Suffering fell upon all of the earth
As the second son came of a virgin birth
Time stood still and all was darker for a while
As a young woman gave birth to Satan's child
He was sent to bring only torture and pain
And lead the Christians one by one to be slain
He alone held the key
To unlock the door to the belly of the beast
Earth was ablaze as anarchy ruled the night
As more and more felt the Dark Prince's bite
The Kingdom of Shadows had overpowered the Lord
He was strengthened by the death of his mother the whore
But at last he paid the ultimate cost
Crucified alone on an inverted cross
The earth cracked and the grounds shook as well
As this paradise lost became at one with Hell
But nothing in his power could set him free
And everything became as calm as the seven seas
But as he transcended there rang a division bell
Promising us all we are eternally damned to Hell