Episode 2

(aren't I just so CUTE?!)

            This one was orginally written by Grim.  I altered some parts because...well...I had to just add in some extra things and edit some things.

Heartless Angel and Grim walks out on the set of the Prodigious Talk Show.  Are they being interviewed?

Heartless: Hi everybody!!!

Grim: Heartless and me own a talk show now!!!

Heartless: Bassman was being just a weeeee bit lazy so we had to boot him :(.  Grim is my other new host now!!!

Audience: *unenthusiastically as if reading a sign* whoopee

Heartless: Why are we ending everything in exclamation marks!?!


Heartless: Shut up.

Grim: No.

Heartless glares at him for a moment with her eye twitching then it suddenly stops.

Heartless: Anyways...I felt this would be boring without the others and-

Grim: We're not getting paid for this, are we?

Heartless: Not a freaking cent.  I decided to invite some friends on the show!!!  Psycho, Terminator, Evil, annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Paladine!


Heartless: Uhh...yeah.  Any who come out guys.

Terminator and Evil come out

Evil: Hi

Terminator: Hi

Heartless: Hi

Grim: Hi

Terminator: Die

Grim: Why?

Heartless: *Getting the glaring twitchy-eyed look again*  ENOUGH!!!

Random Audience Member #1: Yeah!

Random Audience Member #2: You tell them sister!

Heartless: *In a demonic voice* SILENCE *breathes fire at the audience members who were talking then says in normal voice*  Whoops!!!  Guess I lost my control...*nervously* Heehee!

Evil: *As everyone in the studio carefully gets as far from Heartless as possible* Umm...wasn't Paladine and Psycho supposed to be here?

Terminator: Yes, and your point is?

Grim: Where did he come from?

*Everyone looks to see Tidus sitting next to Terminator*

Tidus: Well, my mom and dad got drunk one night and-

Heartless: WE DIDN'T MEAN THAT WAY!!!  And you weren't invited!  Go to my room, NOW!

Terminator: THAT'S MY HUSBAND YOU (bleep)!

Evil: How did he become your husband?

Terminator: He got "amnesia" HINT HINT *winks*

Evil: OOOOOH I get it! *winks*

Heartless: Oh sorry...*To Tidus very quietly* go and don't let your wife know!

Terminator: I HEARD THAT!!!  NOW YOU DIE!!!

Heartless: Bring it on!!!

*Just as Heartless and Terminator start battling it out with matches, Paladine starts screaming in sheer horror while running out on stage.  Behind him is a crazed Psycho*

Paladine: GET AWAY FROM ME!!!

Psycho: But...but...I thought you loved me...

Paladine: ...


*(a coca-cola bottle and a pepsi bottle come out on stage singing, and start beating each other up, and eventually coca-cola wins as the theme song "Things go better with *bubble noises* COKE!" plays)*

Grim: Alright, we're back and...where's Evil?

Everyone: I dunno

*(Heartless is in a body cast thanks to Terminator beating her all up, Grim uses a TV hopper thing to try and find Evil back stage, Terminator is trying to talk Tidus into just going to THEIR home, and Paladine is trying to pry Psycho away from him)*

Grim: I found her

Heartless: Good, put her on the audience screen

Grim: I don't think that's a good idea...

Heartless: Shut up

Grim: No

Heartless: Just do it.

*(Nike representative guys give Heartless a ticket for copyright infrigement because she said their catch phrase)*

Grim: Alright.

*(Grim puts it on the audience screen and it turns out Evil is with the camera man and is...well...lets just use the audience to tell you what happened)*

Red Neck Audience Member: They is goin at it like ferrets in the heat hu-yuck!

Random Audience Member #4: Cover your eyes Billy!

Random Audience Member #3: Aw ma...I'm 34.  I'm only stayin home untill that Star Trek thing comes on at the end of the day.

Random Audience Member #4: Thats what your pa said.

Psycho: Evil you shameless hussy!!!  No, you're not a hussy, you've graduated to Whore!!! Stop acting like a darned shameless whore!

Evil: I'm not acting...uh oh...umm.........dang.


*(Psycho continues on laughing in this fashion like Joey's Stalker off of Friends for 3 straight hours)*

Psycho: *Gasping for air* A-HAHAHAHAHA!!!  Ahem...that was funny.

*(Heero Yuy off of Gundam Wing all the sudden wanders in aimlessly.  He takes one look at Heartless and Psycho who are currently drooling over him, and grabs for his gun)*

Heero: Son of a-

Psycho & Heartless: HEERO!!!

*(Heero starts thinking of which one he should shoot first as Psycho and Heartless have an hour long conversation of "Mines")*

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Paladine: WHAT ABOUT ME!?!

Psycho: Screw you, Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: Mine

Heartless: Mine

Psycho: MINE!!!

*(Psycho lunges after Heero as he screams and rapidly shoots of a line of bullets at her.  With his gun knocked outta his hand, Heartless breaks outta her body cast, grabs Heero and drags him towards the closet who is actually crying)*

Heero: no No NO!!!

Heartless: yes Yes YES!!!

*(At the last moment Heero and Tidus all the sudden disappear, and so does the audience)*

Heartless: That's it for todays Prodigious Talk Show.

Grim: Who writes this crap?!

Heartless: You do.

Grim: Darn.

Paladine: ...why did I only get 3 lines...

Psycho: Oh Paaaaaaaaaaaaaladiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine....

Paladine: God save me...please!!!

Evil: Oh well. *(slowly slinks off with Bill Clinton)*

Terminator: Well...atleast....I have my bottle of ketchup...and thats all I'll ever need!!!

Everyone: ....

The End