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Another day at school, bells ringing, locker doors slamming, noisy halls. Everyone talking 'bout their Friday night plans and what parties they are going to.

Jennifer, who is just a person, but to everyone else, a freak or goth girl. No one notices her or talks to her. She wears black clothes, Manson t-shirts over long sleeved shirts and black makeup. On her lips a blood red lipstick. Her skin pale as the moon. Raven like hair cascading down her shoulders.

Jenni sits in the back row in every class. She's intelligent and strikingly beautiful but no one takes the time to notice.

As the final bell rings, she gathers her things and she begins to walk home.

She hears laughing and cruel words behind her. Someone pushes her from behind and others jump on her and begin to punch kick, and pull hair. Out of nowhere, someone yells: ENOOUGH

Everyone runs off, she picks up her things and run herself.

As she runs home, hot tears begin to cascade down her face.

She makes it into her room slamming the door behind her before breaking down into sobs. Jenni collapses down on her floor. Voices screaming in head saying: ITS TIME.

Doing as she's told she pulls out her little black box. She rolls up her sleeves revealling dozens and dozens of white and red lines.

Pulling out her tried and true friend, something powerful hits her. She gets a piece of paper and a pen. But before she writes, she cuts herself deep and long on both wrists. Blood begins to run down her arms. Washing away her pain and sorrow.. Blood finding its way onto the paper. Going drip drip. Now she begins to write.

"I'm sorry for the pain I've caused. Knowing I'm nothing inside is too much to burden anymore. I now take my life in knowing my final breath will leave me some peace."