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Krista's Image

T H E   P U R P O S E  |  T H E   C O N T E N T  |  W H A T   E L S E ?

T H E   P U R P O S E


Well, to be honest, the main reason I created this website is because it's always been a dream of mine to become a model or an actress (both!?)l. I know the chances of becoming a "supermodel" of celebrity status is quite slim, maybe I'd have better luck with the lottery!

But with this website, who knows? Maybe someone will "discover" me or see that I do have a certain "look" that they need for a particular project, movie, music video.. etc. I do not have a "girl next door" look. I have sharp blue eyes and pale white skin. I can alter my features with cosmetic tricks, colored contacts, wigs, etc. The list goes on. I can disguise myself very well.

I chose as my domain name, because for one, it gets some attention, and 2001 is my year. This is the year I feel things will happen for me. I am not a person filled with conceit, this is a career choice just like any other, and this is basically an online portfolio that I won't have to spend 25 bucks a month to keep.

I have a modeling agent, but the jobs are very seldom and usually only last one day with only a few hundred dollars to pocket. This is not a career, it seems like a hobby! I want to make this a career, have fun and find a decent agent who's not out for my money, but wants to help me make some for myself.

T H E   C O N T E N T


You won't find any nudes or bikini photos of me on here, so if you are searching for that, I am sorry, you won't be catching any fish in here. I may do a nude for a movie or photoshoot, but it's got to be classy! You are going to have to pay me some MEGA bucks to strip down all the way.

But anyhow, you will definately find photos of me here, most of which I took myself with my webcam. I do have people who are available to take my photo, but it's a lot more fun when you have nothing to do but dress up, cake on some makeup and turn on your webcam! I am going to try to show how versitile my looks can be. From goth, to teeney bopper, to business woman.. I can get away with any look.

This website will contain a gallery of photos, my actual talent resume, a journal of my progress, ideas, and some letters that I receive. Also a message board with questions and answers, as well as a guestbook where you can leave comments or ideas.

I will also include a gallery of my supermodel idols which include, Shalom Harlow, Linda Evangelista, Amber Valetta and Jodie Kidd. Each model is very unique in their own way; the way Shalom's mysterious eyes capture you, and Linda's perfect bone structure! Ehh! Works of art is what I call them!

W H A T   E L S E ?


How about my life story and accomplishments? Yes, that will be on this site as well. If anyone wants to know, I am the designer/webmaster of this site. I do graphics and web design if anyone needs some help or wants a site created. Just thought I would throw that in because I need a few bucks to get by and pay those pesky bills. So contact me if you would also like a website like this one (to promote yourself or business)

This website is under construction.. so don't be shy, Bookmark this page!

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