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We see the footage of last week with Asylum returning and the Henchmen challenging the two other main groups to a battle at the High Stakes: The Deadly Games PPV> It will be none other than a WARGAMES match and it should be spectacular. BUt with Jace Silver out of the picture can Onslaught find a new partner in time? And how did Asylum get out of the sanitrium? Was it the Henchmen that sprung him out like many say? Or someone else?

5...4..3..2..1...BOOMBOOM BOOM BOOM!! The pyro goes off along with the roar of the sold out crowd here in St. Louis MS, home of the World Champion Alec Diablo. Tonights matches should be wild especially the much heated TLC Match between Plauge and Ichabod vs Jonothan and Mantra. Let's get to our first match....

Phantom vs T-Mo

Steel Dragon begins to play as T-Mo walks out to a mixed reaction and heads to the ring. The 6''7 bing man seems ready as Phantom comes out to the BOOS. The fans didn't take to highly of him selling out Shaolin and getting him fired, then getting a new contract by VP Dustman. Phantom gets in the ring as thebell sounds and both men lock up. TM sends him to the turnbuckle with some brute force and wipes his hands clean of him. He tells him to come back out and bring it on as PTM runs out and they hit the collar and elbow tie up again. PTM goes behind and slaps TM in the back of the head. He begins to laugh, but TM grabs him by the throat and whips him back into the corner. He begins to level him with heavy right hands and back elbows. He even drives his knee into the midsection and delivers a standing gut wrench out of the corner. TM stalks PTM and goes for a big elbow, but Phantom moves. TM lands on his elbow as Phantom goes up to the top with cat like speed and comes off with a super huracanrana. He takes the big man down and starts to go to work on his knee. He drop kicks the knee and then snap mares him to the mat. He drop kicks the back of his head and then delivers a shining wizard kick ala Keji Muto. He picks up the dazed T-Mo, and tries a snap suplex, but T-Mo blocks and turns it into a spinning neck breaker. He has Ptm on the mat and goes for a big splash and hits it. he covers....1..2...Phantom kicks out at 2 and gets back up, but is put back down by a forearm to the back. A headbutt follows and then a pump handle powerbomb, T-Mo is feeling it as he goes for a razors Edge, but Pnm uses his feet to grab the ropes and climbs to the top tuenbuckle. T-Mo doesn't turn around in time and is NAILED with a inverted tornado DDT. A nasty looking super Scorpion Deathdrop. Phantom goes back up to the top and delivers a 450 splash and hooks the leg...1..2..T kicks out as Phantom picks him up and delivers a fameasser into a neck breaker. He scoop him up for a cradle piledriver and goes back up to the top. He jumps off with a frog splash, but T grabs him in a F5 position. He goes for his fnisher, but Phantom spins off of him into a DIAMOND CUTTER!! Phantom goes up top and delivers a shooting star press Hayabusa style. He covers him...1...2...3. Phantom picks up the well earned win over T-mo.

Winner: Phantom

Backstage we VP Smith talking with Dustman and a few of the other VP's.

Smith: So...Asylum is back and none of us have heard from him. And yet all of us think that it was the HENCHMEN themselves that caused whatever accident it was at the hospital.

Dust: A diversion if you ask me. They set up some little prank so that they could get him out of the damn place. You heard Wicked D....we'll do it on our own type crap. They did it....but how can we prove it?

Smith: I don't know, the cameras were shut down during the accident. A black out of some sorts and then some other things. They wouldn't go into detail with me, because they said the y had no authority to...such BS.

Dust: "Sigh" Those bastards, I knew they were up to something...none of them show up for Mayhem and all of a sudden Asylum is here at the end of the show? I don't buy into that crap at all.

Smith: We need to go and talk to them.

Dust: Suit yourself Smith, after what that idiot was doing after he took that bump to his empty head, I'm not going nowhere near him. I had Mike Cole give the Henchmen the contract to sign for Wargames, he can deal with them..

Smith: I don't blame you, even with Wicked D in the hospital those guys are still a major threat...especially with Asylum back in the fold. Let's just hope they know their place.

Dust: Now I know why Sloan left...the damn inmates are ALWAYS trying to run the asylum.

In one of the suites we see Team 5 Star living it up with about a dozen women in there as they sip expensive wine, and the Wolf is drinking his J.D. They laugh up the thought of pummeling everyone at Wargames as Mike Cole wanders in.

MC: Always the 5 Star life huh?

Wolf: Duh you jack ass.

AD: What is it Cole? Can't you see we are enjoying the uhhh (looks at the massive cleavage in front of his face) view?

MC: Of course, but don't you think you should make an appearance tonight? Since this is your hometown and all?

AD: Are you ordering the World Champ around Cole?

MC: No I jus...

BX: Sounds like it to me Alec.

AD: Listen jock strap, I own this town, I MADE this town, I built this damn arena we are in right now. I'm the reason they are all here. But if they are gonna sit there and cheer the like of Jonothan and Julius Mantra...then they don't get graced by Team 5 Star tonight. And if we feel like getting in the ring, making out appearance, and stomping someones head in at the same time....we will.

Wolf: So beat it pin d!ck.

BX: Hahahahah...yeah get lost mate.

Aug. the 3rd will be the date for High Stakes: The Deadly Games...the return of WARGAMES!!! Hells Henchmen, Team 5 Star, and the Onslaught will all do battle in the double ringed ONE CAGED massive display of MAYHEM known as WARGAMES!! Lives have been changed, careers and been broken, and men have been made. This one should be outstanding. Each team wants to be number one...but there is only room at the top for the best..and the best stands ALONE! More matches should be announced tonight.

Backstage we see Jonothan and Julius Mantra walking into their dressing room when out of nowhere uhh "flies" Pyre the clown dressed as Cyclops with the cape of Superman and the outfit of the Riddler. The two of them just look at him as if he is crazy as they notice two big red nipples sticking out on his costume. The crowd is in laughter, but the Onslaught looks on with curiosity.

Jono: Can we help you?

Pyre: Why yes my good man, I was told that you are a group of Super SUPERHEROES!! Fighting evil, doing the right thing, making sure JUSTICE prevails everywhere. So...I want in. You guys need a third man for Wargames right? I....THE NIPPLIES NIPPLE TWISTER OF THEM ALL....WANTS TO MAKE SURE THAT JUSTICE SHINES BRIGHT THROUGH THE SOULS OF EVILDOERS EVERYWHERE!!!

Mantra; Whhhhhaaattt??

Jono: No thanks Pyre, but you were a Henchmen clone, and as far as we are concerned you still are.

Mantra: And who told you about this dumb super hero stuff?

Pyre: They did...

From around the corner spings Cletus Pisson and Draven as they attack Jonothan and Mantra. Cletus and Draven get some good licks in until Jonothan and Julius fight back and get the upper hand. All three men take off running in laughter as they accomplished their goal...roughing up the Onslaught before tonights big tag Team TLC match. Back to the ring...

Backstage we see Mike Cole walking up to the locker room of Hels Henchmen. He knocks as Draven answers the door cautiosly looking for a attack by anyone and everyone. He is let in as Asylum, Draven, Ichabod, and Cletus all surround him. Asylum is on the cell phone with Wicked as we catch the end of teh conversation.

Asylum: Yeah...did you see me..I got it set up already. Yeah, I had the same thing in mind...hehehe don't will...and so will they. Just sit back and watch the blood fly...that's always.

MC: Asylum, I can't say that it's actually great to see you back but welc...

Asylum: Then don't say anything...what do you want?

MC: The question everyone wants to did you get out?

Asylum: The power was cell opened..I walked out and came here.

MC: How did the power just go out at a highly recommended hospital?

Asylum: DO I look like the damn electrician?

MC: Many are saying that the Henchmen caused all of it, and if so, it could lead to some legal trouble.

Asylum: Why do people like you always sniff around where you shouldn't be sniffin at? Who cares how I got out, point is, I'm back..and there is nothing anyone can do.

MC: So did the Henchmen get you out or...

They close in on Cole who gets real nervous.

MC: Well, I guess that's my answer. I'll be leaving now.

Asylum: Tell the VP's I said hi...I'll be seeing them shortly.

Cole walks out and is met with VP Dustman.

Dust: Well...did the Henchmen bust him out? Can we get that rat in trouble?

Cole looks at him with a akward face.

MC: You want an answer from them? Go do it yourself, oh yeah...he said he'll be seeing you shortly.

Dustman looks at him with a touch of fear as we go back insde the locker room.

Cletus: ready? Were up...

Asylum: Let's go...

Asylum and CLetus walk out with the Tag Titles in hand as Ichabod turns to the camera.

IC: HEhehe, you boys awake yet? Huh Jono and Mantra? The Henchmen are all over you, and tonight...we will make sure that you don't make it to Wargames. You chose to come after the Henchmen, you chose to try and stop evil. Bad news gentlemen...we are EVIL, and we CANNOT be stopped. The Onslaught ENDS tonight.

Back to the ring...

Tag Team Title Match
Asylum and Cletus Pisson (c) vs Jay Miller and X-Factor

Next up on Mayhem, the tag team titles are on the line as IHWA veterans X-Factor and Jay Miller challenge founding members of Hell's Henchmen, Asylum and Cletus Pisson, who replaces the irreplacable Wicked D. X-Factor comes out first, flanked by Jay Miller, while "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park plays. X-Factor steps up to the apron right away and then into the ring while Jay Miller circles around it, playing to the fans. What the?! Jay Miller just got snatched under the ring! He was drug under the ring by his right leg! The theme from Deliverance plays as Cletus Pisson hobbles down to the ring where X-Factor awaits him...And..there's Asylum! HE was what snatched Jay Miller under the ring and now he's climbing into the ring and X-Factor doesn't even see him...Asylum has a CRAZED look in his eyes as he stalks his prey...He's right behind X and...OH MY GOD! A swift kick between the legs! Blatant low blow! The referee calls for the bell to get this one started and comes over to yell at Asylum but one cold-as-ice glance from Asylum sends the referee back. The mad man now holds X-Factor's throat down across the second rope, his face turning a bright red. Meanwhile Cletus Pisson is on the outside, in his face, preaching. Finally Asylum lets go of his opponent as the referee comes over to yell again. This time Asylum doesn't scare him away and instead just stares right through him, Asylum doesn't even look like he knows if he's at the arena or the sanitarium! This whole time Pisson has been choking the life out of X-Factor on that rope from the outside! Asylum is still letting the referee reem him out but then the mad man can't wait any longer and THROWS THE REF out of his way...Asylum picks up XF's feet as CP continues to choke him out from the outside...NO! Asylum with ANOTHER shot to the jublies on Factor! Pisson finally lets go from the outside and heads over to the side of the ring. The referee yells, telling him to get to his corner, as he tries to regain control of this match up. Asylum isn't going to help him do that as the mad man goes to the outside and grabs Factor, who lays on the mat, by the head. With both hands secure on his head, Asylum runs FULL SPEED into the corner dragging XF with him and SMASHING his head against the steel ring post. Meanwhile, Pisson drags Jay Miller out from under the ring and...OH MY GOD! What did Asylum do to him?! Miller's entire face is covered in blood. Asylum sees Miller's body being dragged out from under the ring and he smiles. Asylum hops back in the ring as the referee heads to the outside to check on Miller. Pisson backs off, following orders for once, and gets in the ring where the Henchmen stand over X-Factor who is struggling to his feet. CP pulls up XF who connects with a headbutt on the Cajun Messiah! A right hand sends the man from the swamp stumbling! Ooohh! A punch to the kidneys from behind and Asylum keeps XF from gaining too much momentum. Another kidney punch from behind from Asylum would send XF down but Pisson grabs him and keeps him from falling. Asylum takes another few hard, fast, cheap shots at the man's kidneys as the referee tries to help Miller to his feet...Asylum grabs Factor's face and just thrusts him down to his back. Pisson and Asylum are IMMEDIATELY on top of him, Asylum MERCILESSLY pounding the man's face with right hands while Pisson stands, stomping his mid-section and lower extremities. The whole time Factor is attempting to cover his face and squirms beneath Asylum who pins him down.
On the outside, Jay Miller is getting his legs back and sees what's happening in the ring...He pushes the ref's hands away, refusing his help. With a burst of energy and guts, Miller rushes the ring to help his partner. He first spears Pisson to the ground and then turns to Asylum who has yet to even FAINTLY relent pounding his fist into X-Factor! Asylum is too engulfed in the violence to even notice Miller who bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Asylum square in the side of the head! X-Factor crawls to a corner as the referee finally gets back into the ring and forces Asylum out as Miller picks up Pisson. JM throws CP off the ropes and connects with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! JM wipes vision into his eyes, clearing away the blood that flows from his forehead. JM lets CP up and then knocks him down again with a superkick! JM picks him up this time and rocks him with a snap supplex. The "Definition of Talent" wants those tag titles! He whips Pisson into a corner and then follows him in with a sting-esque body splash! Factor has gathered his bearings now and wants in! Miller drags CP over towards their corner and makes the tag before climbing to the top rope...Meanwhile X-Factor sets up Pisson for a powerbomb...The referee yelling at JM to get off the ropes...Factor lifts up Pisson for a powerbomb as Miller jumps off....OH MY LORD! Out of nowhere Asylum speared the back of XF's legs causing him to buckle, creating a MASSIVE dogpile as Miller crashes down on top of his partner's legs! Asylum on the bottom, XF on top of him, Pisson sitting on XF's chest and then Miller having leg-dropped his partners knees. All four men are down and in a bad way! We have movement...crawling out from underneath the pile...ASYLUM! That's the man that ended up taking the brunt of that whole thing and he's the only one crawling out of it! Asylum crawls out and grabs Jay Miller by the head, picking him up...The referee tries to get them out of the ring but much to his dismay, Asylum obliges him as he hoists up Miller and atempts to powerslam him over the top rope...Miller hangs on and drags Asylum over the top with him! Both of them hit the outside hard as the ref turns his attention to X-Factor and Cletus Pisson who are exchanging blows. Pisson then catches XF with a knee to the gut and sets him up for a piledriver...REVERSED BY X who sends him down with a big back body drop!

X-Factor is now in control on the inside, rocking Pisson with knife edge chops in the corner. On the outside, Asylum is up and has pulled back that protective padding on the outside! He has Miller and is setting him up for Shock Treatment on the outside! In the ring, X-Factor brings Cletus to the top rope and hits a superplex from the top! XF rolls through for a pin...1...Asylum sees it...2...thr....NO! Asylum pulled the referee out of the ring just as he was about to count three! The referee begins yelling at Asylum who seems bored with his constant reprehensions and headbutts the referee, sending him down hard. Asylum picks up Miller, and this time slams his face into the barrier! Asylum leans in close to Miller's ear..whispers something inaudible to the camera, and then slams Miller's head into the barrier repeatedly! This whole time in the ring, X-Factor has set up Pisson for....X-TERMINATOR POWERBOMB! X-Factor broke the Cajun Messiah! Pisson is down and XF pins him....There's no ref! Factor looks out to where Asylum is STILL smashing Miller's head against that unforgiving barrier! X wastes no time in getting an equalizer otherwise known as a steel chair from the timekeeper and heading over to help his partner....X-Factor cracks Asylum in the head with a chair! Asylum drops Miller to the ground and stumbles forward but then turns back around to face X-Factor who winds up and then WRAPS THE CHAIR AROUND ASYLUM'S FACE! Asylum is thrust backwards, catching himself on the apron...X goes for another chair shot but Asylum dodges it just in time to roll into the ring. XF throws down the chair, picks up the referee and rolls him into the ring as he regains consciousness. How is Asylum even conscious?! Those chair shots were malicious! Factor grabs the dazed Asylum but is met with a thumb to the eye! Asylum doesn't stop there, as XF stumbles backwards, Asylum grabs the back of his head and, with the other hand, shoves his thumb deeper and deeper into the Canadian's eye! X-Factor uses his size advantage though to toss Asylum into the corner and begin smashing his shoulder into Asylum's midsection. XF then puts Asylum on the top rope and calls for another X-Terminator powerbomb...this time from the top rope! Asylum is dazed as XF climbs...Oh no! Pisson is back up and runs to his partner's aid with a Jaws of Life! XF clutches his sacred region and falls down off the top rope where Asylum regains awareness and then spits down on X-Factor. Miller is FINALLY up on the outside and sees the two-on-one. He grabs that already abused chair and is about to head inside but...HERE COMES TODD INC! Jay Miller and Todd exchanged a few choice words last week and it looks like they're here for some revenge! Miller sees them and rushes at Mike with the chair but is caught with a swift pump kick by Triple A. Triple A then drags him over to where that protective mat is pulled back on the outside. Meanwhile X-Factor is again fending for himself on the inside! Pisson and Asylum are just taking turns with the downed Canadian. XF still has some fight left in him! Factor catches Asylum with a mule kick then sends Pisson down with a clothesline. He catches Asylum with a back body drop and then sends Pisson over the top rope onto Mean Mike with another! X-Factor is pumped and yells to Todd Inc on the outside...STRAIGHT JACKET! Asylum has him in a straight jacket! X is struggling...arms flailing...his knees buckle under him...They're on the ground on Asylum has it synched in...The referee crawls over to the combatants, still holding his head, and calls for the bell...This one's over!

Winners and Still Champions: Asylum and Cletus Pisson

This match may be over but the Mayhem certainly isn't! On the outside Triple A has SPIKED Jay Miller onto the cement with a Michinouku driver! As Asylum rolls out of the ring, Todd orders Mike to roll in and get the unconscious X-Factor! MEAN STREAK! MEAN STREAK on X-Factor! Todd Inc is heartless! These two men just BATTLED two of the most derranged men in the entire IHWA and then Todd Inc kicks them while they're down! This is despicable! We've got to take a break.

A few matches have just been added to the PPV. Jay Miller and Triple A will battle it out in a Falls Count Anywhere Brawl. Plus X-Factor will battle "Mean" Mike Smith on a Waepon on a Pole match. Each corner will have a pole on it and at the top of the pole will be a weapon they can use on each other. Winner of the match will be the number one contender for the Hardcore Title.

TLC Match
Jonothan and Julius Mantra vs "The Original Icabod and Plauge

This match has been brewing for quite some time now, and all four men have been adding fuel to the fire every ten seconds. The only way to win this match is to get the ring bell that is dangling above the ring. There are no titles on the line, but the ladder is still a must use to win this match. You have to ring the bell to signify your victory. "Forsaken" by Disturbed plays and out comes the team of Plague and Ichabod. These two aren't exactly the best of friends, but they have put their difference aside to take on the team of Jonothan and Julius Mantra. The "You BLOW" chant is loud as they aren't the most liked men right now. You know 5 Star and the Henchmen are watching this match right now, and we still don't know who the third man for Onslaught will be. Ichabod and Plague reach under the ring and pull out 4 boxes filled with weapons. They begin to unload the boxes in the ring and we see a bag of something, a barbedwire kendo stick, a bat with cloth around it and gas next to it, a steel chair with someone's dry blood on it, and several other weapons. "Angel of Death" plays and out comes Mantra and Jonothan to a MASSIVE pop. Onslaught has arrived and they seem to be in game mode tonight. They waste no time, as no bell sounds because it is hanging up high above. They slide in the ring and Icha and Plague already pick up weapons and go for Jm and Jono. They swing and miss as Onslaught attacks their opponents with some fists of fury. JM clotheslines Icha over the ropes as they spill to the outside. Plague and Jono are going toe to toe as they both try to strangle each other. Plague rakes the eyes and bodyslams Jono on the steel chair. Mantra rakes the eyes of Ichabod and tosses him into the crowd. They are going at it as the fans mob them and chant "IHWA". Plague chokes Jono around the NECK with a piece of barbedwire as blood trickles down the neck of the tough Brit. Jono grabs the bag of unknown stuff nearby and slams it into the head of Plague. The bag sticks as Plague rips it off and tosses it at Jono. TACKS fly out and catch Jonothan in the face as Plague DDT's him ON THE THUMBTACKS!!! Jonothan gets up in pain and rips the tacks out of his flesh. Now the bloody Brit is BLOODY as Plague SMASHES his head with the steel chair. After a nasty bodyslam into the fifth row Ichabod climbs from out of the crowd and tries to catch up with JM who enters the ring. He delivers a Russian Leg Sweep on Plague who lands on the TACKS! They are sticking to his back, but on the outside Ichabod lights the baseball bat and we now have FIRE!!! JM turns around and gets NAILED in the back as his cut off shirt begins to catch fire. He rips it off and stomps it out, but is caught in the HEAD by the flaming bat. Red welts begin to form on his head as the fire burns his forehead. Jonothan is up and bloody, but manages to extinguish the flame with a fire extinguisher. Ichabod is pissed and slides out of the ring to grab a cattle prod. He grabs it, but is hit with a baseball slide with chair by Jono. Jono is outside and grabs the ladder nearby and RAMS it into the ribs of Icha. Plague is up and picking tacks out of his ass as he spears JM THROUGH A TABLE POSITIONED IN THE CORNER!!! The wood cracks and JM is stuck in the turnbuckle and corner. Plague gets up and walks to the outside where Jonothan is piledriving Ichabod on the steel ladder. Jonothan looks up and catches a kendo shot to his face. Jonothan goes down as Plague goes to the outside and bodyslams the ladder onto Jonothan. Plague sets up the ladder and climbs to the top of the ladder. He see's Jono on the ground as Ichabod tosses Plague the chair. Plague JUMPS FROM TH ETOP OF THE LADDER ONTO JONOTHAN WITH THE CHAIR!!! The steel cracks the head of Jono against the floor as the crowd stands up on their feet as the King Of Hardcore just got blasted. Plague can barely stand up as he looks up and JM JUMPS OVER THE ROPES ONTO HIM AS BOTH MEN FALL INTO THE STEEL GUARD RAIL!!!

The fans are loving this match as Ichabod pulls out another table and sets it up under the ladder. He picks up Jonothan and carries him over his shoulder to the top of the ladder. HE'S GOING FOR A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER OFF THE TOP!!! NOOO...JONOTHAN REVERSES IN MID AIR FOR THE DROP OUT DDT THROUGH THE TABLE OF THE LADDER!!!! MY GAWD WHAT CHAOS!!! All four men are down as Jono is barely moving and Ichabod is NOT moving at all. Mantra manages to get up first and takes the ladder down and sets it in the ring. He sets it up and begins to climb it, but Plague climbs from out of the crowd and gets in the ring. He starts to climb to and LOW BLOWS Mantra with the kendo stick covered in barbed wire. He climbs up to the top and grabs Mantra and hits the FALL FROM DARKNESS OFF THE TOP OF THE LADDER!!!! DAMN IT WHAT IS NEXT???!!! The crowd chants 'HOLY SHIT" as all four men are down again. Jonothans broken body is climbing in the ring and he eyes up the ladder. He slowly begins to climb as we see a busted WIDE open Ichabod gather to his feet. He doesn't know where he is as he grabs a fans drink, smells it, and takes a drink. He then gets on the apron and PULLS OUT A LIGHTER!!! HE SPITS OUT THE LIQUID AND FIRE GRAZES JONOTHAN AS HE JUMPS OFF THE LADDER AND IS CLOTHESLINED BY THE ROPES!!! But Jono quickly shakes his arm and gets the flames off his arm. You can see the redness and swelling forming on his arm as Jono screams in pain and blows on his arm. Ichabod falls to the mat from the DDT off the top of the ladder. He gathers his mind together as Plague gets up and kicks Jonothan right in his face. He RAKES a piece of wire across Jonos burned arm and listens to the Brit scream in the most earm numbing pain. Plague does it again, and Jono bites his damn nose. Plauge quits and then Jono let's go as Plague nose has blood coming from the sides and teeth marks. This is just a brutal, savage match up. Mantra doesn't know where he is as he clutches to something to pull himself up. He uses the ropes and can barely stand as he looks at the ladder but positions another table in the ring in the corner. He turns and sees a bloody nosed Plague rushing at him. JM drop toe holds Plague FACE FIRST into the table. The damn thing doesn't even break as he just lays there knocked out. Mantra sets up a chair and hits the PROOF ON THE CHAIR!!! Plague is out cold as Mantra can barely stand as he tries to rush to the ladder, but falls. Jonothan is pouring water on his burned arm while Ichabod is sneaking around the ring. Ichabod sneaks in and hits the BITCH THUMP INTO THE POSITIONED TABLE ON MANTRA!! Both men go through the table, but Mantra took the worst of it. Ichabod is up and he runs over to Jonothan and begins to choke him with a piece of blood dripping barbed wire. Ichabod then picks up a steel pail and blasts Jono over the head with it several times. Why would they have a match of this magnitude right before Wargames. I don't even think they will make it to Wargames after this match. Jono grabs a red wagon and flips it behind him as it catches Ichabod in his red face. Ichabod goes down, but then the crowd begins to boo LOUDLY as Asylum, Draven, and Cletus run down to the ring. They slide in and waste NO time as they start to beat the hell out of Jonothan and Mantra. Cletus sets up the chair and DDT's Mantra on it. Asylum grabs Jonothan and hits a SHCOK TREATMENT and puts him out. Draven helps up Ichabod who is still feelin the effects of the red wagon. As The Henchmen try to secure their victory they are ATTACKED by a rushing Team Star....uh we go..all HELL is breaking loose now. Bastian Xane drops Draven with a massive clothesline and then gorilla presses him and TOSSES HIM HEAD FIRST INTO THE LADDER!!! Diablo comes in and gives Asylum the FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME on the TACKS as Wolf drops Cletus with a ANARCHYS PLAYPEN ON A CHAIR!!! 5 Star doesn't even care who wins this one as they start to beat on Mantra and Jonothan. Who in the hell is this?? Here comes IHWA ROOKIE and former TEXAS RANGER "SOUTHERN JUSTICE" SAMUAL BOONE!!! He jumps in the ring as 5 Star just looks at him and then goes to jump him. But Boone didn't come alone as he clocks Xane with a cow bell and does the same to Wolf. Diablo tries to come from behind but Bone catches him and delivers one NASTY looking lariat. It's about TIME some JUSTICE is being served. He helps up Jonothan and Mantra as they both look at him and raise 3 fingers in the air. The fans go wild as we find out WHO THE THIRD MAN IS AND IT'S SAMUAL BOONE!!! My lord this ornary Texan has just cleaned house. But the match is far from over as the Henchmen tackle him from behind and start to attack him. It spills to the outside as Xane and Wolf join the fray. Asylum is up, but picking tacks out of his body. Jono goes to attack him, but is cut off by Ichabod who knees him in his back. But Asylum sees Diablo who is still getting up and slaps on the STRAIGHT JACKET ON DIABLO!!! He has the submission hold locked on the champ, and this match is no officially OUT OF CONTROL!!! Mantra makes the save for his partner and starts to go buck wild on Ichabod. He pounds him in the corner as Plague gets up, but Jono is there to NAIL THE DROP OUT DDT!!! He just drove his head into a stainless steel kitchen sink. Jonothans battered and burned body begins to climb the ladder, but Ichabod breaks free of the beating from Mantra and grabs the leg of Jonothan. Mantra tries to get up, but Wolf is on the outside choking him with a cable chord. Ichabod climbs the ladder and goes for the Bitch Thump, but Jono pushes him off the ladder and Ichabod falls FACE FIRST into the COW BELL strike of a running Samual Boone. Jono wastes no time and GRABS THE RING BEL!! But he has to make it ring, and ring it does as he jumps off the ladder and SMASHES BOTH DIABLO AND ASYLUM IN THE HEAD WITH IT!!! A ref quickly runs in and raises hand and runs out as a massive BRAWL is taking place and we are getting a small taste of Wargames is gonna be like. We have the whole ring and outside of the ring cluttered with fights as the crowd cheers this madness on. IS WARGAMES GOING TO BE THIS CHAOTIC AND SAVAGE??!! GOOD LORD LOOK AT THE CARNAGE IN AND OUT OF THE RING...IT'S GONNA BE INSANE!!! SEE YOU AT THE PPV!!!!

Winners: Jonothan and Julius Mantra