The Clandestine Lair

"Welcome to where time stands still..."

One enters upon a secluded lair, hidden deep within the vast expanses of a dark and illusive mind.  All seems silent here, apparently pausing in time, as though waiting for one decisive moment...  Perhaps now?  Peering about, one experiences the sensation of wandering through a quiet forest, the ground dampened by a recent rainstorm, and the sounds of nature echoing from a distance.  How one ventured upon these surroundings is unknown, yet something seems oddly to draw one along this curious trail, deeper into the realms of this mysterious being.  The only exit appears to be farther within the lair, as the path from which one entered appears to have vanished.

The scent of recently fallen rain lingers in the air.
A voice seems to whisper with the breeze, beckoning you.

[Exits: none]

Images and Words
My Glass Prison
Feudal Realms
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