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The rant, to put it simply, is the page where I express my veiws on how I am running this site, the beliefs I wish to uphold on this site, and general intentions of this site.

For those of you out there who agree with the yaoi and yuri in the web out there, that's great, more power to you! However, for this site, I have decided that I would like to stay true to my beliefs. Please note that the fact that this is an non-yaoi/ yuri site does not mean it is anti yaoi/ yuri. It is most definately not.

If you have any problems with this at all, then feel free to write to me or just leave the site.


American Updates

Updates as of 08-04-03: Here we are once again. Does it seem odd to anyone else to think that as we sit at home on our couch potateo bums that our soldiers are over seas fighting an American war? They are fighting for our very freedom, and all we do is sit and either protest it, or forget it. A tragedy of the human species, I suppose. Anyway. I would like to clear up a few facts for everyone, just so you are all well informed of the goings on in our government.

The biggest news, of course, is that the War in Iraq, codenamed Operation Iraqi Freedom, has now moved past the stage of major battles. Right now Americans are currently fighting, more or less, a geurilla war against the Hamas, Saddam's last resistance group still working. Saddam's two sons have been officially laid to rest (these men were absoluetly insane with rage in life, by the way)and teo of Saddam's daughters have taken refuge in Jordan, where they say they have not seen their father since two weeks before the war began. A new tap with what appears to be he real Saddam on it has been found, but there is still speculation as to whether or not the man recorded it before the war, or now, after it. Though we have found more evidence to suggest chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons were being made, people continue to say that until we have hard proff of the actual weapons we were wrong to make a preemptive strike.

There is currently a situation with Liberia that I think you should all hear about. Everyone heard of Taylor, the Liberian President? More like authoritarian dictator! Anyway. He is rumored to finally be stepping down out of office (for those of you who don't know, he and his 'army' marched in and overthrew the old government in the 80's, and has since been rigging elections every year so he can win). This would be a great moment in Liberian history if he does indeed step down-- the Liberian people would be free to vote once more.

North Korea is finally making headway in discussions with the U.S. about their nuclear program. The details are still very sketchy, but I have to tell you all. I recently wrote a report on North Korea, and from what I learned, frankly Kim Jung Il (their current commi dictator) is in dire need of help for his people, and if he doesn't talk to the U.S., they will eventually get sick of it... and a rebellion will be on his hands the likes of which Korea hasn't seen since Nam.

I think that's about it. Of course, there is always more, but my job is to just lay it out for you. I give, of course, a conservative's biased opinion, and if you don't like it, tough. Look up your own version of the facts. after all, that is what makes America worth fighting for!

Updates as of 04-17-03: We have currently been at War with Iraq for over two weeks now. First, before I give everyone an update, I would like to take the time to pray for the soldiers who are overseas. May God bless them, their families, and the people whom they are fighting. Amen.

Now, before I go into the war, I would like to alert everyone of SARS. If you have not heard, SARS, or Severe Acute Resperatory Syndrome, is a virus that is currently sweeping it's way through China, Asia, and America. Currently there have been over 300 reported cases, and over 160 deaths related. No Americans have been killed yet, but the disease is extremely contagious. It is a spin off of the Carona Virius, and it is already morphing into something different. Please take health precautions if you are heading to Asia.

War. We all hate it, yet when it is necessary, it becomes something good. I hope everyone saw the pulling down of Saddam's statue in Baghdad. Beautiful. That right there is the reason we are going to war. Those people were smiling, laughing, and crying out in joy. It made me cry. I suppose it's obvious that we've moved into Baghdad (if they pulled down a statue IN the city) Here are the current factoids:

British troops have captured and secured Basra, the second largest city in Iraq. The American troops have stopped the looting in the cities,and the FBI has promised to return the antiques and special items that were stolen from museums and documents taken during the looting. Iraqi Americans, or I should say the AMERICANS, because in my eyes they are only AMERICANS, not Iraqi Americans, have helped greatly in leading the FBI to capturing Iraqi intelligence agents that live here in the United States. There was a massive grave found next to the home of Chemical Alli (Saddam's Chief chemical weapons maker) with over 2,500 bodies burried there, all civillians. All of the POW's are in a hospital in Germany, and will be home soon. Once again, we pray for anyone who is still MIA.

Updates as of 03-06-03: As we draw closer to a full out war with Iraq, I feel it is time to 'enlighten' those of you who come here to understand the basics of what is going on. Essentially, nothing. We are currently at a standoff with the Iraqi gvnmnt. Recently, It has been found by Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix that the Iraqis do indeed have missiles that are breaking the terms of the UN resolution 1441, which states Saddam must completely disarm. Though it appears that Saddam has taken the first steps in disarmmerment, it is also a farse. He's been hiding his weapons from us for over 15 years now, and it's time to show him what the world will do when they are lied to. The U.S. gvrnmnt has proof, telephone conversations, lists, interviews, and pictures all proving what we already know- Saddam is guilty as charged. Not only has he hidden these weapons from us, but he continues to. Also, he has decided that he will STOP disarming because he thinks we will go in and attack anyway, which will leave him vulnerable. It's kind of a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't situation, but who can rightly say he wouldn't deserve it after he TESTED BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL WEAPONS on his OWN PEOPLE? What kind of a SICK man is he? What kind of people would we be to let him get away?

Furthermore, everyone who is opposed to war: good. I agree, war is bad. I live in California guys, come on! It's the biggest LIBERAL state there is! War is bad. But this time it is nessecary for safety. And all those who oppose the war because BUSH is leading it? Where we you when Clinton went in and bomed during his terms in office? Where were you when he did NOTHING to help the rebellions and Rwanda? And believe me, Rwanda was a genocide, make no mistake. It's time the U.S. stick up for those weaker and help them! You'd think that because librals want to help the poor so much they'd be the first ones for war, to help the oppressed people of Iraq!

And we DO have a long term plan, by the way. We aren't going in blindly, like with did with Vietnam. We are only going to help set up a new government, then turn it over to the people and leave. We don't want to control Iraq- not even for the oil. If we did, why didn't we just take them over after the first Gulf War when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

OK: Strategically speaking with regards to other countries: The European Union (mainly France and Germany) have decided to oppose military action. Let me ask this: We bail the Frennch out of EVERYTHING, where are they now when we need to help bail another group of people out of trouble? They've turned tail and are hiding! And Germnay is beginning to become arianist again. Do we really want people who think they're better than everyone else to tell us what we can and cannot do to help OTHERS? Spain is with us for this war. They themselves have had long standing problems with terrorists and see the reasons we need to go in. Turkey An important place for millitary base, Turkey has voted and refused to let us put troops in their boarders, but it is not yet certain. They may still change. And even if they don't, we can still ask Kuwait. Australia Is with us, believe it or not. Though they cannot send troops, they will send money and aid. Nice of them, huh? Canada They are, naturally, socialist as they are, refusing to help. China Is the only country we do not know whether or not they support us. I suppose we'll find out when the UN votes on the newest resolution to go before the Security Council, won't we?

Little Know Factoids: 1) There have been over 18 resolutions about Iraq brought to the Security Council in the last ten years. 2) Saddam Hussien has burned his oil fields before- during the Gulf War- and he's going to do it again if we invade. Do you know how much damage that causes the atmoshpere and enviornment? 3)We've caught the man responsible for planning the 9/11 attacks and he's being interviewed as we speak. Yey! GO GET'EM BOYS!

Updates as of 12-17-02: Well! We've certainly come a long way since 9/11! Currently in the news, we are dealing with Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

Historically speaking, I feel I should mention a few key points: The American CIA preformed a coup in the Iraqi gvnmt in the early 70's and put Saddam in power. At the time, we new he was a small threat, but nothing compared to what we had been dealing with. The in the 80's when Bush Sr was the President, we had the chance to take Saddam out. However, we did not because it was believed his own men would do it, or that he would lose power before he could do much else.

Presently speaking, the United States and the UN have sent in inspectors to Iraq to check for weapons of mass destruction. It is my personal opinion that the U.S. would not be making such a move without already having proof of something going on, we just need the rest of the world to see it.

In the rest of the world: ASIA: We are currently friendly with China, though earlier two years ago they threatened to go into Tiawan and take over. EUROPE: Still friendly.North Korea, despite the treaty not to, has developed nuclear weapons.

Well, that's all for now. I know it was a mouthful, but at least it was unbiased and historically accurate- something you don't get on CNN! (Clinton News Network)Oh, and Congrats to Former Pres. Jimmy Carter for winning the Nobel Peace Prize- he's been more valuable AFTER his terms than during!

Updates as of 12-14-01: Anyone see that bin Laden video? What a creep! And did you hear this? The people on the plains that crashed into the towers, only the pilots knew they were going to die. Not even the other hijackers knew they were going to die. Can you imagine? What a slime!

As the bombings continue, we can pray for the safety of the innocents that have been torn apart by this evil man's ideas of morality and Jihad. What Osama bin Laden in doing is neither. Thank you, and Godspeed to our glorious soldiers who fight to protect life in America, even freedom, as we know it.

Updates on the Attack on America: 9-13-01:

So here's the deal: The other five smaller buildings attached to the World Trade Towers have fallen as well, but were empty, thank goodness.

As for the airplanes: The one that crashed the Pentagon was supposed to hit the White House, and the one that hit outside of Pittsburge was originally meant for Air Force One.

On the question of who did it: The government is 99.9% sure it was, indeed, Bin Laden the Arab Terrorist who was responsible for the high jackings and crashes. To say on record: Just because an Arab terrorist did this, it does not mean all of the Arabs in America are responsible.

However: I do hope Bush blows the living crud out of the creeps who did this to our country simply for the reason that they do not like our democratic system.

If you can't tell, I'm an avid republican

Please continue to check for further updates, I guarentee I will have them.

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