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The Beginning

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Jan 26, 2004
Welcome back, all, to Ariana's tortured soul. Problem is, that i'm not so tortured, anymore. but alas, i didn't really want to start a new website name. but i might have to, afterall. um, this is my new layout. took me awhile to figure out which one i wanted to use. i've got so many downloaded. i'm so lazy, ha. but yeah, this is it. for awhile. :)

26, 2004
Wow! 2 whole months since my last update on here. Well, if you know me, you'd know that I've been updating pictures and such w/out letting everyone else know.
I went to Florida, and met my uncle Gary for first time (since i was a baby), (and he's the coolest, i might add). Mom and i had a good time while we were there, and I've been invited to return in July. I can't wait. :)
So anyway, enjoy what i've done w/ the site.

5, 2004
Hello All. Pictures Update
Dad took me to a car show @ Lowes Motor Speedway in Concord, NC & took these pictures. God was it cold that day! Whoo!

14, 2004
I've had this done for a while now, and havn't told anyone about it! lol
These are my pictures from Florida.

5, 2004
Cinco de Mayo. Did I spell that right?? i have no clue. Um anyway. I don't know if you people go to my journal, or not, but i have some links on there that i'm gonna put here, just for your viewing pleasure. If you do view them, i'd like to know what you think, Good or Bad. I have a few subjects in the pictures, My friend Kim, Neill & me, my cat Tigger...Dad. ect.
And um, .. yup that's all. Read my journal if you want to know updates on me & life is. or somthing..

Okie BYE!


Favorite quotes from:
Pulp Fiction:
"Oh i'm sorry, did i break your concentration?"
"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
"Say 'what' again! i dare you! i double dare you!"


20 | F
cell phone
blond | 5'4
love | food
music | cats
flowers | fish
my little ponies


MEPics*NEW* January 04
MY Live Journal
Florida Trip




dad's dog
Radiac Race Team
Gir [Zim]


Halo Red


Site: ariana
Layout: Jazzy