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Mordekai Sanias-- FAMILY CLAN DEACON

Anti-Tribute Tremere

Welcome to my page. I would like to start out by introducing myself. My name is Mordekai Sanias. I am the Tremere Deacon. I would like to start out by saying that I am currently trying to clear things up between us and the clans. As far as I can see things are going good. To tell you alittle about us we are a clan of vampires that study the art of blood magick. We use a form of blood magick called Thaumaturgy. We have numerous different forms of Thaumaturgy. I would also like to say that we have about 5 members currently in my clan. I would like to thank the prince of Kindred Enterprises for iniating me as the family deacon. I am currently looking to expand my clan. The process that we use to bring people into the clan is through the process of blood magick. Our canidates must go through a long process before they can be brought in as an apprentice in the Tremere. Then and olny then if they pass they must swear to the Code of Tremere. They must put all loyality into the clan besides as to putting all loyality to the prince. We olny bring in the best canidates to the Tremere clan. Well I would like to thank you all for stopping by and seeing my clan page. I hope to see you all again. In addition I want to thank my advisor Dennetta-Rose for all the support and help that she has given me through out this year.

Alittle Quote From Vampire The Masquerade. "Whether dreaded, mistrusted, feared or reviled, the insular vampires of Clan Tremere are anything but ignored. Those who have heard of the clan's doings are typically suspicious of the Tremere, and with good reason - for the Warlocks are aptly named. Through their own artifice, they have mastered a form of vampiric sorcery, complete with rituals and spells, that is as potent - if not more so - than any other power of the Blood. Paired with the clan's rigid hierarchy and the smoldering ambition so common among Warlocks, this power is an unsettling thing indeed to those who know what the Tremere are capable of doing."

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Mordekai's Domain Consists Of...

History Of the House and Clan Tremere

More About The House and Clan Tremere

Geneology Of The House and Clan Tremere

Information On the House and Clan Tremere

Oath Of The House and Clan Tremere


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