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I am a legally ordained minister, which means that any service I provide will be legal.

Personally, I follow a primarily Norse path, with a
heavily sprinkled with eclecticism. I am comfortable working with any path
from Druid to Egyptian
to Greek, heck, or even Jewish, Christian, Buddhist....
so long as it has nothing to do with live sacrifice, cursing,
hexing or any other negative act. I have enough karma of my own thank you.

I have no problem providing a same-sex handfasting,
or multi-person handfasting (more than 2 persons)
however it WILL NOT be legal. I am truly sorry, but
with the handfasting, you and your
partner(s) will be married in the eyes of the Lord and Lady.
I wish I could make this legal, but I cannot go against law.

Services that I provide are:

This includes: handfastings, handpartings, funerals, rites of passage, etc

**Tarot Readings**
This includes: one session where I do a spread for you
(remember, tarot can, but usually does not answer "yes" or "no", tarot gives you a generalization
of your situation and/or the best path to follow. Do not expect an
explicit answer to a specific question, but general guidlines)
**This can be up to one and one half hours, or 90 minutes.

This includes: beginner's style classes, designed
around what YOU are interested in learning.
A sample syllabus
A couple testimonials from previous students!

**Magickal Items**
What I mean by this is that I will HELP YOU
make a magickal sachet, talisman, pouch, poppet, etc. I will NOT do it for you,
but I will ASSIST you in doing one for yourself.

**Counseling/Spiritual Guidance**
*sigh* counseling has such a bad rap.
I can attempt to give you whatever guidance you

This can include: pre-marital counseling, marital counseling, spiritual guidance, etc

I'm a flexible person and know how "weird" things
can just pop up. If you need help with any other Pagan/Witchey...thing
or situation gimme a holler and I'll see what I can do for you.
This can include: writing a ritual,
writing an informational packet, speaking to smaller groups
of people about Paganism/Witchcraft.

An example of an informational brochure/sheet.
This can be printed, changed, or whatever, however I retain
the copyright for it. If you need to take the whole thing, or portions of it, please give me
credit, as I did take the time to write it. This one is about handfasting.


There are none, save your material expenses, and this
money would go to whichever store you went to.
For example; if you were taking
classes from me, you would need books, paper, writing utensils,
binder/folder, etc. I am just like you, and have bills to pay.
I will help and chip in what I can, for example
you could use one of my books for that 'class period',
however it helps to have your own to write in, etc.
Or for a ritual, there are things like candles,
incense, and other items,
depending on what the service is. And also with rituals, there may be certificates
needed in which case I would have to order them and would ask
a donation from you for the certificiates, in exactly the amount needed
to order the certificate for which I could provide a receipt. As I am not
doing weekly rituals that require certificates,
I do not keep this on hand as of yet. As I am just
a person providing a service, I do not have
any funding other than I and my husband's paychecks going into this.
Thank you for your understanding. Any donation will be accepted
and put towards what you wish it to be
and this would be in the amount you felt my service(s) was/is worth.

Writing the ritual for you...

You must remember that I am doing
a service for You. This means that if I perform a ritual for
you, it is your ritual I am performing. If you wish me to actually write
the ritual along with performing it, that will take a lot more time and
I may need to ask for minor compensation be it an exchange of services
or monetary. Writing a ritual is a very personal task and if you
truely wish me to do so, you will need to have a list of things you for
sure wish in your ritual and things you defiantly do not want in your
ritual. Also make sure you have thought about symbolism, location,
time and the money you have available. If you want 100 candles,
you must be prepared to purchase 100 candles, 100 candle holders, and
make sure your location is safe for burning so many candles
(Yes, this is an extreme example, but all things must be thought of and prepared for).


Please, please contact me at least a month in advance if you would like my services.
Especially if it is for a ritual. (For something like a tarot reading, a
couple days will suffice)I would like a chance to get to know
you and have met you face to face at least twice before the ritual
date. Granted, if it is a funeral I think I may be able to arrange
something on short notice. I may need to see if I can switch days off work, etc. Also,
please remember that most of this I do free of charge, and if you
want me to drive 100 miles away, I may ask you to chip in on
my gas money and also remember that, again, if you want me to
drive 100 miles away, this is a good deal of driving time for me, the
persons involved in your ritual, any guests and anybody else you
may want there. Sure, it is YOUR ritual, however your 90-year
old great grandmother may have problems getting out to the middle
of nowhere, just so that you have the "proper" flowers in your magic circle.

Contact Information:
AIM: RevSkye (only instant message)
Yahoo: (instant message and e-mail)
Yahoo: (e-mail only)
MSN: (instant message and e-mail)
***I no longer use MSN messenger OR e-mail as of 22 October, 2006***

Please contact me with ANY questions you may have,
no matter how 'silly' they may seem to you!!

I currently do not have internet at home, *sigh, yes, it really does suck*
I however am able to check my e-mail a few times a week at work.
If it's been a couple days and I have not responded
to you, please be patient and give me
a couple more days. I probably just
had several days in a row off from work.

Please forgive the lack of personality with this type of communication.
One can never be sure of whom they are contacting/being
contacted by over the internet, or in person also,
so I prefer this type of communication right away, so
we can get the feel of each other, and I
can be more sure that you are not a rapist/murderer/kidnapper, etc.
Thank you for your understanding with this.

This page was last updated: 22 October 2006