My name is Jacci.

My email address is
My Website is

This is me.

A few years ago I chatted in a room on TalkCity. This girl came in one day under the name KobainsDollie. She introduced herself as Kaylia. We all got to know her and later on I decided not to chat any more. A few months later I started recieving emails saying things like "Hey Kaylia."

What had happened was this girl was sending out my pictures and parts of my website and people would find my email address on it and email me thinking I was her.

After about 3 years of this it finally died down. I figgured she grew up and got over it- Or found someone new to impersonate.

I guess not! Today a boy contacted a friend of mind to ask her about it. He found out Kaylia had been lying and found my LJ on my website. He was scared to ask me incase Kaylia really was me. So he found one of my IRL friends on my LJ and asked her.

This is the email! asking about someone i thought i knew but don't and you seem to know them. She told me this:   her name is Kaylia Dawn Bedics. 18yrs old. White Hall Pa. she has two jobs and two cars a mustang and a cavalier. She is single. Her best friend is aaron whom she grew up with her entire life. her bday is april 1st 1985. Her mom is named lynn and she has a brother kyle. these journals say that also... plus several other journals i cant remember off hand.   but as of late ive been hearing lots of things and her mom actually had me call her *her = her mom lynn*  to tell her those things.   her mom then proceeded to tell me her name is Kaela and shes only 14yrs old and is going to the 10th grade. She has no cars and no jobs. She has never heard of an aaron. Her bday is in september sometime and she is going to be 15. so i did some digging and found her website thru there she says her name is jacci and her whole family's names are changed and she is dating aaron. But the pictures are the same exact ones she sent me as "kaylia dawn bedics".   that is where i found the journal: that is where i found your name and such so i thought that maybe your journal would have some explanation as to who this girl really is. it would really mean a lot to me and to other people if you could clear this up for me. Obviously she is lying about something. I would like to know the truth about this girl. Myself and some of my friends whom she talks to online a lot are all 18-20 and we don't want to hang out with her or something and up having charges brought up on us because she lied about her age and such. so any information and proof you provide will be very helpful in helping me to understand what is the truth and what is not. If those pics arent of "kaylia aka kaela" i was wondering if you would be able to send me pictures of her. I know this is really weird but I'm sure you can understand after reading the journal entries and what i have wrote you will understand why i need to know. im sorry for bothering you.   thank you very much what you tell me will be very appreciated

And here is the IM conversation-

Macabre Kitty: hello?
DunBe SlHlaDy: hi
Macabre Kitty: this is Dulcetangel from LJ, you said to IM you
DunBe SlHlaDy: oh ok
Macabre Kitty: whats the problem?
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok well first off
DunBe SlHlaDy: do you know a girl named Kaylia Dawn Bedics? or perhaps Kaela Bedics?
Macabre Kitty: No... I know a few Dawns though, but I don't know any of their last names...
DunBe SlHlaDy: hmm... ok
DunBe SlHlaDy: well heres the story...
Macabre Kitty: daes she have a lj?
Macabre Kitty: does
DunBe SlHlaDy: yeah
DunBe SlHlaDy: i wrote down a bunch of stuff you might want to see
DunBe SlHlaDy: you know a jacci right?
Macabre Kitty: indeed
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok well...this kaylia/kaela girl...seems to have the exact same pictures as your friend jacci... and also seems to know the same aaron..
Macabre Kitty: lovely
Macabre Kitty: yea, I know Jacci and Aaron personally
DunBe SlHlaDy: it seems this girl is impersonating your friend jacci
Macabre Kitty: -insert insulting words here-
DunBe SlHlaDy: may i send you something? its an email with all the may make things a bit clearer for you
Macabre Kitty: go right ahead...
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok
DunBe SlHlaDy: it has links and everything for different journals and webpages and such
Macabre Kitty: ok, cool
Macabre Kitty: may I ask what pursuaded you to make me aware of this?
DunBe SlHlaDy: i know this all seems really weird but im hoping this email will clear it up
Macabre Kitty: ok
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok i just sent it
Macabre Kitty: thank you, I'll go check
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok
DunBe SlHlaDy: brb
DunBe SlHlaDy signed off at 8:06:29 PM.
DunBe SlHlaDy signed on at 8:07:51 PM.
Macabre Kitty: I'm going to make Jacci aware of this
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok
Macabre Kitty: thank you much, I'm sure she'll appriciate it
DunBe SlHlaDy: ive been trying to find out the truth about this girl for weeks n i thought i had it the other day n then i found jacci's website and everything got confusing again
DunBe SlHlaDy: i know this seems really weird and like out-of-the-blue...but i really needed to find out the truth
Macabre Kitty: it's fine. That facethejury thing and the website are really jacci's.
DunBe SlHlaDy: ok
Macabre Kitty: OMG!
DunBe SlHlaDy: this other girl kaylia/kaela w/e her name is has a lot and i mean A LOT of ppl convinced that those pics r of her n shes 18 and stuff
Macabre Kitty: I think this is the same girl that Aaron IMed me and told me she was impersonating ME
DunBe SlHlaDy: probably
Macabre Kitty: she stole info and lyrics from my profile and said they were her own
DunBe SlHlaDy: she used to live in Bethlehem
Macabre Kitty: ugh
DunBe SlHlaDy: she said her and aaron grew up together along with some chad kid and another aaron whois gay
DunBe SlHlaDy: n then there was a charles
DunBe SlHlaDy: she has AIM with a bunch of screennames... i have those if u want them
DunBe SlHlaDy: along with 3hotmail accounts and 2yahoo accounts that i know of
Macabre Kitty: We know a gay guy named Aaron too...
DunBe SlHlaDy: well shes saying him and the straight aaron are her best friends
DunBe SlHlaDy: and they are always at her house staying over and stuff
DunBe SlHlaDy: n theres a megan who is supposedly her ex-gf and i think theres a britney
DunBe SlHlaDy: the only im sure of is her name is Kaela Bedics...shes 14...and going to the 10th grade..
DunBe SlHlaDy: i dont know what school she is going to...she mentioned a Liberty High School and a Freedom High School but i dont know if those are real either

He later came to me and told me all about it. He told me her AIM names (XCobainsDollieX KobainsDollie CobainsDollie etc) and her LJ name xxdollxpartsxx but he says she has many more that he cannot remember, Her Yahoo names (xxbloodyknucklesxx and xxpullmypigtailsxx) and her email address- :)

I'd like to ask you all this- Why did you never wonder why she had a webpage about a girl named Jacci who was 18 and from Butler with a different family and everything?

Any Questions? Email me or IM me with MSN..