Shedding a tear for the death of my heart
My soul, my emoions, they've been ripped apart
The flame burns down to the ground
It's so cold,I'm so hungry, no one's around
The moon is full but my heart is so empty
I need love, just need a little empathy
Blind from any hope or dream  could have had
I'm so lonely, it's so damn sad
I'm depressed anf fragile, ready to crack
My heart and the gun are both so very,very black
The walls keep me in and away from everything
I have no shoulder on which to lean
Life is a one way trip through my private hell
and my train, it seems, has just  derailed
Suicide is so tempting and easy
But I'm scared, more than anyone should be
I'm the scapegoat that carries all the world's pain
Drowning in anguish as my tears continue to rain
I can't take this anymore
What do I live for?
I know in the back of my mind,
that te best day of my life, will be the day I die