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Hi, I'm Meatface... This is my very strange, yet morbid site. I think...! I'm bored.... a lot. I just read a letter about me to some psychiatrist lady and I'm about to scream. Things I didn't know (shouldn't know) were even on there... I am soooo upset. Trauma is the worst disease. There is no cure. *** hey. I'm good at this*** (I think). "It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for someone you aren't." Man... I can just list all the people I hate. This town is a dome, an airless dome. I forgot my protective suit. ~~Ha, I know I'm good~~ SMOG, I'm almost dead, I mean on the outside. Even without smog I think that letter should've killed me. I think I should be dead. At least until I forget it. It's almost impossible now. I actually remember things now, even my new home phone number. =+= Tape it to a biscut=+= <--- MY PHRASE!!!! NO TAKING! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I WILL BITE YOU TO PIECES! I'M ALREADY MAD ENOUGH AS IT IS! I'm bored. I'm dead. I think. Guess not, I'm still typing. I learned a few things today no one should know. Not even me. I don't want to know. I cannot change the things of the past. "Dagnabit" I can empty out my feelings on this page. I'm sad, people... So many people surround me with negative thoughts and only I think I can survive. It's tragic really. Everyone thinks I'm stupid enough to kill myself... I would NEVER do that. I mean I am kinda stupid, but I'd never commit suicide. I'd go to hell, and I'd have to deal with my mother when she dies..! I'm bored. I do talk a lot. I am very sad. People think I'll kill myself, I hate it. My aunt asking me "On a one to ten scale how much do you want to be on this Earth? 1 being I will kill myself right now if you give me a weapon, and 10 being I'm as happy as a clam!" I said " I dunno, It depends on which house I'm at." I was kidding and she thinks I'm going to jump off of a cliff or something. I don't really care what people think.... It's what people do, that really irks me (annoys me)!!!! She wants me to go to a mental hospital. I'll probably end up there and take unneccisary meds like colase (laxative) and a bunch of other things like Prozac (depression med) and other things... I'll probably die there of unneccesary medication problems. Like an overdose. No one will visit me. No one in my family. But, that is if I ever go to one. I hope I don't. I hope if I do my family will be miserable without me... They won't. Man, I've been typing forever. I love video games. Shooting ones and RPGs in fact. Like Metal Gear Solid.. I love that game. And Zelda, Occarina of time.(All I do is play the occarina at my cousin (older by a couple months) Geoff's house.). (S.O.A.D sings the Zelda theme song. It's cool. I was gonna show my lil' cousin Ben, until he rammed his skatebord in my shin..) It was one of those ^Gay-10-dollar-things-you-can-get-at-K-mart^ heh heh heh heh, I'm bored (as if I haven't said it enough) *cough* *cackle* I've got myself a cold. Or allergies. I get in trouble for daydreaming. Everywhere, even if I don't... My mom tells them I daydream a lot. And that is their excuse to get me in trouble.. I don't care. What's wrong with daydreaming? It's never going to come true anyway. I'm sorry to everyone who read this and feels sorry for me. I'm not some thing that just does this to make people upset. I do this for people to understand me, and people to know how it feels. Unlike Diary of a madman... This will become the Diary of a SOAD freak. This can help those people that have never seen me, You can get a clue on how it feels in my shoes.... Before you ever see me, I like it better that way. MY NOTE: YOU CANNOT JUDGE SOMEONE! LEAVE THAT TO GOD or sumpin. SEE THEM INSIDE OUT, BEFORE YOU DECIDE WHAT YOUR OPINION SHALL BE. I PRESUME THIS IS NEW TO SOME OF YOU... BUT NEVER TO ME... REMEMBER THIS AND YOU WILL HAVE THE PUREST FRIENDS SURROUNDING YOU FOREVER. JUST LIKE MINE. Thanks for reading this.. I'm boring. I love Dance dance revolution and SOAD!! (system of a down)8-1-02 Bai bai ===================================================================================== 8-2-02 I'm back... obviously ===================================================================================== 8-24-02 I'm at OZZFEST!!!! Leave me alone.. hehe. a dizzy dance... I love system.... ===================================================================================== 8-27-02 ozzfest was awesome... rob zombie was cool. I got a soad shirt, I'm gonna wear it to that mesl academy and they'll probably kick me out, but I'll still have VAPAC!!!!! woo hoo! I got the kitty cursor today! It's cute... but it looks dead. I think I'll get a new one later today. My links dont't work. I moved them to the bottom.. I'll get Chelsea to help me with them. I got an IDEA (for once) and I think I'm crazy enough for it to work. hmmmm. ===================================================================================== 8-30-02 Bored bored bored, I'm gonna get me pool from Tina (mi aunt) supposedly tomorrow, but something happened to Ted (my uncle)'s dad... sowwy ted... V_V. I got a backpack for helping my (other) aunt, Karen. It was like 51 bucks, but it's so awesome, it's one of those that holds the sk8board.. even though I don't have one yet. YIPES lol, I write a lot. I'm begining to like HTML!!! Oh ya, I got some k mart piccy. I'm gonna update it every time i have i-net access. *thinking of original updates* nothing mych happened... okeygo to my funny link up by afroken! ^^^ up there!~!!~!~!~!~!~! ................................ ===================================================================================== 8-31-02 ALMOST time for school.. ((((0)))) ring ring.. A IS FOR AAAAAAHAHHHHHH, if you didn't go to my funny link by afro ken, then you don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I love system of a down, and threebrain, and DDR (dance dance revolution) JA! I love sugar.. by soad.. --' lol, I'm bored. printing out for my room. Grandma is making mexican food for ted's party thing, I smell kool-aid, some one is here. Tina, ben and anna. Ben is bored, he wants to watch threebrain. He got 20 bucks, he's all happy. He's hiding it from his mom... ===================================================================================== 9-21-02 Hi, lol... School's ok, I love drama!!!!!! Today's Kim's brithday, (she hates us, chelsea!!!!) I'm bored. as usual, I'm gonna play everquest(EQ) Bai now. ===================================================================================== 12-14-02 Yes, I am alive. Chelsea... why, delete.... post... worked...hard....stomach....hurts....*falls in flooded front yard* The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.. REMEMBER THAT, my birthday is comming up, soon. Chelsea are you sick from Gene's rancid gummy bear? ===================================================================================== 1/15/03: MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME, uh yah, It's me! I'm in my honors academy class, the guy doesn't notice, he's nice, AH WELL. someone got kicked out for something. My birthday passed, I am a year older now...! WOOWOOOWOOOWOOOWOOOWOO, we're doing a quiz. Yesterday, I got my kitty!!! She is a cute siamese, I'll put her pic on here soon, she has bright blue eyes and she is an off white color, and she has a brown muzzle. She has silver tips on her cute ears, and a brown tail that lightens towards the bottom of her tail. She is my pretty kitty, and her name is Sagwa. (you know the kid show on PBS or whatever.) And today, Gene's friend Eric.......(GOD, he's a racist midget!) -.- no comment. I haven't updated forevahhhh, seein as to that I am now the proud owner of the SIMS ONLINE, squishy, ya better get it. ^^ ^^, here's my sims online info! Name: Calderr City: Jolly pines House name: Creative Crater Physical description: Hair: blondish-brown eyes: (how should I know) brown? outfit: UCC!!! or rather some purplish weird outfit (that looks like some kinda deformed elf outfit) UCC out fit: U.C.C. (Urban cowgil Calderr, ME!) is a VERY strange outfit. It has a red shirt with a small black jacket, and a SHORT skirt with ruffles!(I have a ruffly bootay!) ===================================================================================== 1-25(?)-03 YAYAYAYAYAYAYA, sims online is mucho fun-o YEAHOP! Squiggy dedicated his site to me (OoO) (^,^) Muchos smilys! Boobadoobi. uhhhhhhhhhh, go to his site, I made 2 links to it up there some where ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yeah, that way. I think I might upload some different things to my site to not make it so completely boring.I got my banner today, and guess who made it for me! Mr. Squishy who dedicated his site to me! yus, Mr. Squishy! ===================================================================================== Quote for the month: January You are completely oblivious, just like a newborn child. You don't know why you were given life, or for what purpose you exist. You simply shout to emphasize your life, your own existance. You are completely oblivious. ===================================================================================== Today.. I dunno like the 8th or what not... (2-8-03?) "I hate vaccinations and IVs (they hurt going in and the little tube in the vein wiggles and wiggles and hurts like hell) and I hate Immunizations 'cause doctors never keep track and you have to get the shot all over again, and I hate new diseases, 'cause then you have to be vaccinated like some stupid animal." As I said to squishy, today. because I am soooo scared of the doctors. Especially the specialist who is testing me for "hershprong's disease" which they already know I have. It's very gross to explain but it's a disease of the colon being too narrow, and causing... (nuff said). Yeah, that's why my stomach usually hurts and I feel like Zone from FF8 always in the corner hunching over saying "oooh, my stomach" but at the moment (7:06 pst) I feel normal! Just very very scared o' course.. I wish I could've went to Chico today for the cal skate ddr tournament toady, Patrick ( i hope I spelled that right -.- sorry if I didn't) told me about it. I am saving up for DDR metal pads, only 4 weeks starting the 11th! I can get a) 2 DDR metal pads and b) DDR KONAMIX!, yeah I would get DDR max, but I don't have ps2.... Song at the moment: "The last beat of my heart (live)" by Siouxsie and the banshees ^^ I still feel happy. ===================================================================================== ummmmm...3-19-03 i think... I dunno it's wednesday. what possesed me to get this back ground? I dunno, I like it... I just don't like the website it came from.I have not been a good person by updating..I never did go to the doctor's appointment. The new world war has just begun... I don't think this will be a quick one like op. desert storm in the 1990's... this will include many many casualties, I just hope I am not one. FUCK SADDAM HUSSEIN, AND UDAY, AND THE OTHER SON! FUCK THEM ALL! only a couple days until I can eat red meat again, lent is almost over.... I'm moving to Canada if anything (ie BOMBS) come close to California... it is a world of terror. we are all trapped in this dome of horror and magnificence, but we confuse ourselves on which one to pick. Love you always, =+=MaRi=+=. ===================================================================================== End of the century Misery, can it be chaos who's the boss Suffer a great loss Man woman child No longer exist Only the good ones will be missed Life love cherish it all Who will be left to conquer The end is coming Don't start running There's nowhere to run Don't grab a gun All over the land her this roar No one know what's in store Look for the star, he's on his way No one knows what's in store Love your self and all around In a blink of an eyes You won't hear a sound Your heart is pounding at raided speed Man will always feel the need for greed Let's go for it Now you can't miss Al-Though-This-Was-The-Be-Gining Beware because the end is here The sky is falling Eyes are balling You had your chance To make your stance Love is a must life don't lust Not time to fuss People start to cuss cry out who's going to care Have no doubt have no fear Believe in me I'll show you the way Some people think the year 2G is so scaring, let wait and see The world will shot down most won't admit People go crazy people catch fits Fire breaks out One way to stop Play hip hop non stop stop Remember these words And what I said You just might wake up braindead! The feeling (feeling) Is amazing (amazing) Oh boy, I want you (come on and get me) Some just say the world is changing Many people will agree Many changes we are seeing I just say... It's the end... It's the end... It's the end of the century ===================================================================================== MY FAVORITE DDR SONG AT :3-22-03 Chelsea's birthday is coming up soon!! HOORAY!Squishy's b-day 2 dae! ok this song is called "Hysteria" by naoki 190 get it on kazaa! it's on DDR max2, and... it is wicked awesome!!! I was the teacher and I made you learn I was the flame, and you just got burnt By me the one and only, Chaos is here To preach havoc and destruction and to strike fear Demolishin' my foes just like that I see the fools and they want to combat So I pull out the same rhyme, don't waste no time Brushin' them off with the freshest of lines Who is the better of the best. Well I've won but they've flunked the test Stoppin' for no one just like the shogun My blade is my rhymes, usin' it, then I'm done Picture me, I'm on top of the world now Picture me, I'm ahead of my game Never stop, not for anyone, not now Gonna take you up all the same Ohhhh.... On top the world... ohhhh. on top of the world.. Picture me, I'm on top of the world now Picture me, I'm ahead of my game Never stop, not for anyone, not now Gonna take you up all the same Picture me, I'm on top of the world now Picture me, I'm ahead of my game Never stop, not for anyone, not now Gonna take you up all the same All the same, all the same ===================================================================================== 5-22-03... why do I even have a site? I barely update it, I was gonna go on that sro trip todae.but NOOO langston is an asshole and he says that the signature on my permission slip is not my mom's.. he doesn't even know my mom! what a weird guy. sorree but there's not gunna be much capitals or any good punctuation todae, por que.. I is lazeeeeey.I'm at Chelsea's house, watching Disney channel, we waited for the 68 bus, and there were people waiting with us, Patricia, the french girl from west africa, she's cool. and carlo, he was in my musical. it was funny, cuz there was an ice cream man, and carlo is a crazy dood, and he was singin "pop goes the weasel" along with the music, the ice cream man seemed grumpy, and I got a snicker's bar, it was yummy, and I ate it on the bus. the lady didn't care.i played ddr @ chelsea's house, her dog is muy hyper. man the spanish channel is anyway, at the bus stop some big huge thing parked at the bus stop and when it backed out carlo shouted "WHOA!" very loud, it was funny. I didn't buy a light rail ticket. I never do, I'm such a bad person.^^ it's hot 2dae.boohoo.i be and chelsea wanna go swimming at her grandma's house, she has a pool. WOOT sister sister is on, gotta go, bai bai! luv ya'al. ciao...żżż<---I love those <3===================================================================================== 5-25-03:my fun-filled WALMART day. wau, todae I went ta walmart. whoopdeedo. I got a bathing suit (for the picnic today) and I got a pair of capris. NOT pants, capris. and I got a shirt that looks as if it would fit a baby, but when I put it on, it fit. hooray for stretchiness.I went to walmart in my pajamas. I was lazy, I was like a zombie, walking around in my pajamas, and my tennis shoes. I shink I is gonna play nox now. bai bai. luv ya lotz. =+=Marissa=+= ===================================================================================== 6-6-03 I'm sure of it. (Seis de junio) yeah, I made it into drama ambassadors! woot. yeah. GO VAPAC! (visual and performing arts centre) yeah........ 120798tusuognskj love you lots.=+=Marissa=+= .BOO TROUPE FOREVER. ===================================================================================== 9-20-03 Melancholism: Today is so depressing, and I feel like my heart has shattered. Maybe I SHOULD take prozac... Destined to become a failure, and cry until I die... And everytime I fall in love, it's all a lie, and then I have to force myself to sleep to go to a dream world, where I can feel safe from pain, hurt, blame, words that hurt, shame... but maybe it's today. With love from the bottom of my shattered heart, Marissa. ===================================================================================== I'm going to Hell because I kill children and eat them! =====================================================================================
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placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.

You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
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your loved one with all your love =p

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at this point, your only goal is to improve
your mind. After all, knowledge is power!
You represent... angst.
You represent... angst. You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about
everything. It's okay to sulk and be
depressed, but life is short, and you only get
one. It's only what you make it, and only you
can make it improve.
===================================================================================== And to the person with an open mind, who can tolerate me, hear me out, live for me, breathe for me, smile for me, and die for me, thank you thank you, Love, Marissa
