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           ”Although flattered somewhat at the  reviews and general reception
       of our debut album Talking Trees S/T, I felt the songs and lyrics themselves
       were evolving, tapping into a side of my songwriting which I had not been
       aware of; a kind of subconscious stream of though moving in its own way.
           ”I  had written a considerable amount of new material for our 
       follow up- I knew I  had the right ingredients but they seemed singular,
       oil and water. This  continued until I was playing around with working 
       titles and  'delusionland' came to mind. This album could not have been
       called anything else  when I scanned the lyrics and realized that I had a
       distinct theme running  through. I arranged the songs and within one
       day it all fell into  place. I shifted to the Wildshine label and swam in the
       new found freedom I  had over my own work. It happened very quickly
       and I hope that  spontaneity comes across to you; the listener.
             “I do like this album personally and feel that it is much more of a
       ‘that’s what I had in  my head ' than our debut. I like it for its honesty
       and believe it has  that jagged edge which lifts the entire record into
       another dimension  completely. 
             “Go ahead and take a trip through my mind!”
                                                        Sean Robert Chambers   Talking Trees (2006)