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slytherin girl's webpage

slytherin girl's webpage


please take the time to visit my ophelia page. i will add more too it (poetry,art work, scripture) soon. hopefully i wont be adding anymore people to it. it breaks my heart each time i add a friend. if you take the time to visit it, please say a prayer for each girl's family, even if you didnt personally know any of them.


my boring live journal

time goes ever on and on, and what have i to show for it? not much. for all two of you that might actually visit this site once in awhile, i hope you like some of my new changes. i am sorry to do away with the chibi sailor senshi. they were too cute for their own good. sailor saturn remains though...i want to stay on her good side.

in the mean time, check out some spiffy links!

some kewl links

JK Rowling Official website
the awesome art of boris vallejo
very funny chibi moon site
official harry potter website
official NIN site
the unofficial Gerard Butler website..for all your lusting needs!

more links coming soon!

if you have accidently stumbled across this pathetic excuse for a website, i hope you come back, because in another year or so i might actually make something decent of it!

kewl stuff!

quote of the day:

"boys suck, get a cat."


scroll down if you dare!! mwahahaha!!!

i see you didnt heed my above warning... you scrolled all the way down here for nothing! hahaha! oh well, its your own fault!!! too bad i have nothing intersting to put here yet. :P bite me! this is my website, and it can be as boring as i want it to be!! at least i took all the damn butterflies off!!!

nobody but me comes to this stupid site anyway. heck, i dont even come here that often anymore. i took most of the stuff off. maybe someday i will get more pictures and links up.

someday..someday..does "someday" ever really come? i guess you can go on hoping that i will make something interesting of my website, and i can go on hoping that Gerard Butler will fall madly inlove with me and we can spend the rest of our lives in happy bliss...but we all know the chances of that happening.

however, i may actually plan out a wicked kewl site on a piece of paper..and organize some of my thoughts....and when i have time, i might translate it into a lovely site.

perhaps i will have a page with poetry, with discussions on movies and literature, maybe some nice art work. if i can figure out how to do it, and if angelfire will let me, maybe someday i will have a message board. i am rather fond of those.

in the meantime, im afraid this is what you are stuck with!

sailor saturn, the sailor senshi of destruction, wants to thank you for visiting my site. better stay on her good side, she is bi-polar and she has the power to destroy the universe. have a great day!