the badge
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hello friends. this site has come to a final demise today, where i decided that it was no longer in my will to maintain. as we all know in life, you get what you pay for, and trying to find a free host without ads is quite impossible. But really, the combination of that interfering with the writing and art has been a headache for me. not to mention the bandwith limitations. so i decided to host the site somewhere else. in conjunction, i am in the process of building another site. at the moment i'm debating to keep the badge or build something entirely new out of my love for writing. i have spent alot of my free time constructing a brand new site, but i have to say it's far from done. whatever i build from that point on is up in the air, i have a few ideas that i may try in the future. so anyway, i apologize for any inconvience this has caused, and i hope you all come visit my new site (click the link at the bottom). thanks again for all the support and emails over the years and intrest. see you all soon. -Raz

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