
            Yup, this page was saved by a very very VERY nice person too!!!!!!  I Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much Keebler!!!  I  am seriously gunna make a shrine to these two people have have saved me a buttload of work one day, when I get everything under control.  But anyways, here are your sidequests!!!  You're not gunna be able to really do any of them though untill you get to the Thunder Plains...

Lightning Dodger

        When you reach the Thunder Plains is when you get to actually start this "lovely" side quest, cause in the Thunder Plains, lightning never stops.  By pressing the X button when the screen flashes, you can dodge the lightning.  If you dodge it a number of times, you get PRIZES :).

5 times 2 X-Potions
10 Times  2 Mega-Potions
20 Times 2 MP Spheres
50 Times 3 Strength Spheres
100 Times 3 HP Spheres
150 Times 4 Megalixirs
200 Times Venus Sigil
               You will need the Venus Sigil to unlock Lulu's Legendary Weapon (The onion knight!!!!!!).  Now the secret to this, is to equip the No Accounter ability and roam the area.  You can track your progress by examining a book that appears on the right inside of the Travel Agency once you've dodges two bolts in a row.
30 Times Ether
80 Times Elixir
                Getting struck by lightning depletes the HP from your characters.  If you have a penchant for pain, you can actually receive prizes for surviving consecutive bolts of lightning.

Butterfly Catcher

        I'm gunna guess you're the type of person that wears dresses and skips in fields of flowers if you actually do this :P.  In the Macalania Woods, you encounter a creature who explains the butterfly catcher mini-game in a little hippie-like poem.  To begin the game, move toward the closest butterfly.  You have to chase down seven blue butterflies before time runs out.  Avoid the red butterflies because they'll call powerful fiends and remove 1 sec from the remaining time limit.  If you catch all seven blue butterflies before time runs out, a new chest will appear.  The chest will disappear if you leave the area, so don't forget to open it and claim your prize.
                You can take part in the Butterfly Catcher game in 2 areas.  The first area in the Macalania Woods - Central, near the creature who explains the game, and the Macalania Woods - North.
                This mini-game gets difficult as the story progresses, but the prizes keep getting better too.  At first, the timer is set to 40 seconds.  Once you defeat the Spherimorph, it becomes 30 seconds.  Lastly, once you gain control of the airship, the number red butterflies signically increases.  Return to Macalania Woods in the airship and succeed in both areas to gain the Saturn Sigil, which unlocks the potential of Kimahri's Spirit Lance.

Village of the Cactuars

                Gain control of the airship and return to the Sanubia Desert.  There is a large rock with a picture of a cactuar on it.  Each time oyu examine the rock, you receive a clue to help find one of the 10 Cactuars in the hidden desert.  After finding each one, you are challanged to the game of Red light, Green Light.  If you successfully touch the Cactuar before tiem runs out, you will fight it.  No matter the outcome of the battle, you will receive the sphere baring the name of the cactuars.  If you lose the game of Red Light, Green Light 3 times you'll only get a Sphere del Perdedor.  Return ot the rock and place whichever sphere you obtained into the rock.  After doing so, you receive a new clue telling you where the next cactuar is hidden.  The locations of the cactuars are as follows:

Oasis  Near the first save point.
Sanubia Desert - East In an alcove to the east, north of the tent with the Save Sphere
Sanubia Desert - West Search the sign near the cactuar rock that says 20% off
Saubia Desert - Central Near the ruins to the west.  Look for two cactuars running around the desert.
Sanubia Desert - East Near the save point under the tent
Sanubia Desert - Central  Trapped in a treasure chest far in the west
Saunbia Desert - West Inside one of the sand whirlpools.  You must exit and re-enter the area.
Oasis - Teleport back to the airship and go on the outside deck.
Sanubia Desert - Return to the Cactuar statue an d the last one autmatically appears behind you

    After placing the nine spheres of either type into the rock, the standstorm protecting Cactuar Village will come to a stop.  Search th einside for lots of Cactuar encounters and 2 special treasure chests.  One contains the Mercury Sigil.  The contents of the other chest vary depending on your performance.

Up to 2 named spheres Potion
3 to 5 named spheres Elixir
6 or 7 named spheres Megalixir
8 or 9 named spheres Friend Sphere

Chocobo Trainer

                In the Calm Lands, speak to the lady on a chocobo.  Agree to train chocobos, and she will teach you how.  There are four exercises.  You must finish the exercise properly and beat or tie the time limit set by the trainer.  If you do, you'll win a valuable prize.  The next time you try the same exercise, beat your best time to win another prize.  ONce you train your chocobo in teh first exercise, the trainer will allow you to advance to another exercise, untill all four exercises are revealed.

Wobbly Chocobo

                This race takes place on a w ild chocobo that refuses to run straight toward the finish line.  Press the left analog stick left and right to stay on course.  You must reach the finish line under 12.8 secs.   Once you suceed, you can ride a chocobo in the calm Lands any time you want for free, just by asking the trainer.

Dodger Chocobo

         This chocobo is easier to steer, but you must dodge incoming Blitzballs.  If you get hit, the chocobo gets momentarily stunned.  This makes it much more difficult to cross the finish line in time.

Hyper Dodger Chocobo

                This game pits your chocobo against volleys of blitzballs and birds.  Try to stay close to the line of balloons, and then move toward the center as each cluster of balls and birds flies toward you

Catcher Chocobo

                Race the chocobo trainer from the entrance of the Calm Lands to the northeastern exit, dodging blitzballs and birds.  Each bird that hits you adds three secs to your total time, while each balloon you collect subtracts 3 seconds.  Winning this race enables Tidus to reach his legendary weapon at the north end of the Calm Lands.  Furthermore, if you can successfully beat the chocobo trainer with a total time, minus all balloon adjustments, of 0:0.0 then she will give you the Sun Sigil required to activate Tidus's Caladbolg

Remiem Temple

                In the hidden temple in the mountains east of the Calm Lands, you can battle against any aeon that you have acquired by challenging Belgemine.  The first time that you win against Belgemine's aeon she will reward you with rare items.  Defeat her Bahamut, and you'll get a Flower Scepter.  After fighting and defeating all of the aeons in the game, including the Magus Sisters, Belgemine hands over the Moon Sigil. which removes the No AP abilitiy from Yuna's legendary weapon.
                To acquire the Cloudy Mirror, you must win the chocobo race under Remiem Temple.  Winning ther ace is quite easy even on the first try.  To improve the item you win in this race, you need to use as many shortcuts as possible and avoid hitting any of the poles.

The Monster Arena

                The monster arena is in the eastern part of the Calm Lands.  The owner sells weapons with the Capture ability.  The owner will then ask you to capture fiends from all over Spira.
                You'll get prizes when you return to the owner with required creatures.  Some of the are extremely rare.  In addition, you can also fight unique creatures that the owner has created from captured fiends.  Prizes are awarded wach to you accomplish one of the following:
Capture one of ever fiend in every area
Capture 10 of every fiend of a specific species
Capture 10 of every fiend in every area
                Complete a total of 10 of either Species Conquest or Area Conquest for the Mars Sigil, which unlocks the potential of Auron's legendary weapon.
                While backtracking in the game and looking for the spheres that trigger Auron's overdrives, equip Capture weapons and collect fiends from each area you have to visit.  The owner's weapons are expensive, so buy weapons for characters who you know can take down alot of HP in one hit.  This will most likely be Wakka, Auron, Tidus, or perhaps Kimmie :) (kimahri)
                After capturing fiends, you can pay to fight them in the arena.  What's the point, when yuo've already fought these fiendsters elsewhere?  When fighting monsters here, you can steal better items, win spheres for the sphere grid, and you can bribe them for rare item.  NO!  I WILL NOT MAKE A TABLE FOR THIS!!!!  Well...MAYBE you can bribe me :).  But...why would you wanna go through the price I'd ask?

                Thanks to my frined,, I've obtained a list of all the monsters and stuff...not exactly a good table, but oh well :).  One creature is missing from the orginal section...well...that creature can just be a secret suprise ;).

Besaid - Dingo, Condor, Water Flan

 Kilika - Dinonix, Killer Bee, Ragora, Yellow Element

 Mi'ihen Highroad - Mi'ihen Fang, Ipiria, Floating Eye,
 White Element, Raldo, Vouivre, Bomb, Dual Horn

 Mushroom Rock Road - Raptor, Gandarewa, Thunder Flan,
 Red Element, Lamashtu, Funguar, Garuda

 Djose Road - Garm, Simurgh, Bite Bug, Snow Flan,
 Bunyip, Basilisk, Ochu

 Thunder Plains - Melusine, Aerouge, Buer, Gold
 Element, Kusariqqu, Larva, Iron Giant, Qactuar

 Macalania - Snow Flan, Iguion, Wasp, Evil Eye, Ice
 Flan, Blue Element, Murussu, Mafdet, Xiphos, Chimera

 Bikanel - Sand Wolf, Alcyone, Mushussu, Zu, Sand Worm,

 Calm Lands - Skoll, Nebiros, Flame Flan, Shred,
 Anacondaur, Ogre, Coeurl, Chimera Brain, Malboro

 Sunken Cave - Yowie, Imp, Dark Element, Nidhogg,
 Thorn, Valaha, Epaaj, Ghost, Tonberry

 Gagazet - Bandersnatch, Ahriman, Dark Flan, Grenade,
 Grat, Grendel, Bashura, Mandragora, Behemoth,
 Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike

 Omega Dungeon - Zaurus, Floating Death, Black Element
 Halma, Puroboros, Spirit, Machea, Master Coeurl,
 Master Tonberry, Varuna

 Inside Sin - Exoray, Wraith, Gemini, Gemini,
 Demonolith, Great Malboro, Barbatos, Adamantoise,
 Behemoth King

 Area Conquest - Stratoavis, Malboro Menace, Kottos,
 Coeurlregina, Jormungand, Cactuar King, Espada, Abyss
 Worm, Chimerageist, Don Tonberry, Catoblepas, Abaddon,

 Species Conquest - Fenrir, Ornitholestes, Pteryx,
 Hornet, Vidatu, One-Eye, Jumbo Flan, Nega Elemental,
 Tanket, Fafnir, Sleep Sprout, Bomb King, Juggernaut,

 Original - Earth Eater, Greater Sphere, Catastrophe,
 Th'uban, Neslug, Ultima Buster, Shinryu, Nemesis

Secret World Map Locations

                There are several hidden locations on the world map that you can find by selecting specific coordinates while aboard the airship.  Just move the cursor to the approximate coordinates and press x to search that region.  Finding the precises spot for each location can be tricky, so if necessary, keep moving the cursor while pressing x repeatedly untill you find it.

X Coordinate                                        Y Coordinate                                         Location Name
11~16                                                     57~63                                                      Baaj Temple
12~16                                                     41~45                                                     Sanubia Desert
29~32                                                     73~76                                                     Besaid Falls
33~36                                                     55~60                                                     Mi'ihen Ruins
39~43                                                     56~60                                                     Battle Site
69~75                                                     33~38                                                     Omega Ruins

Baaj Temple:
                Here you can obtain Lulu's legendary weapon and the powerful aeon Anima.
Sanubia Desert:
                 There is a lone treasure chest in this isolated area that contains Tidus's Ascalon, which bares the Double AP ability.
Besaid Falls:
                This tiny rock outcropping under the waterfalls in Besaid is where you can find Kimahri's Dragoon Lace.
Mi'ihen Runis:
                In this area of the ruins off the coast, you can find the Sonar for Rikku, which comes with 2 abilities.
Battle Site:
                Proceed north from the save sphere to find Lulu's Phantom Bangle which aborbs 3 types of elemental attacks!!!
Omega Ruins:
                The secret location that is the home of a legendary fiend.  More details included later in this section.

Airship Passwords
                There are also hidden locations accesible by using the "Input" feature found in the airship command list.  You can find these passwords by deciphering Al Bhed emssages left in specific locations around Spira.  Note that all of the passwords are case-sensitive.
                Input the password GODHAND in all caps to reach the ravine below Mushroom Rock Road.  Rikku's legendary weapon isin a treasure chest at the top of the area.  Input the password VICTORIOUS and it opens up a secret location at the ruins in Besaid.  Climb up the tree branch to find Rikku's Victorious armor which nullifies 3 types of elemental attacks.  Input the password MURASAME and it'll open up another secret location in Besaid.  Cross the platform to find Auron's Murasame, which contains the One MP Cost ability.

Al Bhed Primer Locations

Well...don't we all wish to know what these danged Al Bheds are saying?  Well, I do!!!  This is a list of where they all are, cause I'm kinda doubtful that I listed them all in the walkthrough, and I'm betting I probably didn't.

1 Al Bhed Salvage Ship
2 Besaid Village-Crusaders Lodge
3 S.S. Liki-Engine Room
4 Kilika-Tavern
5 S.S. Winno-Bridge
6 Luca Stadium-Basement B
7 Luca Theater-Receptionist
8 Mi'ihen Highroad (Automatically given by Rin)
9 Mi'ihen Highroad-North Wharf
10 Mushroom Rock Road-Precipice
11 Djose Highroad
12 Moonflow-North Wharf
13 Guadosalam-House
14 Thunder Plains-Agency (acquired from Rin if you tell him your study of Al Bhed is going ok, if not, it'll be in Sanubia Desert-East)
15 Macalania Woods-Lake Road
16 Lake Macalania-Agency Fort
17 Sanubia Desert-Central
18 Sanubia Desert-Central
19 Al Bhed Home
20 Al Bhed Home-Living Quaters
21 Al Bhed Home-Main Corridor
22 Bevelle Temple-Preists' Passage(this can only be obtained immediately after the wedding scene)
23 The Calm Lands-Central(northwest section)
24 Remiem Temple(on the left side, near the chocobo)
25 The Calm Lands-Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
26 Omega Ruins

                                                                    The Cloudy & Celestial Mirror

                To acquire the Cloudy Mirror, you must go to Remiem Temple in the Calm Lands.  Talk to the chocobo on the right-hand side to race on the spiraling track under the temple.  If you win the race you get the Cloudy Mirror.  To acquire the Celestial Mirror, take the Cloudy one to Macalania Woods.
                Talk to the mother and son standing near the save sphere in Macalania Woods-South.  The mother will mention that her husband is supposed to meet her.  Then go to Macalania Woods-Campsite and talk to the man to the right, who is the woman's husband ( sweet).  Tell him where his wife and son are and return to Macalania Woods-South.  Head up the mysterious glowing path near the Save Sphere.  At the intersection, head north untill you see the boy standing in front of a large spherical crystal.  Talk to the little boy and use the Cloudy Mirror on the crystal.  The Cloudy mirror will change into the Celestial Mirror, which is THE key to finding the party's legendary weapons.

Legendary Weapons

Each character has a specific legendary weapon which can be acquired by using the Celestial Mirror.  When the weapon is first found, it is equipped with the No AP ability.  To remove this ability and empower the weapon to its full potential, you need to find 2 specific event items for each character.  Upon doing so, you must return to the Macalania Woods and use the Celestial Mirror to power up the weapon at the large spherical crystal high amid the treetops.

Tidus: Caladblog

To acquire Tidus's legendary weapon, Caladblog, you must race and defeat the chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands.  After winning the race, walk to the upper northwest section of the Calm Lands.  The guard blocking a narrow pathway down into the gorge will have left his post, allowing you to pass.  Tidus will then be able to use the Celestial Mirror to acquire Caladbolg.  Now remember those certain items that I highlighted in the Walkthrough?  Well guess what, this is what you use them for.  These items allow you to power up Tidus's legendary weapon.

Sun Crest Zanarkand Dome, where you fought Yunalesca
Sun Sigil Race the chocobo trainer in Calm Lands and finish with a time of 0:0.0

Yuna: Nirvana

        To acquire Yuna's weapon, Nirvana, you must capture all nine types of fiends in the Calm Lands region.  After collecting them all, return to the monster arena owner.  He'll produce a treasure chest containing the weapon.

Moon Crest Besaid Isle - Beach
Moon Sigil Defeat every aeon at Remiem Temple

Auron: Masamune

        You must first acquire the Rusty Sword to get the Masamune, found on the eastern cliff of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth in the Calm Lands.  Take the Rusty Sword to the statue of Lord Mi'ihen on Mushroom Rock Road.  Access to this area was previously prevented by Clasko.  Place the Rusty Sword before the statue to reveal a glyph.  Touch it to reveal Masamune's secret location.

Mars Crest Mi'ihen Highroad - Oldroad South
Mars Sigil Capture 10 monsters of 10 diffrent kinds from 10 diffrent areas

Wakka: World Champion

        Yeah...right, Wakka must've had this baby in a dream.  Imagine...him the world champion!  Well...he is kinda good.  But...we're off subject now again aren't we?  Well....get the Celestial Mirror and go talk to the bartender in the Luca Cafe.  If she refuses to turn it over, it's cause you haven't been playing blitzball enough.

Jupiter Crest Luca, inside the locker in the Aurochs' locker room
Jupter Sigil Offered as a prize in the blitzball league matches, but only after Wakka has the Attack Reels, Status Reels, and Aurochs Reels.

Kimahri: Spirit Lance

    You need to activate 3 of the Quactar stones on the Thunder Plains.  Stand at any stone and press the square button to see the spirit of a quactuar released.  After activating 3 stones, find the quactuar ghost flying just above the ground at Thunder Plains - South, and follow it to a small, ruined lightning tower on the right site.  Press the square button again to send a bolt of lightning to the tower, revealing a treasure chest holding the item.

Saturn Crest Mr. Gagazet, columns after Seymour battle
Saturn Sigil Capture all hte blue butterflies without touching any red  ones in the butterfly hunt game in the Macalania Woods

Lulu: The Mighty Onion Knight!!!

    This is my fav doll Lulu has, except for the Moomba ones of course!!!  Return to Baaj Temple, and dive underwater.  Swim toward the doors to the north and fight Geosgaeno.  After defeating him, search the southern part of the circular underwater area and look for a treasure chest containing the weapon.

Venus Crest The Farplane at Guadosalam
Venus Sigil Must evade the lightning on the Thunder Plains 200 consecutive times without being hit. Return to the front of the Travel Agency and open the chest there.

Rikku: Godhand

               You must input the airship password GODHAND to open a secret location at Mushroom Rock.  Move north to the end of this ravine, and use the Celestial Mirror on the symbol embedded on the rock's face.

Mercury Crest In a sand whirlpool in Sanubia Desert
Mercury Sigil Complete the village of the Cactuars mini-game and look for a treasure chest in the sandstorm area.

Omega Ruins

                Find the Omega Ruins using the airship's search option as decribed somewhere else in the little page.  This is a secret dungeon where powerful enemies dwell.  The goal is to defeat and release the soul of the heretic Omega.  However, another reason to search this place is that you can gain several sphere levels very quickly (kinda like the Island of Hell/Heaven on FFVIII).  The monsters here also drops lots of Lv. 3 and 4 Key Spheres.
                Areas in the Omega Ruins only appear on the Map as you explore be careful.  From the entrance, move into the corridors to the left or the right.
                In the west corridor, follow the path up to a dormant glyph on the wall.  Proceed north from there to  a chamber with 4 treasure chests.  The Al Bhed Primer vol. XXVI is on the floor just north of the chests.  Head northwest from this room into a side corridor with another glyph.  Activate this glyph and return to the dormant one.  The glyph works now and it raises a bridge out to a treasure chest suspended above the central space. Collect Teleport Spheres from the precipice.
                At the end of the ruins is a teleport pad.  In the chamber above, the party shall encounter a monster called Ultima Weapon.  This creature is merely a shadow of Omega Weapon, so step on the teleport pad to proceed.
                Before the battle, equip armor that protects against confusion, petrification, and silence.  Try to inflict silence and darkness to hinder his magic and regular attacks.  Steal from him to gain 10 Doors to Tomorrow, and if you have 1,400,000 Gil to sapre, bribe him to receive 99 Pendulums.
                In the huge cavern that follows, a mini-boss battle awaits the party on each of the connected platforms.  First, head left from the entrance for a friend sphere, and then go back to the right to make your way down.  Restore the party's HP, and MP before reaching the final platform.
                Since Omega Weapon is pratically immune to every status ailment, focus instead on strengthening your own defneses.  Use abilities like Shell, Haste, Focus and other abilities to survive his mostly magical arsenal.  Make sure you steal from him for 30 Gambler Spirits.  Have Kimahri use Lancet to learn the most powerful Ronson Rage, Nova.  The treasure chest behind Omega contains a Magic Sphere.

Well...Thats all of the Sidequests there are.  I didn't add the Aeons, because I already have how to get them in their own little section.  And I am NOT gunna add that huge-butt table full of what you can get and stuff for the Monster Arena.  There is a rumor that there is a Golden Omega Weapon that is true.  This "Golden Omega Weapon" is Nemesis, and he is the last and final thing that the owner of the Monster Arena will create.  He is basically just harder than Omega Weapon.