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Move In Day at UMASS Amherst

Sunday September 2, 2001.
Move-in day for thousands of students, including Robert Otis Carson III.
Billionaire Playboy and Man About Town.
This is the 'Southwest' sector of the residence halls.

And here's Mr Carson in front of his dorm, Cance Hall

It's a good thing we got to borrow Ed the mighty Expedition for this day.
It sure came in handy and gave us a comfortable roomy ride.

We arrived early this beautiful Sunday morning and got straight to work unloading his selected valuables.
Now what well dressed Polo Specialist would leave home without his umbrella????
Not this one !!

It also helps to bring along the 'old ball and chain'.
She may be small, but she's wirey.
Come on Kaylee, you can carry more than that !

Mr C is anxious to find his room.
Hmmm, where is it? It must be here somewhere....

Hey, he found it no problem and began unpacking.
Wow, you brought some pretty cool stuff !!

The unpacking continued.
Well, I guess judging by the amount of Listerine he brought, he'll never have bad breath.
And he certainly has enough pairs of flip flops to last him a while.
I liked the white ones with the little pink trim myself.

First things first....Let's make sure you're connected.
Do you have internet access yet? All it takes is a call to the help desk and he's up and surfing.
And how about a phone? Did you bring one? No?
Well we'd better go get one.

We can take a nice stroll around the campus on the way to the student store.
Just look at the nice view out the window above your bed!!!

The view is equally nice out this side of the room.
Yessir, you've got a nice place here RJ.

Hey, anybody hungry? Why don't we stop at the dining hall for some lunch while we're out?
It looks like we fed Kaylee just in time....She was beginning to shrink!!!!

And look who saved some room for ice cream????
We caught him in the act!!

What a gentleman!!!
He not only cleaned up his own tray, but he took care of the ladies as well.

Boy, after a lunch that size,
we needed to take the long way to the student store.

We found a phone at a decent price, and wound up back at good old Cance Hall.
Home Sweet Home.
And it certainly did look like a home by the time we were ready to leave.
The fridge was fully stocked. The communication portals appeared to be working.
The only thing left to do was hit the road and let this young man explore college life.

As the UMASS Amherst's newest B.M.O.C. walked us to the door,
I realized what a big moment this was for him.
And how very proud I am of him.