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by: DB Boyd

Deep within an obscure thought
Amid the haze of Siva
I sat gazing into the moon
Letting my eyes trace its ancient face
Studying its timeless features
For things I have forgotten

The curves drew me
And the color moved me
As I peered into its face
But not once did it tell me
The things I sought to know
Its secret remained a mystery

But as my mind drifted further
I realized I sat no more
I glided on the winds soft fingers
Ascending to heights illimitable
Into realms that time has forgotten
My soul attained the stars

Traveling fast, I held my mind
And let the course hold true
Through clouds of pink and greenish hue
Into fields of emptiness
To scenes of whirling planets
Of comets colliding
And black space yawning wide

But then I found I was not alone
And an unseen voice did speak
"Stay strong and witness that which you seek"

Through a miasma of shifting color
I landed within oblivion
A whiteness, a blackness
An absence that was filled
But the moment was done and I was gone
Into realms of better things

I found myself standing
Upon a street of orange brick
Surrounded by dark buildings of titanic bulk
While slithering in the streets before me
Were beings of shapes unfamiliar

But then a creature perched atop a black spire
Framed by three ringed moons in a sapphire sky
Looked down and called my name
It spread its tattered wings and descended
And landing it curiously inquired
"Have you come to see the truth
For no other reason should you be here
I tell you now, your place is there"
It raised a twisted claw
Pointing to stars that formed a queer shape
"That is your place, now tell me why
You have come so far"

There must be more…
There must be more…
I know and feel its true
There were once beings and races unknown
That ruled my home of birth
But now they're gone and we remain
Where, oh where, are the lost ones
Who lay dead but dreaming

The thing looked at me inquisitively
And shook its conical head
"The things you seek are no more
Their time has long since past
The things you seek, I'm happy to say
They truly are that which is dead"

But why do we simple humans
Ignorant in all our ways
Dominate and rule the sphere
There are things of more intelligence
That should be there instead

"You are the ones who took their place
In time it always occurs
Races change and nature take its course
No matter who is better
There will be others after you
Titans compared to your kind
But in the end they'll come to the same
To he who dreams creation"

"But use caution in what you seek
And hold your tongue when there
The dreamer dreams uneasily on his throne
To the music made by his legions
They vigilantly keep him lulled in sleep
For if he wakes your life is over
As well as all life…forever"

This cannot be I began to say
But the thing had left my side
So turning I began to soar through heavens again
And I waved goodbye to the peaceful scene
But my journey was not over
So into a nightmare within a dream I went

The things I saw in eternal black
The feelings that came unforeseen
The amorphous blight wrenched my soul
I had to scream and scream
My mind did waver
The worst thing I could have perceived
Upon a throne of inhuman structure
A God of utter blasphemy

Dancing insanely about it
To the beat of accursed drums
On pliant hooves that clicked with a thud
Were creatures piping on bone like flutes
Alien melodies in synchronized discord

And as the horrors became aware
Of my intruding presence
The music died and the drums did cease
And the blind one enthroned did stir
My God it wakes
I thought at once
But the time was now too late
The thing I knew was Azathoth
The dreamer of existence awakes
And in one moment all was gone
Ex-creation took place
All that remained or ever would
Was he who dreamt our lives

I knew at that time I had found the answer
Our reality was his delusion
But now aware he will walk free
With us as a dream forgotten…

