In Memory

April 9, 1996 - July 2, 2004

June 11, 1996
The day we got Winni
That is me next to her in the grass (she’s so tiny, hehe). And my mom is there along with our friends the Druyos’, who were there when we got her.

My sister holding Winni as a puppy

Hiding, hehe

Wrestling with a sock!

July 1996
Winni with her puppy. She used to be the same size as it. *snicker*

Aww... Curled up beside daddy’s head


Halloween 1996
Winni Castilla

March 1997
Me snuggling with Winni

July 1997
Winni giving kisses to Charlotte, a friend of ours

August 1997
Winni looking out the window

September 1997

Easter 1998
Winni giving my sister Becky kisses

May 1998

July 3, 1999
Winni helping Becky open presents

July 1999
Winni has Becky pinned, hehe

You’re not going anywhere!

Winni sitting in a basket

Winni.. um.. doing aerobics?

Attack dog!

Winni playing Monopoly, hehe

Such a sweetie

May 2002
Me and Winni, in one of my senior pictures

So cute...

Christmas 2003
Winni under the tree

What a cute Christmas present, hehe

Under the tree, hoping for popcorn

April 29, 2004

May 1, 2004

Rub my belly!

May 26, 2004
Winni just got back from the groomer

Cute little bows on her ears!


Such a cute little face...

Becky holding Winni

Winni in the kitchen, hoping for food

The last picture taken of Winni, about a month before she died

A lock of Winni’s fur, given to us by the vet

Winni’s pawprint

Winni’s collar

Winni’s moocow, her favorite toy