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Scenes of the awesome war games match opens up tonights Mayhem as the bloody battle scenes from the massive war are shown. We see the downfall of the match as Wolf and Bastian Xane take out Cletus as Wolf with the help of Xane gets the major win for Team 5 Star. We then show the footage of Pyre being hog tied and tossed into the back of a car as Jace Silver drives away.

The pyro goes off as the camera pans wildly around this even wilder crowd. We go back to the Jumbo Tron to see some earlier video footage involving the Onslaught and Pyre the Clown. The room is all black except for the hot light that shines down on the clowned face of Pyre. Jace Silver is there doing the interrogation as he gets in Pyre's face.

JS: Thought you were REAL slick huh Pyre?

Pyre: What?

JS: A REAL funny guy huh?

Pyre: Well I am a clown but...

JS: ENOUGH....where were you on the night of Dec. 22nd 1983?

Pyre: Decemeber wha...

JS: Who were you with when Reagan was shot?

Pyre: Hey wait a...


Pyre: Jace, what in the hell..

Jace gets in his face screaming at him...


Pyre is scared sh!tless as the light comes on and Mantra walks in.

JM: Jace, what the hell is going on in here? You playing tough cop again?

JS: Oh a little carried away hehehehe.

JM: Bring his laughable behind in here...were gonna hang him.

Pyre looks scared to death as they wheel him out. The camera fades to black and then comes back on as we see Pyre hanging from the ceiling of a warehouse by a rope while it's tied to his arms. Boone is smiling as he makes comments about him looking like a pig ready for cooking as Pyre tries to contain his fear. The other members of Onslaught jus tlook at him and laugh with amusement.

Jono: You better hope those Henchmen get here so we can make this little deal...I hope they give a rats ass about you...for your sake.

Pyre: They'll'll see...but about a little song?

Jono: What?

Pyre : First I was affraid, I was petrified, When they threw me in that vehicle trunk I nearly cried.
But I spent these last few nights wondering how it went so wrong, They were too strong,
And Boone's lasso was way too long.

It's you they want,
Not even me.
They want tag titles on the line and then they will set me free.
Come on and help me out,
Don't scream or fight or shout,
You all need me, you all need me!
OK now go.

**Jono, Jace and Mantera appear on the left, right and top end of the table, looking at the camera and bobbing their heads to the song.**

Jono, Jace and Mantera : OK now go.

Pyre : They're at the door.

Jono, Jace and Mantera : They're at the door.

Pyre : No, guys, the door!

**The door bursts open and their stand the Henchmen who rush in and start to fight it out with Mantra, Jono, and Silver. Both Mantra and Ichabod look injured the worst from War Games and Cletus isn't even there. Boone whistles as all the men stop fighting and look to Boone.

SB: Hey now boys, as much as ol Boone here likes a good rompin...we have one little deal ta discuss wit ya...we want a tag team title shot. Asylum and whoever his partner will be at the time.

Jono: That's right boys, we win...we get the titles and your little get him back.

Ichabod: Like we really care, we came here to show you that the Henchmen are NOT to be toyed with, you can't bribe us. But if you want the shot...then I'm sure Asylum won't mind it one bit.

JM: SO then it's agreed?

Ichabod: Of course jackass.

The Henchmen turn and walk out as Pyre has a pouty face on looking a little disappointed that it wasn't settled right then and there.

Angel vs Tyson Sharpe vs Phantom

Angel's on his way to the ring to a pop from the fans as 'Ghost RIder' by the Rollins Band is played through the arena. Angel walks down to the ring and climbs in over the top rope, he stretches and the music changes. Phantom's music hits and he gets a mixed reaction as the crowd wait for him to come out from the back. He appears being kicked forward by Tyson Sharpe. The two brawl down to the ring as Angel stands in the middle of it waiting for them to get down. The ref calls for the bell as Phantom throws TS into the ring.

Angel grabs Sharpe and whips him to the ropes. Back Body Drop on Sharpe, Angle turns around and gets met with a boot to the face from Phantom. Phantom lays into Angle with lefts and rights before chopping him back into the corner. Sharpe is back up and sees Phantom chopping at Angel, he takes a run up, SPLASH in the corner. Sharpe nailed both men there. He grabs Phantom and hits a reverse DDT on him. Angel staggers out from the corner and Sharpe grabs him from behind. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! Angel doubles over before rolling onto his stomach. Damn his neck got crushed then. Sharpe climbs up the turnbuckle facing Angel. ALABAMA JAM!! Pin. 1...2 Phantom breaks it up and Angel kicks out. Still too early. Sharpe turns to Phantom and hits an uppercut moving in on him. Angel is up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. Sharpe swings around but Angel ducks and the grabs Studdly from behind when he turns. DRAGON SUPLEX! 1...2 Phantom breaks up another pin attempt. A beautiful bridge from Angel just wasn't enough. Angel climbs up and whips the Phantom to the ropes. Drop Toe Hold from Angel. Angel drops a knee on Phantom and turns to Sharpe who's just climbing up.

Angel pulls Sharpe up off the ground and whips him to the ropes. Sharpe rebounds, ohh straight into a twisting Shoulderbreaker from Angel. Angel stomps on Sharpe's shoulder. Phantom grabs Angel from behind, turns him around and hits a DDT. He pulls him back up and hits Angel with a big Piledriver, he know stands over Sharpe. Sharpe isn't as out as Phantom would hope though, he uses his legs to hook Phantom's body and rolls it through coming up in a Single Leg Boston Crab. Sharpe pulls back hard on the leg and Phantom tries to scramble to the ropes. Sharpe pulls him back to the middle of the ring and locks down. Phantom's face is showing signs up real pain, he again tries to move towards the ropes. Sharpe pulls him back to the middle of the ring once more and lets go of the move. Angel's up again and he kicks Sharpe in the gut then follows up with a couple of right jabs. Sharpe is staggered. Angel moves in on him but gets caught with a Dropkick from Sharpe. Phantom is up behind Angel and hits a Reverse DDT on him. Phantom gets up and calls Sharpe over, Phantom picks Angel up into Powerbomb position, Sharpe grabs his neck. POWERBOMB-NECKBREAKER COMBO!! Angel just got planted. Sharpe is up and he's whipped to the ropes by Phantom, he reverses it though and sends Phantom over the top rope! HIS FOOT GOT CAUGHT!! Phantom's foot id caught between the tangles top and middle ropes. The ref goes over to help him but Sharpe grabs him and makes the pin on Angel hooking the leg. 1....2....3.... The ref get up and helps Phantom out of the ropes...


IN the offices of VP Dustman we see Ichabod walk in looking in poor shape as he slams the Hardcore Title on the desk of Dustman.

Dust: What's this?

Icha: I'm handing it over to you, what does it look like?

Dust: Because, war games messed me up really bad. I'm not gonna go out there and lose my title because I'm not in the condition to defend it. I'll be damned if I give some other jerk the opportunity to gloat overme.

Dust: So what is wrong...the injuries?

Ichabod: Where should I begin? Damaged clavical, concussion, sprained wrist, two broken fingers, broken ribs, and severe dehydration from loss of blood.

Dust: did fight your ass off in that match, and proved that you are gonna be a threat to anyone.

Ichabod: I was always a threat, beating ass in war games should've reminded you...not woke you up.

Dust: As the former champ what do you think I should do with it?

Ichabod: Mmmmm, put it up tonight....X and Plague....for the Title.

Dust: Seems like the right thing to do.

Ichabod: Whatever Dustman, but I'm out of here....I should be back in a few weeks.

WOW, tonight we will crown a NEW Hardcore Champion between X-Factor and Plague. And Ichabod wasn't the only one who was put out because of War Games, Cletus Pisson took a major injury to his neck at the hands of 5 Star, and Mantra is out with a severe concussion. What a price to pay for a such a bloody match. Everyone in that match took injuries, but were worse than others. And speaking of war Games...let's get down to the ring.

"Supercharger Heaven" plays and the fans start the BOOS right off the bat. And out walks the winners of War Games TEAM 5 STAR!!! Diablo, Xane, and Wolf all walk down to nothing but bos as they get in the ring to the chant of "a$$hole". They just laugh it up on Xane talks first.

BX: Fresh meat?? I thought I was going to be FRESH MEAT?? DId I look like FRSH meat in War Games? NO, I looked like a winner, I looked like a butcher chopping up the prodcue for a sunday market. I was tossin bodies around in there left and right, and I was taking all of what Onslaught and the Henchman had to offer...and guess what...IT WASN'T ENOUGH TO SLOW ME DOWN!!! I heard Jonothan piss and moan about how he was a legend killer and he was gonna take me out at war games. HA, that puny DDT didn't even put me down. I got up and blasted him with a Career Ender and he stayed down for awhile. CLetus? Don't get me started on him, the Wolf and I put his inbred ass on the shelf. What about Boone? Chuck Norris went toe to toe with me, but who was it that came out on top? The men standing in this ring right now...the winners.

Wolf is up next...

Wolf: BLACK CLOUD??? WASHED UP???? More like TH WINNER!!!! We put that redneck Cletus OUT of commision. The Wolf went in there from the beginning and PUT UP with everything you jack asses had to dish out. Where was the King of Hardcore? HE WAS ON THE MAT AS I STOMPED A HOLE IN HIM!!! Where was MANTRA??? ON THE RECIEVING END OF ANARCHYS PLAYPEN!!! Asylum? Laid OUT, Ichabod? INJURED!! The WOlf is Wolf NEVER LEFT! And I just had to remind you punks who was, is, and ALWAYS will be the OUTCAST LEGEND!!!

AD is up...

AD: feels so good being the World Heavyweight also feels so good being in the GREATEST Stable in wrestling...and you know feels SO DAMN GOOD...being the usual. We heard the crap from two other teams, and then we lit the crap on fire and stomped it OUT! Jonothan, you tried to build a team that could rise from the shadow of Destruction Inc...and you FAILED! You lead your team into battle and got BEAT by the best. Henchmen...face just DON'T have it anymore. The Halloween phase just doesn't work went out back in 89. It's all about the real deal, it's about gold and sex appeal, it's about Team 5 Star. All three teams KNEW what winning war games CROWNED the TOP STABLE IN THE BUSINESS!! Don't back out of it now....admit it...that's what everyone was saying. Whoever would win this will be the BEST....look who won...look who walked out with their hands raised. And oh yeah....we may have gotten injured...BUT DID THAT STOP US?? HELL NO, we are still in the ring going strong, and we are STILL the best. Cletus...put him on the shelf...Mantra....we helped put him out....COBRA.....HAHAHA THE ICON....ON THE SHELF AND NEVER COMING BACK HAHAHAHA!!

All of a sudden "Some Heads are Gonna Roll" plays and the fans go NUTS!!! Jason Perry walks out to a MASSIVE pop as he stands on the entrance ramp and glares at Diablo.

JP: I've heard enough from you Diablo. You wanna take claim for putting my partner Cobra on the shelf? You wanna sit here and disrespect a man that isn't here to defend himself? You would wouldn't you? Why? It's have no have no balls. Always trying to get over some how huh? Cobra was injured because of a brutal match he was in...not because it was by your hands. Cobra fought, and ended up with some the ICON had to step out of the game. But I will be DAMNED if I let some spoiled snot nosed punk talk about someone who helped me out a few times. It's time you defend that title around your waist's time you go one on one with the Devestator.

The fans cheer that decision as Diablo shakes his head.

AD: NOOOOO....what have you done besides lose lately? You don't get a title shot, because your head is up Cobra's ass. You don't get such a priviledge. I'm the WORLD CHAMPION...I bleed prestige. You just bleed. No Perry, you have nothing to offer

Perry is quiet for a minute...but then speaks...

JP: Nothing to offer huh? How about this...we week...for the gold...if I win, I'm the champ.....if you win......if you win....I RETIRE!!!!

WHOA, what a announcement. The fans don'tlike it, but it seems to have perked Diablo's attention.

JP: If I DO NOT win that title then I will RETIRE FROM THE SPORT I LOVE!!! It will be OVER with.

AD: So....if you lose...that's more Perry?

JP: Yeah....that's right.

AD: Challenge accepted Perry, get ready to be on my list of those who 5 Star put OUT of this sport. Consider yourself HONORED!

JP: No Diablo....consider yourself DEAD!!!

WOW, what a match that has just been signed for next week...Perry vs Diablo.....title vs career. Can it get any bigger than putting your career on the line? What is the motivation behind this for Jason Perry? What a decision.

Hardcore Title Match
X-Factor vs Plague

We just found out at the beginning of the show that this would be for the Hardcore Title since Ichabod will be out of action for awhile due to his injuries sustained at war games. He should be back soon, but decided to put the title up since he will be on the shelf for a bit. X and Plague have both said that they would stp up even more in this match as "God Send Death" plays and out walks one of the challengers Plague. This should be one hell of a fight between these two. Plague gets booed as he reaches under the ring pulling out a ladder, a few tables, chairs, bats, steel pipes for the ring set up, tools, and other deadly weapons to the human body. The new music of X-Factor hits as the number one contender walks out to a massive ovation from this crowd. X has a shovel in his hands as Plague pays no attention and continues to look for more weapons. X runs down the ramp and BLASTS him in the back of his melon as the force sends Plague into the ring. X drops the shovel as the ref calls for the bell and the match for a new Hardcore Champion begins. X scoop slams Plague onto a steel chair and then runs to the ropes and hits a lion sault from the second rope. He picks Plague up and hits a snap suplex onto the chair again. X looks to be in great shape as he kicks away at Plague and then sends him to the ropes and lands a drop kick that catches Plague in his jaw. He delivers a slingshot suplex and turns it into a gourd buster and lays Plague on the ropes. He drop kicks his head, and then picks up a steel pipe from off the mat. He smacks him on the back of the head with it and then jams it into the kidneys of Plague. He hops on the second turnbuckle and leg drops Plague. X covers him, but Plague kicks out. X goes out to the ring and sets up the ladder on the outside as he climbs it. He reaches the top, but sees that Plague is up as he WHIPS a steel chair at X and it smacks him dead in the face. X FALLS FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER AND LANDS ON THE RAMP!!! Steel and flesh just don't mix folks as X lay motionless on the cold steel ramp. Plague smiles as he goes outside the ring and sets a table up inside the ring. He goes back outside and grabs a bat and hits a Sosa like swing on the ribs of X. X falls to the floor spitting blood from out of his mouth as Plague grabs him and delivers a pump handle suplex INTO the ladder. The ladder slides a bit, but X hits the steel structure and is rithing in pain. Plague just jams the bat into the ribs of X and then takes a swing at his head, but misses.

X manages to sweep Plague and the pops up with a somersault leg drop. That took a lot out of the number one contender as he struggles to his feet and climbs back in the ring. Plague gets up as X holds his ribs in the middle of the ring, but X see's Plague and baseball slides him in the face. X then delivers a somersault senton over the top rope and to the floor ontop of Plague. Both men are hurt pretty bad as X holds his ribs in pain. Now Plague is gasping for air as he tries to pull himself up. X turns around and drop kicks him in his spine and then grabs Plague and climbs up the ladder with him. X has him in a inverted DDT position BUT HITS A INVERTED SUPLEX FROM THE LADDER!!!! X falls on the apron but PLAGUE LANDS GUT FIRST ON THE TOP ROPE!!! What a move...we see the replay as X gets up and sees Plague hanging on the ropes again....this time X grabs a trash can and climbs to the top rope and delivers a ARABIAN FACEBUSTER FROM THE TOP WITH THE TRASH CAN!!! What a move....both men are on the floor on the outside as X covers him....1......2....Plague kicks out....what balls by Plague!! X can't believe it as he sets him up on the apron and X-TERMINATOR BOMBS HIM ON A FLAT TABLE!!!!!!! X hurt his ribs on the fall and is couging upsome serious blood. The crowd gets behind him as X looks to the top of the ladder and does'nt cover him...BIG mistake. X starts to climb the ladder very slowly from the pain in his ribs, and Plague is still down on the floor. X is almost at the top, but Plague is starting to move. Plague grabs a steel pipe and low blows X. Plague climbs up to the top of the ladder and HITS THE DARKNESS FALLS FROM THE TOP OF THE LADDER AND INTO THE CENTER OF THE RING!!!! What height on that move. Neither man is moving until Plague puts his arm over X....1....2....NEW CHAMP.....NOOOOOOO...X JUST KICKED OUT OF A SUPER FALL FROM DARKNESS FROM THE TOP OF A LADDER!!!! Plague is in disbelief as he looks at his own hands wondering what he has to do next. He slides out of the ring and looks a bit more and then pulls out a sledgehammer ala Triple H. The fans know what's next for X and it doesn't look good. Plague slowly gets into the ring and measures up the head of X-Factor....he can't do this...someone stop this right now.....PLAGUE SWINGS FOR THE HEAD.....BUT X MOVES AND KICKS UP AND TACKLES PLAGUE TO THE MAT!!! That was close for X.....X grabs the hammer now and as Plague gets up he NAILS him with the end of the sledgehammer in his head. He then grabs Plague and sets him on the center of the table in the ring. He grabs the sledgehammer and limbs to the top and points at Plague......X is gonna drive this thing through his body...BUT HERE COMES THE INJURED ICHABOD!!! He grabs X by the ankle, BUT X NAILS ICHABOD IN HIS INJURED CLAVICAL!!! Ichabod goes down in pain and NOW HE WILL DEFINATLY BE OUT OF ACTION!!! But as X turns around Plague is ALREADY ON THE TOP AND HITS A FALL FROM DARKNESS OFF THE TOP AND THROUGH THE DAMN TABLE!!!! Plague hooks the leg...1....2...3...WE GOT A NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION!!!! Plague grabs the title from the ref as he falls to the mat in exhaustion. He then helps up Ichabod who is in pain from all his injuries as both men walk to the back to the boos from the crowd.

Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: Plague

We see ONslaught in there locker room as Samual Boone walks in...

SB: YYYYEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAA!!! Time to go round me up a Wolf!!

They look at him like he is a crazed Texan (he is)as he heads to the ring.

"Southern Justice" Samual Boone vs Wolf

"Supercharger Heaven" begins to play and he HEAT begins to rise as a member of Team 5 Star walks out to nothing but BOOS! The Outcast Legend, Wolf walks to the ring looking meaner and more confident as ever. Ever since that win at war games Wolf has been ready to kick more ass. He stomps his way into the ring and raises his hands to the boos of these fans until "La Grange" by ZZ Top plays and out walks that 6'5 hombre known as Samual Boone. You talk about tough? This man breathes it. He snorts out a ball of snot and then slides into the ring and rushes Wolf. The bell rings as the Texan catches the Outcast off guard and starts to stomp a mud hole in him. Wolf quickly slides out of the ring and catches his wits as Boone calls him back in. Both men are visibly bruised and scarred from war games, but that is not stopping them tonight. Wolf tells the ref to get Boone back as he slides back in the ring. SB is all over him with punches, forearms, and hard chops. Wolf is in the corner trying to get some relief as the ref pulls Boone off of him. SB gets in the face of the ref with that rancid tobacco breath and then catches a thumb to the eye. Wolf quickly lets off to rapid kicks to his mid section and then hits a brutal snap suplex that slows the Texan down. Wolf spits on the chest of Boone and then drives his knee right into the eye of Boone opening up a cut from war games. Wolf unwraps his forearm tape and wrap it around his fist. He pounds away on the cut of SB and yells "FIVE STAR BBEEOOTTCCHHH!!" as he taunts SB who can't see that well from the blood dripping in his eye. SB is swinging, but Wolf is just dancing around and jabbing him. The Wolf hits a tornado DDT and floors SB. Wolf goes up top and waits for SB to get to his feet as he comes off with a doubel axe handle, but catches a neck full of lariat. I think he jut broke Wolf's neck from that one. The fans love this Samual Boone as Boone wipes the blood from his eye and picks up Wolf. He sends him to the ropes and lays him out with a Road Warrior Animal powerslam. He picks him back up and body slams him like a barrel of hay. SB drops a big leg drop on him, and then a Hansen like elbow drop. Wolf is in trouble as SB whips him back into the ropes, but Wolf ducks the boot and clips the leg of SB. Boone goes down quick as Wolf takes full advantage. He's not a veteran at 23 for no reason. He drags the legs of SB to the post and SLAMS the hurt one several times around the steel. He then grabs the leg and slaps him in a FIGURE FOUR AROUND THE POST ALA BRET HART!!! I haven't seen this one in a long time. Boone has pain etched all over his mug as he tries to free himself from the hold. The ref makes Wolf let go of the hold, but Wolf slams the leg around the post for good measure. He gets in the ring and slaps on a indian deathlock that has the Texan in some pain. Wolf cranks on the hold and saps the face of Boone. That only angers the former Ranger, but there is nothing he can do. Wolf lets go, but holds onto the leg and drives a jumping double knee into the damaged leg od Boone. Boone is still bleeding as Wolf jabs his cut twice to open it up further. Wolf picks up the wobbily SB and delivers a Dragon Screw leg whip...once done by the legendary Mad Dragon. Wolf delivers another one, and then leg drops the leg on top of that. He goes for a figure four, but Boone kicks him against the ropes, and SOMEHOW manages to deliver the LONG ARM OF THE LAW!!!!! He picks up Wolf and signals for Final Justice, but that leg buckles as he applies the Dragon Sleeper. Wolf shakes off the affects of the clothesline, and stumbles into the corner. As this happens Alec Diablo and Bastian Xane start to make their way to the ring. They have nothing but trouble up their sleeves as they eye up the injured Boone. Wolf gets up and picks up Boone and sets him up for Anarchys Playpen. But before he can even finish the move FROM UNDER THE RING COME ASYLUM AND DRAVEN!!! They get up and attack WOLF!!!! Diablo and Xane get in and jump on Boone as AD then rushes to go after Asylum and Draven. The Henchmen said they would go after those who helped put Wicked D in the hospital tonight and the targeted Team 5 Star first. Wheres Jonothan?? The camera goes to the back and we see Jonothan LAID OUT with a bat to the back of his head thanks to Plague. The ref is calling for the bell as Bastian is stomping on the leg of Boone and Asylum and AD are going at it. Wolf is getting attacked by Draven when the lights go out.....all of a sudden they come back in and WICKED D IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING AND HE CRACKS THE SKULL OF ALEC DIABLO, WOLF AND BASTIAN XANE!!! He then cracks Boone in his leg with the chair, but JACE SILVER IS RUNNING FROM THE BACK AND DOWN THE RAMP!!!! The fans are going NUTS as he slides in the ring and DROP KICKS THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF WICKED D!!!! He then super kicks Asylum out of the ring and delivers the Cut-Off to Draven and then let's go as he gets out of the ring. Team 5 Star is out of the ring as well as Jace comes to the aid of Boone as he points to Wicked D and Asylum motioning for the Tag Titles around his waist. I thought War Games settled all of this? It looks as if it has just begun, and two of the major players have just returned...jace Silver....and the one and only Wicked D!!!! Goodnight everyone.

Winner: Double DQ