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sublime insanity

sublime insanity

this page is my own creative niche, my little piece of cyber space where i can share the inner workings of my sublimely insane little mind. all poetry and writings on this page are 100% original, and most came about while i was experiencing one of my strange moods where i decide i hate the world. if you find anything on this page offensive or to your distaste, oh well. i don't write to please anyone but myself. but for those of you who can maintain an open mind, feel free to visit any of the following links, and comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.

behind the insanity


the morning after
SUMMARY: a first person account of the morning after a one-night stand.

when angels take him home
SUMMARY: a short story about a boy who's dealing with the fact that his younger brother is dying.

after the acid sunrise
SUMMARY: a fictional story about a vampire who stumbles upon memories of her mortal life, which can lead to death if she is not careful.

my book
SUMMARY: as yet untitled, this is a story about a teenage girl who discovers a life-altering secret about her boyfriend. it also includes several sub-plots involving other characters.

somewhere between now and never
SUMMARY: sequel to my book. this story focuses more on acacia's life and the decisions she is forced to make as she tries to get through college and the sudden blossoming of her boyfriend's music career.

new story
also currently untitled, this story is not yet finished but very well on its way. it's about a girl, who finding a lot of bad luck with relationships, decides to go on a summer beach trip with several of her friends, where she is guaranteed a wild three months where she can do anything she wants. but she ends up finding something she didn't expect, while all the characters end up leaving with some sort of catharsis.
