... Welcome To My Insanity ...

... So ... you're obviously here because you wish to know about me ... Or perhaps, you just wish to know about the other "me"s ... My characters that stretch out among different RPG's ... The multiple personalities of mine that occupy many realms ... Anyone from Teufel (Karchan, Hollow), my most-used personality, to Zaltic (Karchan), among others ... Here, you can find their background stories from before they showed their faces in those realms ... Welcome to my mind ...

... This is about the real me ...
... Club Teufel Hunden ... (from: White Wolf)
... Dylan Ridley's story ... (From WhiteWolf)
... Teufel's story ... (From Karchan and Hollow)
... Random Quizzes ...
... A Tribute ...

Email: JJM2486@aol.com