
Hey! I am Steph. This is my site and if you don't like it, you can shove it! So yea, got anything to tell me or if you want to tell me how much of a bitch or dickhead I am, please feel free :).

Oh, and by the way, there is this really cool site on Newgrounds that takes the total piss out of stupid celebrities. To check it out here.

And thanks to Mimisk8.com for the background.
Email Me: hippy_24_7@hotmail.com

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(11/03/05) Hey, sorry I haven't written. School is totally over-bearing and I was way too busy in the holz, so I will try my hardest to write (but if I don't, it just means i can't be fucked...). Umm, wat can I tell you...Michael has gone (yes, shed a tear for me), school is boring as hell, I miss Kinross soooo much and I am in a pretty fowl mood. Would you like to know why? Well, I am going to tell you anyway; I am paranoid and I don't think anybody at my school likes me...or at least a lot of people don't. Oh well, my problem.

(5/12/04) Hey Guyz, soz I haven't wrote for a while but school is like a dog, nah, cockroach that just won't die, no matter how many times, you spray it, flush it down the toilet or crunch it into the floor. I hate hoework, but thankfully, there are only two weeks left of school and then the term is over!!! Which meeans the school year is over for six weeks. But that is bad too in a way because my boyfriend, Michael, he is moving all the way up to Karratha when we go back to school and I am gonna miss him so much. Steph isn't happy when her Michael moves away, let along to the opposite end of the friggin country!!! But I will have to struggle with only seeing him every 70 DAYS!!!! God, oh well, 56 until he moves away, so I gotta make the most of it.
Anyway, got another performance, gotta sing tomorrow, so not looking forward to it, shit scared and I think I would be the most awkward singer on the face of the planet.
Anyway, g2g, talk to ya laterz

(21/08/04) Hey everyone :). I have updated the site, made it more kewl and I am looking for someone *looks at Swa* to make me a different coloured layout. It shall rock. So yea, I have added more pages and organised stuff, so do check it out :)

(14/08/04) Sorry that I haven't been on guys, but a lot has happened!

First off, I want to wish the Australian athletes and all of the competitors in the Olympic Games good luck. I was up at one in the morning watching the Opening Ceremony live, and it was great :). I hope you all do well, but I hope Australia wins a lot of medals. DO AUSTRALIA PROUD PEEPS!!!!
Yesterday, I got two teeth taken out (typical, black friday). My jaw really hurts, but my bottom teeth are straight now and i don't bite my cheek everytime i eat now. Feels good :). I am getting some out on the 25th, so I will dish it then.
And next week, I am having ESC tests...yay...this is good though because I like maths and english test (yes, I am a freak), but I am worried about my maths mark because I miss out my maths because of my flute lessons. So I will need to speak with my math teacher about it...yay...
Well, that has been basically it, any new stuff, email me, put a post on my guestbook, do your worst.
Cya Later

(31/07/04) I am just putting this on to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLA, and to click here. Hey to everyone and talk to ya later.

Now, lemme put in wat I have been doing this week *pleasure overload*. Well, I have had the week off because I have had a concussion and I have the flu. I got my concussion like this:
I went ice-skating with my family on Sunday. When I got there, I saw that my old mate from Kinross, Evie was there. We were skating and mucking around, but, long story short, he gave me a jelly leg, and if you can put your hand on a 45 degrees, and picture my head at the lowest part, that is how my nody was. My head was the first thing that hit the floor and I was knocked out cold. I bet you are laffing, crazy freaks. So yea, had to go to hospital later that night when my head was still sore and my eyes were weird, so yea, good :).
Talk to ya later

To get a layout from Swa, Email her: swaiam@hotmail.com

Cya Later
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