Here I am,lying naked beside an everflowing stream
The rain comes down and wsahes away my sins like a dream
Flowing over me,cleansing and changing my wrongs
Heaven comes upon me as the birds sing their songs
The moon comes out from behind itīs dark cloud
For the short dose of life it is allowed
My hair is wet,my eyes are closed,I slip away from the world
To somewhere else,where all things are pure as pearls
A spiritual journy to the other side of time
A place where i can run but never hide
The rain explains to me all the things that are real
Some i can touch,yet others I can feel
grant my serenity,grant my will,grant me freedom
Overlook my sins and forgive me of my treason
I feel at peace yet I know somethingīs wrong
I feel whole even though something is gone
the rain runs down my face and accross my lips
Flowing down my body and coming out my fingertips
the rain whispers to me "welcome to eternity"
Whatīs wrong with me?
euphorical proportions
My mind is in contourtions
Surrounding me
i wanna be free!
Like the snake
killing me with hate
Slammed against the wall
i take a fall
Beat me down
Fire all around
Being destroyed by lies
I donīt wanna die!
Up in bed,sweat running down,it was merely a dream
But showing me things arenīt always what they seem
Now maybe I know what no one else realizes
Life is full of surprises and disguises
Standing up away from my dream,Iīm fearless and brave
Fucking up the world Iīm supposed to save
Turn and walk away..