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We see a video montage of some highlights of the career of Jason Perry. The fans cheer loudly for it, until we see Cobra being beaten in that Stairway to Hell match and being injured. We then see numerous battles between Diablo and Perry as the footage slows down and goes to the challenge that was made last week. The career....vs the World Title. That match will be TONIGHT!!!

The pyro goes off as Jon Anderson and VP Young welcome us to another Mayhe. The seats are filled to the rafters and nothing but "Devestator" Jason Perry signs fill this jam packed arena. Before we can even run down the matches our first one is already beginnning.

Angel vs Draven

Draven Azagtoth, member of Hell's Henchmen, enters the arena from the back to Cradle of FIlth's 'Born In A Burial Gown', he also gets a hell of a lot of heat from the fans but takes it with a smile on his face.. Draven's going to have to be lucky here tonight going up agains the huge veteran Angel. Angel's an ex-World Champion and just happens to be seven feet tall too. Draven slides into the ring and his music fades away to be replaced by the Rollin's Band 'Ghost Rider', the crowd get behind Angel who seems to have split with his recent partner X-Factor to take on a more aggressive persona. He'll have a tough match tonight though even with his history. Not the wisest decision to drop your only partner before you go into a match with a member of Hell's Henchmen. Angel gets down to the ring though, straightens up and then climbs over the top rope to get into the ring. Draven goes straight for him and the ref calls for the bell.

Angel pushes Draven back across the ring and Draven comes off of the ropes. He runs right in a big boot though, no he ducks it and slides under. HE TAKES OUT THE REF THOUGH. Draven's slide under Angel took an odd direction and Draven happened to take both the refs legs out, Draven jumps up with a smile on his face as he see's the ref hit his head. Angel turns around as Draven backs off and waves his arms from the direction of the back. Cletus Pisson runs down to the ring and slides in to join up next to Draven. They both go straight for Angel who takes a left from Pisson, hits Draven with a forearm, then Pisson with a right to the head. Draven hits him in the gut and Pisson brings his arms down on Angel's back taking him down to his knee's. Both Henchmen start to wail away at Angel's head. Angel takes a number of straight rights between the eyes then some boots to his chest. Draven picks him up and whips him to the ropes, it's reversed though and Angel punches Pisson in the throat before nailing Draven with a Clothesline. Draven goes down and Angel picks him up holding onto his arm and giving him Short Arm Clothesline after Short Arm Clothesline. Draven looks like the sense has been knocked right out of him by about the sixth and Angel drops him as the crowd cheer his comeback along. Pisson's up to his feet now and he runs at Angel who dodges him. Cletus comes back with a SHoulder Block that knocks Angel backwards over Draven, Pisson really took advantage of the dead weight of Draven there. Angel falls back to the ropesand Pisson telegraphs a Back Body Drop. Angel just stops and grabs Pisson. POWERBOMB FROM THE BIG MAN. ANGEL HOLDS ON!! SECOND POWERBOMB FROM ANGEL!!!! Pisson just rolls out of the ring holding his shoulder. Draven's back up though, he runs at Angel who turns around. High Cross Body from Draven! BAD MOVE. Angel Catches him and the crowd erupt. Angel just nods his head and turns Draven into position. TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!! Angel grabs the ref and makes the cover. 1....2....3.... A slow count from the ref but Draven looked out of it. A huge win for Angel.


Backstage we see Perry in his locker room in an almost meditative state. He says nothing to the camera as he stretches out and looks more focused than ever before.

We see Jace Silver and Samual Boone lugging around Pyre who said earlier that it doesn't matter who wins the tag match tonight he will NOT be going to the services of Silver and the Onslaught. Pyre pulled a fast one and didn't sign the contract....what's this clown have up his sleeve??

NOw we go to Mike Cole who is standing by with Wicked D and Asylum...the Tag Team Champions.

MC: It has been awhile since you two have defended the World Tag Team titles, and the reason for that was the injuries Wicked D sustained at the hands of Team 5 Star and Cobra and Jason Perry. Are you 100% tonight?

WD: I'm beyond that Cole, I was sitting my ass down in a hospital bed just waiting....itching to get my hands around the necks of those 5 bastards that put me out. They costed me my title match, and they costed me a lot of flack about defending the US title and Tag Titles....well guess what boys...there will be NO MORE talking tonight....just me getting revenge.

MC: Asylum?

Asylum: it what you will...but just know that when the Henchmen bring it...we bring the wrath of hell with us. The weak link of the Onslaught and that Cowpoke will find out tonight.

We see some footage of the feud between Jonothan and Plague as we now come to the last man standing match for the Hardcore title.

Last Man Standing
Hardcore Title Match
Plague vs Jonothan

The fans wait for the music to hit, but the camera runs to the back to only catch Plague beating down Jonothan with a steel shovel. He tosses him into the brick wall, and then delivers a back body drop onto the concrete. He drags Jono by his hair and tosses him out onto the ramp as the fans boo the actions of Plague. Plague takes off the HC title and begins to whip Jono with it. He stands him up and LEVELs him with the HC title. Jonothan falls down the ramp as he rolls all the way to the bottom. Plague jumps off the ramp and grabs a steel chair and a sledgehammer. He walks back into view as he tosses the chair onto Jonothan. Jono picks up the chair, but gets it SMASHED IN HIS FACE AS PLAGUE SWINGS THE SLEDGEHAMMER INTO THE CHAIR AND FACE OF JONO!!! He could of KILLED Jonothan with that move. Plague laughs as he drops the hammer into the ribs of Jonothan. Fans are throwing stuff at Plague who only laughs at the whole thing. He whips Jono into the ring and then piledrives him. He tells the ref to start counting.....1.....2.....3.....4....5....6....Jono i back up on his feet, but Plague DDT's him on the mat. Jono is in bad shape already as he was attacked from behind in the back, but what do you's a Hardcore Match. Plague sets Jono on the top rope and calls for the darkness Falls. But Jono head butts Plague with his bloody head and then ends up sunset flipping over Plague into a POWERBOMB off the top. What a move by Jono....Jono wipes blood from his eyes as he gets up and tries to shake off the pain. He grabs the steel chair and just BEATS THE HELL out Plague!!! After 7 shots late Jono tosses the severly dented chair to the outside and scoops Plague up to hit a brainbuster in the middle of the ring....he has the ref count....1....2.....3...4...5....6....Plague is up and goes to tackle Jono, but Jono turns it into a twist of fate. Jono goes up top,k bu not before he grabs the ring bell from the time keeper. He puts it under his arm ala Macho Man Randy Savage and jumps off the top with the bell exposed AND INTO THE CHEST OF PLAGUE!!! That might have caved in his damn chest. These two men HATE each other with a passion...the ref counhts...1...2..3....4..5..6..7....Plague manages to get up somehow only to be put back down with a savate kick to his face. Plague falls to the outside of the ring as Jono flips over the ropes and onto Plague. He grabs Plague by the hair and rams him several times into the post and then hits a russian leg sweep into the steel steps. Jonothan goes for a suplex, but Plague reverses it and GOURD BUSTERS JONO INTO THE CROWD!!! He lands on several chairs as the fans get out of the way and Plague picks up a chair and rams it into the nuts of Jono. He screams in pain as Plague laughs his sick head off and then delivers a atomic drop on the edge of the chair. Jono falls in pain as the ref counts.....1....2....3....4...5..6...7..8..9.....Jonothan is up BUT BARELY!! You have to the count of 10 to get back on your feet and if lose. Plague grabs Jono and slams him on the unforgiving floor. He picks up Jono and dragd him up the steps as the fans crowd around both men with excitement. Plague pulls Jonothan to th etop of the steps and then PUSHES HIM DOWN SEVERAL FLIGHTS OF CONCRETE STEPS!!!! Jonothan looks to be KNOCKED OUT as he lay there on the ground. The only problem for Plague is that the ref is up there with him. The ref starts to go down the steps but Plague yells at him to go faster. The ref finally gets there, and luckily Jono is starting to move. If the ref was already down there this match would have been OVER! He counts....1......2......3......4......5.....6.....7......8.....9...........Jono is up as he grabs the ref by the shirt to pull himself up. Jono looks up the steps to see where Plague is but he is GONE! Jono looks around as he sits down for a second to try and get himself back together. Both men are in considerable pain as they try to keep it together for this match up. Jono turns around and starts to climb the steps but is BLASTED from behind with a kendo stick. Plague must have ran around to the otherside and ran down the other steps to sneak from behind Jonothan. Plague starts to beat the hell out of Jonothan and then drags him over to the ramp area again. Both men disappear into the back as they appear on the big screen. Jonothan is fighting back as he pushes Plague into the brick wall. He then SUPLEXES HIM INTO THE DAMN WALL!!! What a move by Jonothan....the ref is there to see how both are doing and both are now on the ground....he counts...1.....2...3....4....5...6..7....Jonothan is up first, but he picks up Plague and then HITS HIM WITH THEDROP OUT DDT!!!! It's over...that ref needs to count....1......2......3......4......5.....6......7......8.....BUT PLAGUE IS UP!!! Jono can't believe it as he grabs a coffe table and FOLDS it over the skull of Plague. Jono then grabs Plague and tosses him through several doors until they arrive deeper in the backstage area. Jono scoop slams Plague to the ground and then CLIMBS to the top of a fork lift and comes off with a flying leg drop onto Plague. He must of been 10 feet in the air on that lift. Jono looks at have hurt his tail bone on the way down as he rolls on the floor in pain. Plague is barely getting up as he staggers to his feet with the help of a few pipes nearby. Plague starts to climb a ladder nearby as Jono gets up to follow him. Both men are now battling it on top of a shelf with all types of pipes and boards up doesn't seem to stable but Plague SUPLEXES Jono on it anyways. He picks Jono back up and goes for a piledriver on one of the pipes and NAILS IT BUT THE DAMN FLOOR BREAKS AS BOTH MEN FALL TO THE CONCRETE WITH JONO FALLING ON TOP OF PLAGUE AND PIPES AND BOARDS FALLING ON TOP OF THEM!!!! The ref has no choice but to begin to count....1.....2.....3....4....5.....6....7...someone is getting up from the looks like Jonothan....9.....but Plague grabs his ankle......but Jono is free and hanging on a pole to keep himself up.....10...THAT'S IT..THE MATCH IS OVER...JONOTHAN WINS!!! Jono collapses to the floor as Plague gets up from out of the rubble and picks up a steel pipe on the way. He measures the fallen Jonothan and goes to strike him when ANGEL RUNS FROM OUT OF NOWHERE AND STOPS HIM!!! He RIPS the pole away from Plague and just looks him in the eye....he smiles and NAILS JONOTHAN WITH THE DAMN PIPE!!! WHAT THE HELL?? HE IS BEATING THE HELL OUT OF JONOTHAN WITH THAT PIPE AND THEN SPITS ON HIM!!!! What in the hELL is Angel doing?? He looks at Plague and laughs as Angel just walks off. Plague runs over and KICKS Jonothan in the ribs as he leaves him a bloody mess on the floor. What a brutal match.

Winner and NEW HaRdCoRe Champion: Jonothan

We see Pyre the Clown suspended high above the ring in that shark cage as he yells for help. the fans laugh at him as the cage spins and he begins to look a little queasy. It must be time for the Tag Team Title Match.


Hell's Henchmen vs Jace Silver and 'Southern Justice' Samuel Boone

The opening tones of Metallica's classic "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" hit and Asylum walks out to nearly unbelievable heat from the capacity crowd. Asylum stands at the top of the stage as Cradle of Filth's "Nocturnal Supremacy" hits and Wicked D walks out only increasing the heat from the crowd. The hatred directed at the top of the ring is incredible as the men standing there only smile. The heat dissapears as from behind them Jace and Boone run out and blindside Hell's Henchmen. They both hit clotheslines to the backs of Wicked and Asylum sending them down to the ground and mid wa down the ramp. The bell rings as Asylum and D back off to the ring facing Jace SIlver and 'Southern Justice' who stand taking in the crowds approval.

Asylum climbs up onto the ring apron and gets into the ring as Wicked circles it on the outside to his corner. Jace slides into the ring as Dope jumps up to take his place on the apron. Jace and Asylum circle then lock up, Asylum has a definate strength advantage over the smaller Jace. Asylum whips Jace to a turnbuckle smiling at Jace's pain as his back is slammed to the pad. Asylum closes in and catches Jace with a sidekick to the face again propelling him backwards into the turnbuckle. Asylum mocks Jace and as Jace charges out hits a Drop Toe Hold smashing Jace's face to the canvass. Asylum laughs at the fans cheering on Jace, willing him to pop back up. Asylum tags out to Wicked as Jace gets quickly to his feet. Wicked smiles and closes in on Jace. Jace moves in but ducks back as Wicked swings and grabs Wicked from behind. Belly To Back Suplex from Jace on D. Jace gets back up and hits the ropes running as Wicked gets to his feet. High Cross Body from Jace takes Wicked off his feet. 1...2 kickout very early form D. D pushes Jace into the air to get him off his body. Jace is on his feet again and levels a kick to Wicked's head as he tries to get up. Wicked gets to his feet and catches a second kick from Jace. ENZIGUIRI. Jace was just luring him in. Jace tags out and Sam Boone gets in.

The monsterously sized Boone looks down at D and smiles. He picks him up by the hair and then levels him with a massive clothesline. He bends down again but Wicked pulls him into a Small Package. 1...2. Not very close there as Boone powers out. Wicked points the ref to Jace and when he turns kicks Boone square in the balls!! That must have had some impact as Boone's eyes bulge and as he collapses he gets whipped to the nearest turnbuckle. Boone tries to hit D but can't get his concentration off his aching groin and D places him on the top rope. D climbs up, BLESSED ARE THE WICKED!! NOOOO. Boone punches and pushes D off of him and falls forwards crushing the wind out of him. Boone looked like he didn't stand a chance getting unwrapped from D but he had the presence of mind to just flail out and he crushed the air out of D. Boone crawls across to Wolf but Asylum gets into the ring and cuts him off midway accross.

Asylum drops a knee on Boone's head and then pushes the ref towards Jace who's getting into the ring. Wicked gets up and helps Asylum haul Boone up. SPIKE POWERBOMB! Huge impact move on the big man. Asylum leaves the ring and the ref turns back to the action. Wicked drops to the floor and makes an arrogant pin on Boone. 1...2.. Boone with a last second kick-out there, D looks surprised, he though he had him. Asylum stand in the corner smiling as this happens. Wicked grabs Dope. PURITY!! Beautiful Double Shoudler Breaker. Wicked tags Asylum and then launches himself accross the ring at Jace who ducks his clothesline before shoving his shoulder into D's gut. D is doubled over as Jace jumps over the top rope. FAME ASSER! Jace plants D and then throws him out of the ring. Jace walks over to Asylum who is picking Boone up again and taps Asylum on the shoulder. Asylum turns and then swings at Jace, Jace blocks the punch and kicks Asylum in the gut. The ref grabs Jace and hauls him to his own corner. Sam Boone is up behind Asylum. LOW BLOW! Boone nailed Asylum with a shot of his own.

Static gets over to his corner and tags Jace in before jumping of the apron onto the body of Wicked D. Jace leaps into the ring and goes straight for Asylum. He whips Asylum to the ropes and hits a thundereous Drop Kick as Asylum gets back. He waits for Asylum to get back up and kicks him in the gut. He takes him down with a DDT. Jace pops up and jumps to the top turnbuckle nearest to him. He crouches in place and waits for Asylum to get to his feet, his does shortly and turns round looking for Jace, JACE IS AIRBORNE. SILVER LINING!! HURRICANRANA FROM THE TOP ROPE. Jace grabs the leg of Asylum. 1....2.... WICKED D BREAKS IT UP. My god Jace almost had Asylum there. Boone's in the ring and he nails Wicked with a right that knocks D off his feet. D rolls out of the ring and Boone moves back to his corner. Jace is up and he drags Asylum up from the canvas. Jace has got fire in his eyes as he whips Asylum to Boone's corner. Boone moves back as if to leave Asylum free from interference then shrugs and punches Asylum right between the eyes. Asylum drops down to the floor and rest in the corner. Jace takes a short run up and nails Asylum between the eyes with a Drop Kick. Jace plays to the crowd as Asylum crawls to a neutral corner trying to get to his feet. The ref comes to check on him and Asylum grabs the pocket of his pants sending him out of the ring! With no ref in the ring D hops off the canvas and picks up a nearby chair. D slides in and nails Jace from behind.

D looks at Asylum to check on him and Boone comes into the ring. D turns around and swings the chair, Boone ducks the swing and jabs D in the face stunning him. D swings again but Boone grabs the chair ripping it from the Henchmen's grasp. Boone nails D with the chair over the head. Asylum's up now though and he nails Boone from behind with a Reverse DDT. Jace is up quickly and he grabs the chair. He nails Asylum, knocking him onto his back, and then hops out of the ring, he waves the chair above his head. ARABIAN FACEBUSTER!! Jace pins Asylum, the crowd chant along ONE, TWO... THREE. There's no bell rung though as there was no ref. Jace looks to check on the ref and see's he's not up yet. He hops to the apron of the ring to try and wake him up, the crowd start up a massive cheer for another Arabian Facebuster though. Jace listens to them and launches himself over the top rope nailing Asylum in the face with the chair beneath his legs. THE BELL RINGS!! THE REF SAW IT AND HE'S CALLED THE DQ ON JACE


Jace drops to his knee's upon realising he's just thrown the IHWA Tag Belts away, Wicked D's up behind him though and he nails him in the back of the head with a kick. Draven runs from the back and slides into the ring jumping onto Sam Boone and nailing him with punches to the head and body. Boone tosses him off though and comes back with some huge punches of his own. Julius Mantra runs out from the back for the Onslaught and spears Wicked D in the back knocking him away from Jace. Asylum rolls out of the ring, D joins him and Draven tries to but Boone grabs his hair. He locks on a Dragon Sleeper for a few seconds. FINAL JUSTICE!! Draven's down and D pulls him out of the ring.

The cage is lowered as Pyre is let out and Jace just teases Pyre. Pyre smiles as he just walks away from Jace....Pyre pulls something out of his trunks and swallows it. Pyre ten reaches under the ring and grabs a lighter and looks at Jace AS HE SPITS FIRE IN THE FACE OF JACE SILVER!!!!! MY GAWD HE JUST TRIED TO PUT THAT MANS FACE ON FIRE!!! Pyre laughs as he runs up the ramp and to the back...but Jace is in the ring right now with his hands on his face as Boone tries to settle him down. I don't know how well the fire caught him, but it sure has hell burnt him a bit!!! What in the hell was Pyre thinking???