I don't really know how to feel right now...
You've fucked up again
Standing on the cliff of your sanity
I guess you tripped
Where did it go wrong?
How could someone so prescious
so full of life
so beautiful
so free
so amazing
like you
How could you do this to yourself?
How could you do this to me?
To us?
All of us
The foggy black mist is back again
and it has blinded me, hidden the answers
tomy questions
pills, pills, pills
So small and meaningless...
at least they used to be
Was it your parents overbearing Catholic bullshit?
What was it?
I wanna fucking know!
You have given me even more proof
Tht God does not exist
But rather,
corruption and closedminds rule the world
The destroyed you
and now they're getting to me
So I know how you feel
I've been there
I AM there
and I'll be there for you
Now matter how high yu fly
or how far you fall
All I ask is one simple thing..

Please don't die on me