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This was the second trip to Cartagena within the past 2 years. For this excursion I spent 3 days From: February 16 to February 18 2001.My interest peaked more this time knowing I bought my first digital camera (Cannon S100) to experiment with.

So lets get started.

Friday February 16, 2001:

From New York JFK I took Avienca Airlines. Airfare was $670.00 RT. Getting to the JFK airport from my apartment was a breeze (no snow that morning). Then came the interrogation by countless immigration agents "Why are you going there sir… blah, blah" was also expected, but once on the plane and ready to go we receive a message from the captain." We are sorry there will be a slight delay blah, blah…. we should be moving shortly"

Well shortly, met longevity and I was stranded in JFK for 1 ½ hours. That wouldn't have been so terrible if my connecting flight from Bogotá to Cartagena didn't have to leave within a hour upon arriving into Bogotá. Also I had a schedule meet with another internet member at 8:00pm During the delay, one can appreciate why so many members have rave about the friendliness of the Latin women.

A women sitting next to me (while I was dreaming of sitting on the beach surrounded by beautiful women) politely interrupted my semi-unconscious state abruptly interrupted a few winks. She was probably in her early 40's, extremely friendly who transplanted from Cartagena to New York 15 years ago. I will call her Marie. (I am not very good in remembering names). She was average looking but had a perky personality and a real chatterbox. She had this one trait whether its from her culture or just her personality of getting very close in your face during a conversation. Most people there figured we were lovers (I was reminded of the in a friendly way by another passenger later on)

So Marie was not married, does some housekeeping and does manicure in Westchester NY as a source of income. She owned a house in Cartagena which her sister was the current dweller. To be honest, if my time was extended to more than 3 days and this wasn't Cartagena I was about to deport onto, maybe… I would have ask to cross paths with her at some period there, but I felt like lion on this early morning and she was just a pussycat, we just can't cohabitate into the same cage at this time.

As expected the 1 ½ delay caused me to miss my 4:00pm flight whereupon I didn't arrived into Cartagena until the ungodly hour of 12:30am. From the Cartagena airport I negotiated a $8.00 cab fare to the hotel. During the joy ride to the hotel, this cab driver stopped and signaled for an individual to approach his cab. He ask him where the Las Velas was, upon which this person quickly jumps into the cab. I must admit I was shitting in my pants here 12:30am in Columbia having stranger hop into my cab.

But eventually I reached the hotel safely whereupon this guy just wanted a tip for showing the cab where the hotel was. (Looking back I suspect both these individuals knew each other). My hotel this time again was the Las Velas hotel. price for a junior suite room on the 17th floor was $45.00 per day. Obviously my 8:00pm meet with Michael had long past and I would try to notify him tomorrow of my delay. So decided to see what the remaining night in Cartagena would bring before the dawn breaks. The weather was somewhat cool this evening, with a stiff breezed enhanced by the chaotic ocean waves.

Walking pass Calle Cinco, I recognized a previous female companion. Upon seeing me, she somewhat bum-rush me with a shrieking hello and smile. Her name was Amy A mulatto with shoulder length reddish hair and a killer body. Although she seemed perfect for a quick short time rendezvous this evening, I just didn't feel like committing to choice "Not just yet". I began walking further up San Martin towards the Almirante hotel pacing my feet quickly due to the shortage of time I had remaining. With the exception of the hotel staff roaming the outside premises, it was virtually quiet this evening.

Adjacent to the Almirante hotel was the Alantica Casino. Out of a curious whim on my part I decided to pay a quick visit. Upon entering many eyes abruptly stared in my direction . Either I was perceived as someone's driver or I was Eddie Murphy brother shooting a movie in their country I figured the latter since my dress attire was a little above the casual look accompanied by a huge gold chain swaying across my chest.

Knowing my time was limited and sex would be my only royal flush this evening, I decided to play it safe and run the gamut of playing only the slot machines. I notice on the face of all of the machines $100 was the price to play. Thinking that this would be a quick excuse of loosing $10.00 (100 = $1.00 in my mind), I went over to exchange 20,000 cp equivalent to $10.00 US. When I received my cup of coins, to my surprise was not just 10 measly coins jingling, but a half full cup of 100's. Holy Shit! Is my brain fried from carbon dioxide. It's going to take me all night to loose this money. Well it did take me about an hour before I conceded and cashed in $3.00 remaining coins. BTW, there were some girls maybe 3-4 in there for takeout, a couple of lookers Some non pros also were shadowing my presence especially when the jingling sound of my winnings coins hit the metal pavement of the bottom slot machine.

It was now about 2:45am and I was making backtracks in the direction of Calle Cinco. There were about 4-5 girls standing and waving at passing cars, I had an eye for this blond kitten. I slowly passed her for her to see me. She approached me wrapping her silky smooth arms around me like a bow onto of a unopened package. That was enough of a tease to take her back to my hotel. Her name was Elaina, very chatty & good-natured. She had a 3 year old son but signs birth excess was not evident. A good 2-hour session and $25.00 of US presidents ended my first evening in high sprits.

Saturday February 17, 2001:

I was up at 11:00am a brief step out on the terrace pictured a glorious bright humid day. Ahhh, what a difference 24hrs makes from 30 degree in NYC to a balmy 85+ here in Cartagane. My first order of business was to get a message to Michael and apologize for not meeting him last night. I headed over to Sergio's Internet, logged on to my e-mail.but to my surprise Michael had sent me a earlier e-mail message apologizing to me for not being in the lobby last night. Apparently Michael was preoccupied with his own female doll and of course, did not want to be disturbed. Well I guess we both struck gold last night.

It was about 1:00pm and I went to the Centro (city center) to do a little walking. No more than $3.00 should get you a taxi ride from the Bocagrande to the Centro. This part of the town is a great place to do some girl watching. You see all shapes and sizes of females strolling alone the pavements of this old city district. After an hour of this I needed a neck brace from turning my head around so abruptly. After a cab ride back to Bocagrande, I changed clothes heading to Deny off Calle Cinco for a quick bite. The Red Snapper I can recommend as a decent meal for $8.00.

Now I was ready for the beach.

Walking along the beach area in front of the Las Velas I ran into the infamous Tony. For those of you who are not familiar with him, Tony is the so-called Chulo(Pimp) around the Las Velas beach area. From what I previously read on the internet, you can't love or hate him, because, everybody seems to hates him. Mainly his attitude, disposition and antics seem to come into question. A money hungry hustler all the way. But one quality he seems gifted at, is he will try to get you any girl you desire walking/sunbathing along his beach spot.

So this was my first time meeting him. A short stocky Black man comes charging towards my presence like Ray Lewis attacking a quarterback. He offered me a beach chair and umbrella. After the short plesentries, I laid down my ground rules for his day's service. Since I read about his obnoxious antics, I wanted our relationship to get off smoothly. I told him I only wanted a beach chair and a soft drink which would cost $5.00 total. No extra drinks for him or his cronies and I wasn't looking for a girl this afternoon. Maybe Sunday I would seek his services. Tony smiled with that huge silver front tooth shinning like a silver dollar and nodded. We then joked around whereupon I notice he was holding some old internet clippings referring to his services

He even enjoyed the bad press he was getting, truely it seemed to stroke his ego even more boldly. Part of the paper clippings Tony was dangling about, I notice my e-mail address written in pencil. I questioned him on the whereabouts he received my e-mail, It was then he pointed directly to another internet guy sitting further down. We both walked together and I was introduced to Michael who I was suppose to meet last night. This was the first time we had ever met. He was not alone but rather a sensual massage was being stroked smoothly by a local masseur on the beach. He had a big smile from both ends of his face,partly from having been serviced earlier by one of Tony's girls. I left Michael with the agreement of meeting him tonight at 8:00pm.

I sat around the beach until 4:30pm and then descended towards the hotel for a nap in my room. As I approached Tony to pay my agreed upon $5.00, Tony started screaming he wanted another $5.00. "For What" I shot back. "For Me" he replied. Not good enough was my reply, he wasn't some hooker who was on the clock, so I just ignored him.

Now Tony began ranting and raging, bring on a big crowd to show how he can intimidate a tourist. I ignored his rant, but started to get agitated myself. So we argued, with him following me all the way back to the hotel. I tried threading him with the police and even castrating his dick, but Tony was like a rabid dog who bites your leg and will not let go. I held my ground and just walked into the hotel, whereupon Tony was stopped by security. I was so angry that I yelled at the front desk to give me my key not realizing I already had my key in my back pocket.

I vowed not ever sit in Tony's area.

Evening approached and it was 8:00pm, whereupon I met Michael at the pizza shop. Since this was his first time here, I offered to show him some of the nightspots. First stop, we walked up to Noche De America, a strip club along San Martin Blvd. Upon arriving the place was closed. Apparently the police had closed it down earlier this month. Next we went to Casa La Muñeca. About $5.00 will get you there from San Martin.

There were about 15 girls here, and maybe 1/3 were hot. The décor of the place consisted of a small stage boom-box music from a DJ, with semi-dark lighting and a singular pole where some of the girls would swing around in unison to the beat of the music. Very average looking place IMO. We were the only customers.

We both immediately had female companions join us at the table(not by our request), however, our eyes were etched upon a couple of beauties who were sitting at adjacent tables. Since we couldn't shake these 2, we left for Casa Manila.

Casa Manila was about 5-8 minutes from La Muñeca. $1.00 should get you there. Comparing this place to La Muñeca was like night and day Very upscale looking. Great outdoor patio with tables and chairs where you can chat-up the ladies under dark cool climate. There were about 10 guys there and 20-25 women. 2/3 of them were above average IMO. As we entered 6 girls sitting adjacent to the table we were approaching stared with raising eyebrows and displayed a delightful welcome smile. All females in a variety of facial tones were represented here.

After ordering our drinks, one of the girls ask if I was a singer. This I presumed was interpreted by the dress attire I draped upon myself that evening. I had this bright orange jacket with white (semi-baggy) dress pants. My shirt was black with sprinkle with shining white dots. Oh yeah, a large gold arm bracelet with my name etched on the front did compound her to ask this curious question. So I played along and told the girls sure I was a R&B singer who sometimes delve into a little rap on occasions. I figured its all in fun, so dish out a little BS. One of the funnier moments happen when a fruit (from presume ably the above tree) drop directly down and hit Michael square on the top of his head. Did this place erupt.

Certainly their were plenty of females to take. Their price was $35.00 + $15.00 fee a quick pop upstairs. $20.00 takeout fee and another $60.00 for a trip to your place. All are probably negotiable. I tried to get one of the girls to meet me at the beach on her own tomorrow, but she informed me she works at the Casa during the day also.

Since Michael had been serviced earlier in the day he sort-of lost the vigor for Female companionship. We decided to leave and head over to La Candela located in the old city. $5.00 cab will get you to the old city from Casa Manila. I was told La Candela was a small crowded hole-in-the-wall bar where local people meet. Upon reaching the entrance, we were told $5.00 was the entrance fee. Although there were some lookers poping into the club, we passed and decided to put our energy finding Mr Babilla Club . Having been there in the past, it would be the perfect fit for Michael since he was inquiring to me about meeting some non-pro girls for companionship this evening. Some good Spanish, a nice personality could go a long way in striking gold in a place like Mr Babilla.

We walked aimlessly around the old city ourselves looking for this club. Finally I put my in-god-we-trust stamp on this Columbian guy who seemed somewhat inebriated but reliable, i'd hope. Well if you ever need to know how many cobblestones there are in this old city, just ask me and Mike. The guy took us seemingly all around this old city looking Mr Babilla. There was a large contingent of military serviceman prancing about, heavily armed. Finally, we cried Uncle and gave up in search of this Noah's Ark, I tipped this guy $1.00 and we departed back up to Calle Cinco in Bocagrande.

Mike was going to eat some pizza and do a little girl watching while I decide to pay a visit to the La Escollera night club near Calle Cinco. A small entrance fee (don't remember) will get you into La Escollera. This evening it was quite a lively crowd. Many couples mixed with working girls made up the contingency of partygoers. A local employee who plays the act of the mime remembered me from last year. The only female that remotely caught my eye was this very attractive blond laced in extremely tight pants. However she was taken for the evening.

About an hour later (1:30am), the military police in full gear arrived in the club bolted the door refusing to allow anybody to leave. The music-stopped lights went up and a agitated employer (tall mulatto woman) begins to argued with the police. All of us men were then ordered to stand together in the middle of the dance floor upon which we were patted down while being taped by a video camera (held by one of the policeman). Damn I felt like part of the James gang being rounded up. Next a flash photo was taken of us. And then we were free to leave. According to one of the locals, the police were looking for drugs. I was offered to tag along with some of the locals departing in a taxi to La Candela with their promise of a free entrance, but I decline since my agenda was to seek female company before this evening expires.

It was now after 2:00am I hung outside a mom/pop storefront next to La Escollera. A couple of beggars were pestering me for a beer. I decided to buy one beer for them to share. Although the storefront appeared to be closed the owner was still selling beers between the locked gate. Sitting down inside the store was a true Columbian honey. She looked to be 21 or 22 dark complexion with long jet black shoulder hair. She was definitely a hooker by appearance. Wearing a short black dress tightly clamped around her beautiful round butt. B-cup tits with a lot of cleaverage showing. Any very sultry angel eyes that would entice a man begging for more. We made eye contact through the closed gate, but I figured she was related to the owner or probably his date for the evening

After handing the beer to my amigos, I trotted back to San Martin circling my welcome wagon between the pizza palace and a open-air bar where a lively crowd of local patrons were singing together along with a mariachi band led by a female singer. This was a nice diversion on this cool Saturday evening. About 40 minutes past, and Miss angel eyes from the storefront descends upon my shadow. How she happen to be walking from the opposite direction from whence she departed is a mystery to me, but l'll leave that up for Mensa to figure that out.

A slight tap on her hand, accompanied by $25.00 later and she was my GF for the remainder of the evening. BTW strans of her hair were in the vicinity of her left eye not a scar as it appears.

Sunday February 18, 2001:

Here was my final day, I wasn't sure what to do,.since Noches de America and La Doci Vita were closed, there were not many alternatives for the evening other than the Casas or La Escollera. But with the police activity in there the previous evening, I was a little apprehensive making a repeat visit. But it was 11:30am this morning, I'll worry about the evening when it arrives. I quickly showered and shaved and got some eats at a fast food restaurant across the street from the Almirante hotel. The peddlers just wouldn't let me alone this morning, hawking sunglasses to T-shirts.

It was time for the beach, slightly cool again but manageable. I found a spot to soak in the sun along with some girl watching planting my ass somewhere between the Almirante and Las Velas hotel. I wanted to stay as far away from that obnoxious Tony as possible. This seemed to be family day as many couples including parents draped their swimwears and suntan lotion onto the beach. There were definitely some unattached females stretching their legs about the sand and chairs.

I turned on my walkman, pulled down my sunglasses and relaxed.

About 30 minutes past and guess what the cat brought in, here comes Tony approaching me. Goddamit! This asshole must have spies all over the beach. It was virtually impossible for him to have found me this far up the beach without some assistence. Reminiscence to the first day I met him, Tony is again flashing that million dollar smile emanating that brightly silver tooth.

"Tony I am very comfortable here, you are getting no extra money from me… so get lost" was my first words in a sullen tone. Tony just smiled again still approaching me like a bull with 2 spears stuck in his back. "Ok, Ok, man no problem" was Tony's first words to me. "You disrespected me yesterday and now you lost a potential customer" I shot back. Tony sat down next to me. Now that I had him on the ropes, I was ready for the knockout. "Listen Tony, I've been to Cartagana before, had a beach guy get me a girl and tipped him well…" "You just lost out on making some good money"

My last statement really hit Tony where it hurts "MONEY", but I didn't give a shit. "Ok man, I got some beautiful girls down at my beach, big tits, come on down to my spot" "Look I will decide what I give you, if I don't want your service, I just will pay for the umbrella and chair nothing else…. Understand" "Yea, Yea ok man". Tony just couldn't reduce himself to apologize to me, but I did notice a little humbleness in his voice. "Ok Tony, let me think about it here for an hour. If I decide I will come back to your spot" Tony bawled his hand into a fist and tapped my fist before leaving. I really wasn't sure I wanted to go back to this guy, I was really feeling good here. Can a leopard change his stripes this quickly?

Only 20 minutes had past, and here comes Tony again. "Hey man you coming to my spot" was Tony's first words. "Tony I said I wanted to think about it for an hour, I made no commitments to you". Tony ran off again. Damn this guy seems like a jilted girlfriend, was he jealous of me sitting at his competitors spot.

25 minutes now past and here comes Tony trotting back to me again. Before he said anything I tell him Ok, Ok let's go, but again remind him of unconditional respectfulness and curiosity nothing less. Walking back with him I wondered if this wasn't a real big mistake. Tony was like the devil dragging me down to his decadence. Although I might be looking for a girl this afternoon, I do not appreciate anyone trying to pad my bill. If my Spanish was a little better, I probably wouldn't need him.

We both sit down and Tony immediately observes 3 girls to my right and ask me if I like them. I said no at this time. Besides Tony being an A-hole he seems to be very intelligent in knowing what a guy is looking for in a woman. As girls walk past me, Tony would stare intensely at all my facial mannerisms Every bone movement was closely watch by Tony.It was like he could tell if I had a hard-on or not. A blond women in her early 20'sl walk past us and Tony did a Pssst sound to her. They didn't know each other but she politely stopped to talk to him. She was a tourist from London here for 4 days. Then Tony made a quick look at me with his eyebrows raised. To be honest I was somewhat shy or should I say taken back at this moment. Anyways Tony ask her if she would like a beach chair, but she decline. Damn, this guy will go after anyone. If Jennifer Lopez or Hillary Clinton was sitting around he would try to pull them.

Tony left me for a while and I returned to my walkman. 15 minutes later Tony returned chatted me up some more. Then I saw a girl in matching shorts and top about 20 feet from me. She had dark red curly hair and a killer body. Damn that ass was asking to be nurtured this afternoon. Tony saw this and said you like her. I nodded and he called her by her name. Apparently Tony and her have done business in the past.

I would give her $25.00 for this afternoon encounter. I tipped Tony $5.00 extra and didn't hear a peep. So me and Linly (my new GF for the afternoon) head towards the entrance gate of the Las Velas hotel. We walked past the swimming pool adjacent to the hotel where probably 3-4 tourists were there with children sunbathing about the pool. Tony comes running to the entrance gate and yells out to me " HEY MAN WHEN YOU FINISH WITH HER COME BACK TO THE BEACH I HAVE MORE GIRLS FOR YOU"

No class, simply no class.

At about 11:30pm, headed up to San Martin to the pizza shop and the outside café listing to more Latin music. 3 cute Ecuadorian girls 18-20 selling blankets and stuff toys walked into my direction. "Hello, Remember me" was one of the girl's voices. As I stared intently I said sure. One of these girls I had a friendly conversation with 6 month ago when I was sitting at this same café. I had been attracted to her admiring her facial features that reminded me of Mexican girls (of Indian background) I previously met in Mexico City. She knew I was attractive to her, but we sort-of had this adolescent relationship. From our previous conversation, she actually remembered my name, where I was from and even my birth date. The 3 girls and me just hung around and chatted up thinking of any sort-of conversation. One thing I do notice is these Ecuadorian girls, enjoy giggling.

Coming up the blvd heading to the pizza shop was my afternoon girl Linly from the beach accompanied by 2 other girls all were dressed to kill. So if you can picture I was encircled by the 3 Ecuadorian girls still giggling for my attention and Linly and her friends one of whom wanted me to short-time her. (Damn where is my camera when I needed it). Linly went to get a pizza and invited me to join them. I did during which the 3 Ecuadorian girls remained and looked at me still smiling. I said my goodbyes to both parties and headed to the to my hotel to change clothes. Upon reaching my hotel I noticed across the street 4 girls sitting on the steps next to the Casino. I went across the street halfway, smiled and signaled the blond over for a conversation. Once she reached me, it became apparent under the florescent lights she wasn't a she but a he. Reaching my room. I change my clothes and trotted onto the La Escollera club.

One side note, prior to going into La Escollera, I walked one block past the Almirante hotel on San Martin and stumbled across a local hangout club. You will see a small contigent of locals standing outside. Go inside that building and up 1 flight of stairs. a small bar will be to your left and a dance floor clutter with stools/chairs will be in front of you. About 25-30 locals were there, girls were average looking but you may find one diamond in the rut.

Well my final female companion for this day was a girl I picked up at La Escollera at about 2:00am. Mulatto Feature good body and cute face.

Monday February 17, 20001:

Today I am in the Bogotá airport waiting for the 4:30pm flight to NYC, and enjoying this Mongolian buffet which consist of Vegetables, Rice, fried egg and linguini, when along comes a women sitting a table length from me and hollers to me with a smile hey Blackman. Not the most attractive, but very friendly. She works for one of the airline here in Bogotá.

Sunny weather with a beach setting, beautiful women, 4 enjoyable encounters in 3 days…. Oh well back to reality
