I'm a stupid overly trusting girl

I Hate Men

I want to smash all the mirrors into tiny pieces of sharp glass

I cry too much
I hate being alone
I hate Andrew James Travis
He needs to grow the fuck up and not fuck a whore and get a disease and not try to have a kid at 16 and beat girls and lie about EVERY FUCKING THING!
He broke my heart
I wanna break his jaw so he can't tell everyone's business to the world or talk shit or lie
I don't care about anything anymore really, I couldn't feel anything for or from anyone but him before, and now I'm broken inside bc he's a piece of shit
NEVER make someone your everything cuz when they're gone u've got nothing
I knew that but I foolishly didn't listen or care about what anyone said, now I'm fucked up about it and want to kill myself
I'm not suicidal because I want to kill myself, because I don't want to die

I'm sick of suffering, that's all...

I'm just Nother little fucked up girl, don't worry about me, I'm great at looking like everything's okay.
My Other Page