I am very disappointed with the amount of people NOT signing my guestbook. Work on it people. Sign that bad mother! :)

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Last update:
10/25/02 - Added a post-haircut picture of me to the, you guessed it, Pics of Me section....we all makes mistakes

08/16/02 - Deleted some more pictures to free up some space. Added a few in Gallery 14. I'm also considering getting rid of my art and writing sections. I don't care about them and I doubt anyone else does. And they're taking up precious space.

08/02/02 - Thanks to Angelfire's new policy, I have been stripped of 30MB of disk space. So unfortunately, I was left with no choice but to delete a vast assortment of pictures. I probably deleted about 3 or 4 dozen I'd guess, so many pictures will not show up. I plan on fixing the links, deleting some older pictures and putting up new ones at some point, but don't hold your breath.

05/31/02 - New Poll!!! I'm very excited about this one...you get to vote on what my 3rd kidneystone's name should be!

05/23/02 - Compressed several hundred pictures to save space and bandwidth, added new poll, some new links, as well as some new pictures of me and a brand new gallery in Kith & Kin...page should run alot faster now

04/29/02 - Added a bunch of cool quotes to my quotes page...I have some new pics to put up, but Angelfire is doing this stupid thing starting next week where you start paying them money or they cut your disk space. So there might not be this page for much longer, but we'll see

03/06/02 - Yet another update...how about that?! 13th Gallery in Kith & Kin loaded with lots of new pics, two new pics of me and some fun stuff in the Miscellanoues section

02/27/02 - Big update...new poll, a bunch of new quotes on my quotes page in the Miscellanoues section, gallery #12 added in Kith and Kin and a new pic of me in Pics of Me...when my scanner decides to work, you get another update :)

01/18/02 - First update of 2002...a few pics added to gallery 10 and a whole new gallery of pics from the wild and crazy Joe Rogers' birthday bash that can be viewed right here!

If something looks bad or is spelled wrong or done wrong or anything of that sort, chances are I already know all about it. Don't forget that I am lazy and don't care about this page. Laziness and carelessness are 2 of my defining qualities.

Email: horkeytim1@attbi.com