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Spells that can be learned in the Realms of Time, listed in their order of learning.


Healing Magic (4 Spells)
-Heal, Basic Healing spell that heals minor wounds.
-Restore, Advanced version of the basic Heal Spell.
-Recover, Like the two above, but can replace lost blood.
-Healing Wind, Fully heals you and anybody else you choose to heal in one casting.

Life Magic, (3 Spells)
-Raise, Lifts any chosen SINGLE person from unconciousness.
-Breath of Life, Lifts a group of people from unconciousness.
-Spirits Kiss, Wakes you automatically after you are knocked out.

Earth (4 Spells)
-Stone, Freezes an enemy for a short time.
-Forest God, Allows the caster to grow vines that act as a physical shield. (Good agaainst arrows)
-Sever, Dispells elemental shields.
-Quake, Causes a very minor Earth Quake. (Damage to all)

Wind (5 Spells)
-Call Wind, Calls forth a light breeze to cool you down, or move a boat.
-Angels Breath, A defense spell that blocks all thrown/projectile weapons.
-Devils Fury, Causes a powerful wind storm. (Damage to all)
-Hover, Allows you to levitate small objects.
-Float, Allows you to hover, but not to fly (IE, You can't move, you just hover).

Water (5 Spells)
-Deities Tear, A powerful barrier, that serves to block close range attacks, and lets you breathe under water. (Good against Swords/Lances)
-Trinity's Rain, Restores Land lost in battle.
-Amara's Rain, Kills terrain.
-Mortals Rain, Casts Deities Tear on all chosen people.
-Mortals Torrent, Calls forth a crushing wave of water. (Damage to all)

Holy Magic (7 Spells)
-Light Barrier, Creates a barrier of Light. (Good against all attacks)
-Fortuna Sphere, Dispells all active barriers.
-Touch of Midnight, Makes objects deadly to the touch.
-Touch of Zenith, Gives objects healing properties.
-Moons Wraith, Creats an illusion of more soldiers.
-Rising Strike, A powerful blast comes up beneath your enemy.
-Fates Echoe, Protects you from magical attacks.

Sending Magic (3 Spells)
-Stall Spirit, Stops a Spirit from attacking you.
-Calm Spirit, Calms an angry Spirit.
-Send Spirit, Kills a Spirit.

Calling Magic (2 Spells)
-Touch Thought, Speak to the Spirits.
-Call Spirit, May or may not Summon a Spirit.

Truth Magic (1 Spell)
-Disable Lie, Makes an oponent tell the truth- High probability to fail.

Pure Magic (8 Spells)
-Dance of Light, Repells Spirits.
-Mage Light, Creates a small portable glowing sphere that acts as light.
-Release Realm, Allows you to rest during battle.
-Release Time, Warps your existance and creates a barrier that protects against everything, and can not be Dispelled. Wears off quickly.
-Call Light, Creates a blinding flash.
-Invisibility, Self explanitory. Wears off quickly.
-Send Warning, Warn your Deity of a sudden attack.
-Call Deity, Summon your Deity into battle.