HTML Tutorial Page
Writing Tips
About the Webmistress

SAVING AS AN HTML FILEOK! So you've got your story, chapter, poem, written, and you need to save it as an HTML document, or as a web page. There are five steps, and that's it!

1) Save your work like you normally would, that way you can always go back and change things if you want.

2) Highlight and copy everything you've written. Then paste it onto a blank document.

3) Under File, you should see "SAVE AS" Click on it. Name the file (for example, say your fic is called Home. Save it as Home)

4) Below the naming place, you should see "SAVE AS TYPE" Under that, select "WEB PAGE"

5) Click Save! You've just saved your fic as an HTML document!

** A FEW THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR: Make sure you know where you've saved your files and what the names are, and the file will not save as HTML, but as HTM. Don't worry! That's normal! When I upload it onto my site, I'm the one who changes it!

ATTACHING HTML FILES Great! So now that you've got everything saved as an HTML file, but how do you send it? PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE IT ONTO AN EMAIL! THERE IS AN EASIER WAY! And in these five steps, you can learn it too!

1) No matter what email account you have, aol, hotmail, yahoo, msn, it is all the same.

2) Open up your email account (This might be a good time to check those emails that you've had sitting in there for over a month)

3) Somewhere on the screen find the "WRITE" button and insert the email address of the person you're sending to. Then, most likely at the bottom of the screen, it will say "ATTACH". Click it.

4) Remember where you saved your HTML file and the name? "BROWSE" for it, find it, and click "ATTACH" (You can also double click it)

5) Click send! You've just sent an HTML attachment!

**A FEW THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR: Remember to put in a subject, your pen name, and the email address you can be reached!


HTML Tutorial Page
Writing Tips
About the Webmistress

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Email: Rix13Rix@aol.com