherwise continue past him and enter the next door on
 the right.  Dona is in here and needs consoling.  The answer you give her
 affects her future appearances in the game.
                 Return to the birdge at this point and talk to the airship's
 pilot.  Upon determining Yuna's location, try to leave.  Fiends have entered the
 ship, so as you proceed back toward the cabin area expect some fighting.
                 Storming the largest city on the planet and the center of
 Yevon's teachings isn't going to be easy.  Save your game at the save sphere and
 speak to Rin before riding the platform to the surface.
                 If possible, equip as many characters as possible wiht armor and
 equipment with the  SOS Regen ability.  Also, keep in mind that Evrae is immune
 to most status effects.  DOn't forget to equip weapons and armor that improve
 your party's strength and HP.
                 If you have Slowaga, great!!!  Cast it on Evrae and haste on
 everybody.  The trigger command is self explanitory. Use all of your characters,
 and have LOTSA Al Bhed potions and Mega Pheonixes. You get 5400 AP for this
 little glory battle.
                 After the party lands on the roof of Bevelle Temple, heal
 everyone before proceeding.  You must now charge through several waves of
 Bevelle guards so it's best to start off strong.
                 The warrior monks with flamethrowers provide the toughest fight
 because they can douse the entire party with fire.  The second fight consists of
 two warrior monks and a giant machina.  Use a dark attack or smoke bomb to blind
 the machina and quickly dispose of the monks.
                 Proceed towards Seymour untill you encounter a Yat-99.  Defeat
 the guards in front first to advance to the machina.
                  After Yuna and the others make their sparate escapes, use the
 save sphere and descend into the tmple.  The circular stairs are easier to
 descend if you use the machina panel at the top.  Head down to the Cloister of
 Trials.  The Bevelle one consists of a maze of gliding paths.  The party must
 push a pedestal holding a Bevelle sphere onto the path, causing the pedestal to
 transform into a moving platform.  The sphere must be present or the pedestal
 will not work.  After Tidus rises down to the first stopping point, press x to
                 As you approach from the starting point, watch the first glyph
 on the path carefully.  When the arrow on the glyph points to the right and
 Tidus's platform is on it, press x to turn right.  Follow this path to the
 bottom.  Take the bevelle sphere from the bottom and insert it into the
 pedestal.  Push the pedestal back onto the path, and ride the platform back up
 to the top of the maze.
                 At the top of the maze, use the floor glyph to turn right.  At
 the next glyph, turn right again.  Remove one of the bevelles from the pedestal
 and place it into the slot.  This activates a portion of the lower path in the
 maze.  Push the pedestal back onto the path.
                 At the end of the top path, use the last glyph to turn 180
 degrees and go back.  Next, use the middle glyph to turn right.  Remove the
 Bevelle from the slot and place it into the pedestal.  Push the pdestal back
 onto the path and ride the platform off the end to start over at the begining.
                 At the first glyph on the top path, turn right and ride down to
 the lower path.  Turn left at the intersection and go toward the end of the
 path.  Move past the first two glyphs and turn right at the last glyph near the
 edge.  Take one of the BEvelles from the pedestal and set it into the slot to
 the left.  This opens the path to a slot with a purple light.
                 Push the pedestal back onto the path and ride off the end to
 start at the beginning of the lower path.  Ride the lower path to the
 second-to-last glyph and turn right.  Run to the end of the long path and taek
 the glyph.  Place it into the pedestal and then get back on the path.  Ride the
 lower path to the end and turn right.  Cross to the purple glyph and insert the
 glyph revealing a destruction sphere.
                 Take the destruction and get back on the plat form.  Ride it off
 the end to start over from the begining.  Ride the path to the second-to-last
 glyph and turn right again.  Run across the long stretcch and insert the
 destruction into the slot where you got the glyph.  This opens a new path in the
 next corridor over.
                 Ride the platform back to the last glyph on the lower level and
 turn right.  Take the bevelle that you inserted here, and insert it into the
 pedestal. If you do not have two Bevelles at this point you will miss out on a
 great item!!!  Ride the platform off the end of the lower path to start again at
 the begining.  At the second glyph, which you haven't used before, turn right.
 Push the pedestal across the platform and ride to the end where the new path
 lies.  This takes Tidus up to a new area.
                 Leave the pedestal at the bottom of the stairs and ascend.  Open
 the treasure chest on the right to collect an HP Sphere.  The treasure chest
 then disappears, revealing a floor switch.  Step on it to teleport the pedestal
 upstairs.  Take one of the Bevelles from the pedestal, and insert it into the
 lsot to open a path up on the left.  Push the pedestal on the left path here and
 ride it to the end.  Here, Tidus receives the Knight Lance.  Ride the platform
 back across to the top of the stairs and exit to the right.
                 After Yuna receives the Aeon Bahamut (OH YEAH!!!), the pary is
 sentenced to the Via Purifico.  the separated heroes must find their way back
 together to escape from Bevelle.  Controlling Yuna, move east out of the
 starting chamber and follow the corridor.  3 of your party members are in the
 maze, and can easily be found by using teleports.  But since you haven't
 controlled Yuna for a long time, and she's in desperate need of training, stay
 away from the teleports and do it the normal way, WALK TO THEM!!! :).
                 Follow the corridor east and then north untill you enter a room
 with Kimahri.  After he rejoins your part, move left and open the treasure chest
 for a mega-potion.  Continue north from where you picked up Kimahri and the
 winding corridor will eventually lead you west to Auron.
                 Use the save sphere and continue west.  Go straight through the
 next T-intersection untill you reach a locked room with a few treasure chests.
 We'll return to these later.  For now, head south. Follow the corridor untill
 you reach another teleport pad, and turn onto the short eastern path.  This
 takes you to Lulu, and beside her is a treasure chest containing a White Magic
                 Continue south from where you found Lulu untill you reach a dead
 end.  Collect the Elixir from the teasure chest, and activate the glyph in the
 rubble.  Return north to the last T-intersection and head east.  The corridor
 eventually returns you to the room which you started.
                 To get the treasure chests in a the locked room, move north from
 the first save sphere and take the first right turn.  A Black Magic Sphere is in
 the right side of the chamber, and the floor glyph should now be active.  When
 you step on it, the teleport pad outside is moved to a new location to the west.
                 Go back toward the save sphere where you located Auron, and head
 west again.  When you reach the chamber where the gate bars your path, stand by
 the teleport pad.  When the glyph arrow points toward the room, step on the pad
 to teleport inside.  Now you can collect the Skill Sphere, and the Lucid Ring
 inside.  Return to the last save sphere and head north through the red-lit
                 Now you'll encounter Isaaru.  This battle is a test of using
 your aeons' abilities wisely.  It consists of a series of 3 seperate fights,
 allowing Yuna to summon a new Aeon each time.
                 The first encounter is with Isaaru's version of Ifrit, Grothia.
 Summon Bahamut and use the aeon's impulse attack to send Grothia into overdrive.
 Bahamut will weather this attack, and will most likely go into overdrive as
 well.  Mega Flare should easily finish off Grothia.
                 Isaaru then summons his version of Valefor, Pterya.  Since
 Pterya doesn't havea any elemental strengths, summon either Shiva or Ixion,
 whichever is closest to hitting overdrive.  After taking damage, use you chosen
 aeon's black magic on itself to heal.  If Pterya gets close to Overdrive, start
 using shield.
                 Isaaru then summons his version of Bahamut, Spathi (...this guy
 has the weirdest names for his aeons...Grothia is kinda a cool one though.)
 Summon an aeon that can heal itself with its own black magic, like Ixion, or
 Shiva.  After using a special attack, Spathi begins a  countdown.  When the
 countdown reaches 0, use shield to reduce damage from the Mega Flare attack.
                 To the right of Tidus's starting position in the underwater
 channels is a blue chest where the trip can purchase items.  Before proceeding,
 consider customizing one of Tidus's weapons to get the piercing ability.  Most
 of the creatures in this area possess strong armor, and piercing weapons are
 most effective against them.  Swi forward and around the corner untill you see
 another Save Sphere.  Make sure you save your progress before proceeding into
 the round chamber.
                 Well well well...looks like Evrae couldn't go to the farplane.
 This fight is obviously gunna be hard...or will it be?  Thats up to you.  There
 are 2 ways to do it.  One way CONCIDERABLY easier than the other way.  Since
 Evrae is dead, you can just throw around 3 pheonix downs at him and he'll be
 dead.  Easy, right?  Now...for those of you who like the HARD way...
                 You can use trigger commands to strike the locks on the gates
 behind the characters during each turn.  This allows you to run asway from him,
 and each time you open the gate you get an additional turn at him.  Continue
 doing this through the channels untill the party captures Evrae in the final
 section.  In an enclosed area, Evrae's attacks sustain more damage than in the
 previous area.
                 The battle will end near the save sphere rather than taking the
 characters directly to the next scene.  Continue swimming through the channels,
 collecting the Avenger and Rematch from the 2 treasure chests.
                    Newly reunited, the party runs into Seymour again.  Unwilling
 to sacrifice Kimahri, Yuna and the others come to his aid.  There are two save
 spheres on the highbridge, one at the each end.  This area is an extremely good
 place to level up.  If Yuna can gain enough AP, try to learn Reflect ability.
 Try to get each character into overdrive mode but save the attack for the
 upcoming boss fight.
                  Tidus, Yuna, and Auron will all have Trigger commands that'll
 allow them to boost one of their atrributes.  Start by pounding away at the duo
 with overdrives.  Do not summon aeons, because Seymour will immediately kill
 them.  Instead, use Yuna's abilities to heal and restore life.
                 If you attack seymour directly, he will counter by casting one
 of his mult-spells, or he might eliminate a character with Flare.  He can also
 turn one of your party members to stone.  If this occurs, immediately use soft
 on that character.
                 The prime target in this fight is the mortibody.  When its HP
 runs dry, it will drain HP from Seymour.  However, it also casts Cura on
 Seymour.  You can use this to your advante by casting reflect on Seymour.  Then
 when the Mortibody tries to heal seymour, one of your party members will be
 healed instead.  With relfect in place, keep attacking the Mortibody and
 eventually it'll drain Seymour of all of his HP.
                 After saving your game, head south through the crossroads and go
 past Kimahri to find Yuna.  In the morning, the heads south.  You should first
 return to the campsite and get the Lucid ring from a partially hidden treasure
 chest there.  At the crossroads, continue past a Bevelle sentry to find another
 Jecht's Sphere.  After viewing it, return to the crossroads and continue east
 untill the world map appears.
                 Upon entering the Calm Lands, head west down the incline and
 Maechen willl give you a brief history of the region if you desire.  Upon
 reaching the base of the valley, you can visit Rin's Traveling Agency and
 purchase some very handy, but expensive weapons.  There's a large, circular area
 in the center of Calm Lands with an Al Bhed trading post and a Save sphere.
 Upon entering, the party encounters Father Zuke, a retired summoner.  On the far
 left side of the outpost is an Al Bhed wiht a message from Cid.  If you follw
 the base of the incline all the way to the east, you'll find two treasure chests
 containing 5,000 gil and 10,000 gil (...in real life NO ONE would leave that
 much money in a treasure chest).  Exit the trading post and run around behind it
 to find a treasure chest containing a Lv. 2 Key Sphere.
                 Head southwest from the circular area to encounter Belgemine
 once more.  She will call Shiva out this time which can EASILY be defeated with
 Ifrit.  Just heal yourself up with your own black magic.  For winning  this
 battle you get Power Spheres and the Aeon's Soul.  This key item enables you to
 use inventory items to increase attributes for your aeons.
                 From the two treasure chests, move north along the face of the
 cliff untill you find a passage leading east.  Here, you'll find the Crusaders'
 ancient training area.  The owner needs you to help him capture several escaped
 fiends.  If you agree to help him, he will sell you weapons with the capture
 ability.  The monster arena is a source of multiple awards.
                 To save some Gil, concider purchasing only two of these weapons
 and customize them for greater potential.  If you purchase the Taming sword for
 Tidus, or the Beastmaster for Auron, customize it with the piercing ability.  If
 you choose the catcher ball for Wakka, customize it with a status-inflicting
 ability like poison or darkness.
                 After collecting all nine monster species, return to the monster
 arena and speak to the owner.  The treasure chest he produces won't open untill
 you get a certain key item later.  However, speak to him again and you should
 receive 60 Farplane Winds.
                 Collect fiends from every area of Spira and take them to the
 arena.  The owner will then combine them to create powerful creatures that can't
 be found anywhere else.  Some of them yield extremely rare prizies, if you can
 defeat them.
                 Travel to the extreme northwest corner of the Calm Lands.
 Carefully search the area to find the Al Bhed Primer vol. 23 near the cliff's
 edge.  Move directly east along the cliff from the primer's location and speak
 to the woman riding a chocobo.  She can teach you how to ride a chocobo.
                  To ride a Chocobo across the expansive Calm Lands, you need to
 train one properly.  This involves racing the chocobo from start to finish under
 12.8 secs.  Since the chocobo is wild and tries to steer off the path, it is
 somewhat difficult to manage this.  However, if you can meet the required time
 limit, you receive a prize and permission to ride a chocobo across the Calm
 Lands.  Afterward, you will receive additional prizes whenever you manage to bet
 your best time.
                 Here is a rundown of the prizes you receive in each game:
 Game                                                     Initial Prize
 Additional Prize
 Wobbly Chocobo  Elixir  X-Potion
 Dodger Chocobo  Lv. 1 Key Sphere        Mega-Potion
 Hyper Dodger Chocobo    Lv. 2 Key Sphere        Ether
 Catcher Chocobo Lv. 3 Key Sphere        Turbo Ether
 Note: If you get a perfect time of 0:0.0 on the fourth game, you receive the Sun
 Sigil which is another important item.
                 You can reach Remiem Temple with the help of a chocobo.  Ride
 back to the south entrance of the Calm Lands and head east to the cliff above
 the two treasure chests.  While still on the chocobo, examine the chocobo
 feather on the ground to make the chocobo  leap into a new area of the Calm
 Lands.  After dismounting the bird, run up the path to Remiem Temple.
                 On the far left side is a sphere that explains how to race
 chocobos around the Remiem Temple.  Just above the sphere is the Al Bhed Primer
 vol. 24.  If you want to race, go to the chocobo on the right side of the temple
 and hop on its back.  The rules of the race will then be explained.
                 During the first race, don't worry about opening any treasure
 chests or using the shortcuts.  Just race down the ramps in a spiral pattern; it
 doesn't matter how many poles you hit.  If you can reach the center platform
 before the champion chocbo, you will receive the Cloudy Mirror.  This item will
 enable you to get all of the characters' legendary weapons!!!
                 Inside Remiem Temple, Belgemine waits to challenge Yuna.  After
 gaining all of the Aeons, including the secret ones, return here to challenge
 each one of them.  If you can defeat all of the aeons in the game, then the
 doorway at the back will open and you'll receive the Moon Sigil.  Another one of
 the important items.
                 When you're ready to leave the Calm Lands, exit through the
 southwest canyon and use the save sphere on the right.  The party meets up with
 Seymour's Minions.
                 Defender X is the name of this minion.  This massive creature
 has no inherent weakness.  Start with a party of Yuna, Tidus, and Auron and cast
 haste using Tidus.  Then using Auron, pummel Defender X with Armor Break and
 Mental Break.  Keep Tidus in the party to cast haste on the new party members,
 and bring in Lulu once Auron's job is done.
                 While Demi and Bio are inaffective, spells like Wateraga work
 wonders.  Yuna should cast Protect and Cura on everyone as needed.  if her
 Overdrive Healer is avaidable, she will be able to Grand Summon in no time.
 Avoid summoning unless the aeon or Yuna is already in overdrive, because
 Defender X will make short work of them.  The only real challenge to this battle
 is keeping everyone healthy.  Armor Break and Darkness are the keys to success.
                 After the battle, move to the right side of the bridge.  There
 is a sharp descent that leads down into the gorge.  The cavern of the Stolen
 Fayth is the area where you can fight and acquire the secret aeon Yojimbo.  It
 is also where you can find the Rusty Sword which is needed to acquire Aurons
 legendary weapon.
                 After Yuna gains the permission of Kelk, speak to the other
 Ronso in the area and save your game.  The taller Ronso on the right sells items
 and weapons.  If you're on Hi-Potions and Holy Waters, you should stock up
                 The Ronso challenge Kimarhi's skills in an intense two-on-one
 battle.  Try to get Kimahri to learn as many abilities from Biran and Yenke.
 When you see either of them perform a techinque, use Lancet ability to learn it
 from them.
                 If Kimahri hasn't acquired Fire Breath, Aqua Breath, Thrust
 Kick, Mighty Guard, Doom, Stone Breath, Self-Destruct, or White Wind, now is an
 excellent time to learn.  When one of the Ronso falls, the other will go beserk
 and inflict twice the amount of damage as before.  If Kimahri hits overdrive,
 use Mighty Guard.  Only use Aqua Breath if the Ronsos are standing close
 together, and use Fire Breath if they suround Kimahri.  Also note that you can
 steal some Lv. 3 Key Spheres from either Ronso.
                 After the fight, return to the gateway and save your game.  The
 road ahead is fraught with peril and few save spheres.  In the area wiht lots of
 ledges on either side, hop onto the top ledge to the right to find a hidden
 treasure chest containing 20,000 gil (I wonder what idiot thought it'd be safe
 in a treasure chest...) Then continue up the left side of the path untill you
 find 2 Mega-Potions.
                 As you proceed up Mt. Gagazet, you'll encounter graves of fallen
 summoners and guardians.  Continue up the zigzagging path untill you find a
 short and narrow path heading north around the large rock.  At the end of this
 path is Braska's Sphere.  If this is the third sphere you've obtained, Auron
 will learn a new overdrive.
 (Note: From this point on, once you've entered this area, enemies become
 extremely powerful.  The Threaten ability works great against Bashuras and other
 large enemies.  Also, continue to capture enemies untill you get at least one of
 every kind)
                 Continue up the path untill you reach a T-intersection.  Keep
 going straight to find a Defending Bracer which is fantastic armor for Auron.
 Then return to the intersection and head north.  Around the next corner, you
 meet O'aka's brother, Wantz.
                 From Wantz's location, descend the slope.  When it rises again,
 look for a small spot under the path to find two treasure chests.  Open these up
 for an HP Sphere and a Lv. 4 Key Sphere.  Head east from here and then north to
 another grim landmark.
                 After passing the next Save Sphere, you'll engage in one of the
 toughest batles yet.  To prepare, fight untill Yuna and all of her Aeons are in
 Overdrive mode, as well as all the other party members.  Start the battle with
 Tidus, Yuna and Kimahri.
                 This time you get to fight Seymour Flux and Mortiorchis
 (...don't ask how to pronounce it).  Seymour proves a much much much much MUCH
 tougher challenge this time around.  Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri all have the
 Trigger Command option of talking to Seymour and rasing their Strength or Magic
                 Use Tidus to cast Hastega, and have Yuna use her protect spell
 on everyone.  Seymour will occasionally cast dispel on the whole group, thus
 nullifying your hard work, but it's sooooo worth it.
                 Seymour's Cross Cleave attack can deplete over 2500HP from each
 party member.  However, those covered with the protect spell will only take half
 the damage.  Seymour concentrates on a pattern  of eliminating characters
 indivisually.  He will use Lance of Atrophy to inflict zombie status on a
 character.  On his next turn, he will cast Full-Life to deplete the characters
 HP.  You only have on turn between both of Seymour's attacks, so use it to
 administrate holy-water to the afflicted character. Also, try to Silence Seymour
 so he can't cast any spells, and don't forget Bio!!!
                 When the Mortiorchis begins to charge up on Total Annihilation
 attack, it will perform it in two or three turns.  One of your characters needs
 to perform an attack that will reduce all of Mortiorchis's HP.  This causes the
 chariot to siphon more life from Seymour and delays the attack somewhat.  It's
 best to bring in Auron and Lulu at this stage of the fight.  Seymour also starts
 using Flare spells, so cast Shell and Protect on your party members.  After
 surviving the Total Annihilation attack, quickly use a Mega-Potion to recover.
 This is when you can start summoning your Aeons to help finish off Seymour.
 Each aeon will only get in one shot, so make sure it's in Overdrive mode!!!
 Even with all of these pointers, there is still a certain element of Luck to
 surviving this battle.  Make sure your characters are all adequately protected
 between each of Seymour's turns.  Mortiorchis has 4000 HP, but Seymour has
                 After a quick nap near the fayth cluster, continue up the
 mountain into the caves.  A strange hole next to the save sphere prevents you
 from going north.  Go through the cavern to the west untill the party reaches an
 underwater area.  Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku will continue onward without the
 (Note: Combat in the caverns takes some smart tactics to take down these new
 tough enemies.  After using Armor Break on a Dark Flan, any character should be
 able to damage it effectively.  Behemoths are resistant to most status effects,
 so use all of Auron's Break abilities and cast haste and protect on the party.
 Bio also works well.  The Mandragora will inflict multiple status effects with
 its Ochu Dance.  Use Sleep Buster against it, and then Deplete its HP with Demi
 and Firaga.  Bio is the key ^_~)
                 As the opening in the shield rotates, press x to throw the ball
 through the shield and hit the glowing orb in the middle.  Simply watch the
 speed and timing of the rotating shield, and you sohuld have no trouble hitting
 it.  A treasure chest appears in front of the shield containing a Lv. 1 Key
                 Return through the water to the area with the save sphere.  The
 massive hole has been replaced by a stairway, so ascend the steps and move north
 to the next watery area.  The trio will split off again to swim ahead.
 (Another Note: Just a little boss prep ^_~.  From this point through the
 remainder of the game, you should prepare for the upcoming boss fights by
 summoning all of Yuna's aeons during random battles in hopes of having the reach
 Overdrive mode.  Don't was the Overdrive attack on a regular enemy, but save it
 from the tough bosses to come.)
             Swim to the end of the second channel to find a set of 3 lights.
 You need to guide each character into one of the colored lights.  The colors
 correspond to each character's color on the sphere grid.  Passing this trial
 causes a treasure chest to appear.  Inside the chest is a Fortune Sphere.  The
 colors are:

 Green   Rikku
 Blue    Tidus
 Orange  Wakka
                 Swim back through the tuneel and return to the area near the
 Save Sphere.  Rocks have fallen into the south passage, paving the way to yet
 another short swim.  There are two treasure chests near a cliff on the other
 side of the channel.  Get a Return Sphere and a Recovery Ring from the chests
 and return to the save sphere.  As you move west down the first corridor, you'll
 see that boulders have created a path to a previously inaccessable treasure
 chest.  Grab the Star Armguard and go back to the north passage.
                 A path has now formed heading up the left side of the second
 chamber.  Cross the rocks untill Yuna and Auron have a little conversation, and
 then use the final save sphere and exit the caves.  Your arrival at the summit
 is greeted by a particularly vicious protecter.
                 Sanctuary Keeper is his name, killing is his game.  His HP is
 40,000 and..*(whistles)* his AP is 11,000.  You can steal a turbo ether from
 him.  Begin this fight with Tidus, Yuna, and Auron.  Cast Hastega, and protect,
 and use Auron's Mental and Armor break on the beast.  After breaking down its
 defense, switch other characters in Auron's spot.  Remember to keep casting
 haste and protect on each new fighter.  Cast Reflect on the creature and then
 summon aeons that are in Overdrive mode.  Each aeon will only get one shot, and
 then the Keeper will use Mana Breath to eliminate them.  After the Keeper loses
 half of its HP, it will attempt to cast Curaga on itself.  With Relfect in
 place, one of your members will reap the benifits from this :P
                 This boss also has an attack pattern.  It starts out with Photon
 Wings, followed by two regular attacks, Mana Breath, then two Curagas.  The
 Sanctuary Keeper will sometimes counter with Tail Sweep too.  It's important to
 protect your party members against the status affect of Photon Wings attack, so
 equip you characters to protect against sleep, silence, darkness, and
 confusion(darn the confusion spells to heck!!!)
                 Yay!!!  Zanarkand!!!  In ruins though :(...*sigh*.  Navigating
 the Zanarkand Ruins is rather simple.  Until you reach the dome, you will
 encounter fiends from Mt. Gagazet.  Inside the dome, the fiends are much
 stronger.  Use Armor Break and Mental Break againster Defender Z.  If you
 encounter a Fallen Monk, use a Pheonix Down to kill him instantly.  Also, try to
 eliminate YKT-11s before all other enemies, or they'll eject individual party
 members from battle with their Thrust Kick.
                 When the roads seem stacked on top of each other, search for a
 path up to a treasure chest on the upper level and claim 10,000 gil.
 Eventually, you will come upon a ghostly image of Seymour as a child.  When the
 ghosts fade, search the eastern platform of the intersection for a Friend
 Sphere.  When crossing the debris, look for a path leading down to a Lv. 3 Key
                 Follow the ghosts into the temple.  Don't miss the Luck Sphere
 amid the debris on the right side, and save your game before entering.  The
 trial of Zanarkand is the simplest, but most time-consuming one yet.  You cannot
 obtain the secret item in this area untill later in the game.  Your only reward
 for now is an extremely dangerous beast. (YAY!!!! OH JOY!!!  It's all I ever
 wanted!!!  A little pet beast that tries to kill me!!!)
                 Step onto the green square near the entrance to activate the
 floor puzzle.  The puzzle solution is displayed on the far wall.  I wish I had a
 screen shot to show you...but...:*(...I don't.
                 Step on the correct white floor switch  to activate each puzzle
 piece.  Triggering an incorrect floor switch causes the puzzle to reset.  After
 you activate all the proper floor designs, the door to the next chamber opens.
 Six pedestals then slide into the room, three on each side.
                 Push the northwest pedestal and a new puzzle solution is
 displayed.  Enter the next room.  Go to the screen display and press X to make
 all the solutions appear.  Step on the floor switches to activate some pieces.
 If you step on a piece that is not activated, the puzzle will reset.  If you
 forget where the proper floor designs are, check the screen display again.
                 After you complete the puzzle, a symbol appears around the
 center Chasm.  I'm really sorry, if I had some really good screen shots of the
 solutions, I'd put them up here, but I don't :(...
                 After completing all 4 puzzles in the larger chamber, take the
 Kilika Sphere from the left side of the screen display and return to the first
 chamber.  Insert the sphere into the pedestal  on the west side of the first
 chamber.  Return to the larger chamber and take the Besaid Sphere.  Insert this
 into the final pedestal in the first chamber.  This causes the giant to glow.
 Also, a new Save Sphere appears in the first chamber.  Save your game and
 prepare to fight a nice little boss.
                 The challenge to this fight is avoiding Spectral Keeper's
 counterattack after your intial attack.  It's important to position most of your
 party out of harm's way before attacking the boss.  Start with a party of Tidus,
 Yuna, and Auron.  Equip everyone with armor bearing Beserk Ward or Beserkproof
 if avaidable.
                 Cast Hastega immediately so the characters can move out of the
 way before the boss finds them again.  Move two characters to circles behind the
 Spectral Keeper, and leave the character with the highest HP out in the front to
 keep the monster distracted.  Otherwise, it will turn to attack the entire
 party.  Have Yuna cast Protect on the frontline person, and then let that person
 attack.  The boss will the counterattack, striking the three circles in front of
 it.  It might also use its Beserk Tail attack, beserking the target.
                 Glyph mines will form on the surface of the circles, and their
 explosions mean certain death.  Check the CTB Window to determine when each mine
 will explode.  Use the trigger command Move to excape the explosion.
                 Since Aeons can't escape glyph mines, they die quickly.  If they
 are summoned, they'll only have time for one Overdrive.  So, summon at your own
                 Follow the bowels of the temple.  You get to see Lady Yunalesca,
 the lady that Yuna was named after.  Record your game at the Save Sphere near
 the elevator.  It's time for another battle, this time it's in 3 stages!!!  If
 you used your characters' overdrives in the last boss fight, you should consider
 return to the dome area.  Fight some fiends untill you refill your characters'
 overdrive gauges.
                 Before proceeding into this fight, you need to equip you
 characters with armor that will protect against status effects.  In particular,
 status effects like Death, Zombie, Darkness, Silence, and Sleep.  Ultimately,
 her HP is 132,000.
                 Yunalesca's first form is easy to defeat, so don't use any
 overdrives yet.  Yunalesca will respond to each physical attack by inflicting
 Darkness and each spell cast on her is met with Silence.  She respons to special
 techinques, such as steal, with sleep.
                 In her second form, Yunalesca unleashes a new attack, Hellbiter.
 This attack inflicts zombie status on your characters, so quickly use a holy
 water or remedy.  Yunalesca will then cast healing magic on members to damage
 them, so if you remove the zombie effect quickly enough, you can benefit from
 her stupidity of casting healing magic on a character that doesn't have zombie
 :P  Make sure that Haste is in effect on the entire party.
                 It's also important to keep a balance between having characters
 with the zombie effect while some remain normal.  Another way to handle the
 status effects is to switch out party members whenever the need arises.
                 When the true face of Yunalesca is revealed, cast Haste and
 Protect on the entire party.   Also, do not remove the zombie effect from the
 party.  Any character afflicted with zombie will be killed instantly when
 Yunalesca performs her Mega-Death attack.
                 If a character is hit with Regen, use Yuna's dispel to rove the
 constant healing effect without negating the Zombie effect.  Also, brin in some
 of your strongest Aeons and perform their overdrives.
                 Search the battleground for the sun crest and then ride the
 elevator back to the surface and exit the dome.  Walk around outside untill Cid
 arrives at the airship.
                 When Yuna leaves the bridge, follow her up to the cabin
 updstairs and speak with her.  After Kimahri makes a suggestion, return to the
 bridge.  Now you have command of the airship.  Talk to Cid, and you can go
 anywhere in Spira just by pointing to it on the world map.
                 The "List" option displays the places the party has visited, and
 includes a new one - the Highbridge.  Since the party decided to visit Maester
 Mika, the Highbridge of Bevelle is highlighted as your next destinatioin.  The
 "Input" option allows you to enter answers to 3 Al Bhed riddles from diff.
 locations in Spira.  The "Search" option enables you to move the cursor across
 the map and search for hidden locations.  Also, you may have noticed areas or
 treasure chests that you couldn't reach no matter how hard oyu tried.  This is
 how you find them!
                 Before rushing off to fight Sin, your characters may need a
 little more seasoning.  It will be easier to reach the end of the game if you
 visit a few extra places off the beaten path.  You can now accquire additional
 aeons.  You can find each characters hidden legendary weapons now too.  You know
 those words I put in bold and underlined?  Those were needed for those weapons.
 You can do more chocobo rasing in the Calm Lands, you can return to Sanubia
 Desert to chase Cactuars, or return to the lightning plains to dodge lightning
 bolts.  You can collect all diffrent kinda of fiends to show off at the monster
 arena  and obtain some NICE prizes if you keep the owner happy.  Also, another
 place to visit is the Omega Ruins.  There is no better training ground for you
 characters, and if you're running low on Lv. 4 and 3 Key Spheres, but there is
 other place more dangerous.  Omega Ruins is the home of one of the most powerful
 boss in the game, Omega Weapon (you also have Ultima Weapon to fight :))
 Remember that the spheres Auron needs to acquire his Overdrives are now
 scattered across Spira.
                 If things get too rough, you can use any Save Sphere to return
 to the bridge of Cid's airship.  A way to make additional Gil is to visit Omega
 Ruins a bunch of times and then sell all the extra equipment you collect.  Some
 of the better items at Omega will sell for 10,000 to 20,000 gil each.
                 Well, are you ready to face Sin?  I sure in the heck am ready to
 explain it all and finish this walkthrouh :).  Return to the Highbridge at
 Bevelle, and move up toward the monks guarding the high court.
                 Odds are that if you've completed a couple of the side quests
 and survived several trips to the Omega Ruins, you're in good shap to face the
 final bosses.  Also, having all the aeons in your possession should make things
 easier.  I suggest that you fight the final bosses by yourself without using
 this walkthrough.  Then, if you have no luck, read my boss strategies, and TAKE
 NOTE of any character-specific abilities mentioned.
                 Some abilities that are useful in the final boss fight include
 Doublecast, Ultima, Holy, Quick Attack, Full-Life, and Auto-Life.  By referring
 to the Sphere Grid, you'll see that these abilities are pretty far apart.  Some
 quick trips to Omega Ruins might help a little.  If you're short ont he Lv. 3
 and 4 Key Spheres, you can obtain a good deal of them in the Omega.
                 After a few trips to Remiem Temple, you should be able to use
 items to customize Yuna's and Lulu's weapons with the One MP ability.  Imagine
 being able to cast Curaga, Ultima, or Holy for the use of only one MP!!!  You
 armor should protect against confusion, beserk, and petrification.
                 Well...here it goes.  First you get to fight Left Fin, Right
 Fin.  The HP for both of these babies are 65,000.  You get 33,000 AP in all.
 Starting the first three boss fights is as easy as pointing Cid toward Sin, and
 then stepping outside the ship.  The first two battles are fought exactly the
 same way.
                  Start the battle with Tituds, Lulu, and Yuna in your party.
 Cast Hastega on the entire party to speed up your turns.  Then have Yuna cast
 Shell on everyone and make Lulu Doublecast Flare or Ultima.
                 If you don't have these abilities, summon aeons and use their
 special attacks.  You can also use the trigger command to draw the ship closer
 to ship closer to Sin.  Place Auron in the group and use Armor Break, while
 Tidus, Rikku, and Kimahri strike the fin at close range.  Move the ship back out
 after eveone gets in one hit, because Sin causes much more damage at close
                 You fight the Right Fin using the same tactics.  Just cast
 Hastega on everyone and you're set.  Save your Overdrives for an upcoming
                 The Sinspawn Genais absorbs any magic cast at Sin, so take it
 out first.  Cast Slow and Silence on the Genais.  By casting silence, you
 prevent it from casting Cura.
                 Once Genais crumbles, the group advances on Sin's weak point.
 Physical attacks won't inflict much damage untill you use armor break.  If Rikku
 or Kimahri has the Copycat ability, you can switch them into the fight.  Have
 Lulu Doublecast Flare or Ultima, depending on her remaining MP.  Then have Yuna
 cast Holy, and make the third person in your party Copycat Holy is possible.
 Bring in Rikku to heal and cure Venom satus with Al Bhed potions as needed, and
 focus Yuna on casting Holy or summoning aeons.  Again, avoid using your
 characters' overdrives during this battle.  You will need them to survive the
 next encounter.
                 It's moby dick in overdrive mode!!!  Woo-hoo!!!   Lets see him
 take of that sailor's leg!!!  But, before the fight begins, equip your party
 with armor that protects against petrification, confusion, and zombie.  This
 fight requires a lot more speed and power.  If Sin manages to cast
 Giga-Graviton, the Party's FINISHED.  Start with Tidus, Yuna, and Lulu.  140,000
 HP baby.
                     Doublecast, Hastega, Quick Attack, Armor Break, and Mental
 break are extremely useful in this battle.  When the fighting starts, cast
 Hastega, and start Doublecasting Flare or Ultima.  Have Yuna cast Holy, and use
 Tidus heal or cure petrification.
                 Bring in Wakka and unleash his Overdrive, and have Kimahri
 perform Fire Breath.  Use Rikku's spare change ability and toss 100,000 gil at
 Sin to inflict 9999 HP damage.  When Sin pulls you in further, use Tidus's,
 Auron's, and Rikku's Ovedrives.  If Sin gets close to his overdrive, bring Yuna
 back in and summon your strongest Aeons in OVERDRIVE MODE!!!
                 After defeating Sin, the airship enters the creature's shell.
 This doesn't mean though that you can't do more exploring outside.  Treasure
 chest are at the top of waterfalls.  There are some tough bosses in here too.
 Many fiends inside Sin are like mini-bosses.  Although this is a great area to
 level up your characters, don't wander for from a save sphere.  Note that
 Behemoth Kings will cast meteor when killed, which can seriously damage your
 party's HP.  To counter this attack, cast Auto-Life on your entire party before
 the battle ends.  Upon reaching the platform decorated with Seymour's staves,
 you know what's coming next...
                 Seymour Omnis looks COOL.  His HP is 80,000 too :(...oh well.
 Before climbing the stairs near Seymour's Staves, equip party members with armor
 that absorbs or nullifies elemental attacks.
                 The wheels behind Seymour determine his elemental property.  He
 is vunerable to the opposite property, which you can see by using scan.  It's
 important to use Armor Break and Mental Break, and Null spells in this battle
                 Occassionaly, Seymour will attack the Mortiphasms behind him,
 shifting his elemental choice.  When this occurs, bring in Kimahri and Auron to
 strike the Mortiphasms.  You'll need Wakka to hit he highest one.  When four
 orbs of the same color are lined up around Seymour again, summon an aeon or
 bring Lulu back for more Doublecasting.  After Seymour casts dispel, he will
 cast a powerful version of Ultima.  Keep in mind that Seymour will eventually
 banish your aeons.
                 Continue past the Save Sphere and search the right-hand wall for
 a glyph.  A message hints that you need to kill 10 fiends to open the door.
 After killing 30 fiends to open three doors total, pick up a Lv. 4 Key Sphere.
                 When you reach a square platform with a Yevon symbol, stand on
 it momentarily.  It will lift you up to a treasure chest with Wakka's
 Four-on-One.  Across the Four-on-One treasure box, push the bridge down to find
 a Defending Bracer.  Futher up, look for a ramp down to a chest containing
 20,000 gil, and step on the platform beside it to access an HP Sphere and a
 Defense Sphere.  A lift back down to the ground is near the 2nd item.
                 Continuing northeast, look for an alcove along the south wall to
 find a small building.  Enter the building from the south, and Tidus will slide
 down a long spiral.  At the bottom is Yuna's Laevatein.  To exit this pit, move
 along the wall next to the treasure chest untill the X button appears.  Continue
 to search for points to climb out of the hole.  Continue up the ramp untill you
 find the save sphere in the game.
                 It should be noted that this is your LAST chance to do anything
 else before the end of the game.
                 As you proceed north, the Tower of Death crashes to the ground.
 Move towards it to enter.  Inside, icicles will begin to shoot upward from the
 ground.  A fight ensues if yone strikes you.
                 To make navigation easier, stand in one spot untill the camera
 rotates around to show the area better.  If a white light starts to clow under
 Tidus's feet, move against the direction the camera is rotating so that you can
 still see the area.  Small colored crystals will form and fade away.  You must
 run up to these and touch them before the disappear to gain items contained
 within.  After you acquire 10 items, the final showdown will begin.  Don't
 forget to properly equip your characters before the FINAL boss fight begins.
                 Braska's Final Aeon has 2 forms.  The first one having 60,000,
 and the 2nd, 120,000.  It has no weakness, and you can steal a  Turbo Ether from
 it :P  The strategy contained in this section could vary depending on the path
 your characters' took on the Sphere Grid.  You may need to adjust your own
 strategy accordingly.  Although the Yu Pagados attempt to heal the final aeon,
 do not wast any time trying to disable them.  Use Auron's Zombie Attack on the
 final aeon, so that the Pagados will damage the boss every time they try to cure
 it.  Otherwise, Doublecast Flare on the enemy and keep everyone's HP extremely
 high when the 2nd portion of the battle begins.
                 During Tidus's turns, he has the option of speaking.  Talk to
 the boss greatly reduces its overdrive gauage.  Use this only when the boss's
 ovedrive gauge is almost full.  This this option only works a couple of times, I
 recommend using it at a later point in the battle.
                 After losing 60,000 HP, the final aeon transforms.  Cast protect
 and auto-life if avaidable.  If your characters' ovdrives gauges are full, use
 them now.  Also, continue to Doublecast your strongest spells.  Cast Hastega and
 administer Mega-Potions and Megalixirs as needed.
                 When the final aeon's ovedrive gauge gets about 3/4's full, talk
 to it using Tidus's trigger command.  Once its HP falls below 30,000, summon
 your strongest aeons and use their Ovedrives to finish it off

 I'd like to thank everyone who encouraged me to finish.