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One thing about magick is that you can't just wave your hands say a few snazzy
words and have your wish in about 5-7 business days. It just doesn't work that way.
Why should someone who just sits around get whatever he or she wants?
It's like that story about the guy who desperately
wanted to win the lottery. So he prayed and prayed to God, for a very long time,
and he never won. So finally the man died. And he ended up
at the pearly gates and got a chance to speak go God. "God" he said. "Why did you never let me win the
lottery? You know I would have put
the money to good use." "Yes" God says. "I know you would
have done well with the money, however My Son,
you never took the time to buy a lottery ticket."

This is partly where correspondences come into play. It helps us attune
ourselves to Nature, and to Diety.
It helps our magick, gives our spells an extra boost.

So, here's some correspondences for you:

The Elements
Oils and Resins
A word about Magick